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by bnnm at 10:06 AM EST on February 4, 2018
@Ultrafighter - smaller Superbike XAs seem correct as the file has video chunks too. Try the different options in VGMT, or maybe you could try another XA .bms extractor I think I saw somewhere in xentax. Also dont forget to check CD tracks. MGAVs I'm working on it as it's trickier than expected, same thing used in Freekstyle.

@marcusss - Unplayable FADPCM.

@rebooter23 - The file is divided into multiple regions, but currently plays all at once. I think it could be changed to play as subsongs but not sure how other games would be affected.

edited 10:18 AM EST February 4, 2018
by AnonRunzes at 5:05 PM EST on February 4, 2018
yet another zenhax thread about some FSB "file"... and mygoshi wants to "convert" these FSB files into GENH.
by bxaimc at 5:33 PM EST on February 4, 2018
cough GENH was created here. Why is he asking over there?
by marcusss at 5:35 PM EST on February 4, 2018
Thanks bnnm.. I was afraid to find out it was unplayable.. Doh ! Damn more and more are starting to use this FADPCM. If only there was info on it so it can be played some day.

by AnonRunzes at 6:19 PM EST on February 4, 2018
@bxaimc - ask him yourself. i've ranted about his ass for a reason yet he refuses to listen
by Ultrafighter at 9:16 AM EST on February 5, 2018
@Bnnm: Hi, thanks for this SBK update! It's also good to hear some news about Freekstyle, its soundtrack totally deserves a neat streamed rip as it's never been ripped (I don't even know of any line-in ones!).

I'm ripping some previous-generation EA VG (Goldeneye Rogue agent to be exact) & playing its BGM banks as EAMs but there're some rare glitches here and there. Can this bug be fixed somehow (so that I won't have to search for some specific segments inside those MUS bigfiles, extract them & try playing 'em as SNG/ASF files)? I hope it's possible & I'll be able to include just completely & properly playable original banks in my set, not thousands of segments (would such a rip even qualify for JoshW? I don't think so).

Here you can find numerous samples of aforementioned bigfiles and text document with pretty accurate timestamps for those playback (?) errors. I suppose the latter file will be very useful.


Edit: Here's also a single movie track from Goldeneye that doesn't work for me. May you look into it & fix its playback if possible?
Thanks in advance and all the best!

edited 2:29 PM EST February 5, 2018
by bnnm at 3:18 PM EST on February 5, 2018
latest vgmstream changes (autobuilds (MSVC) / foobar / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Add SCD v4 ATRAC9 [Kingdom Hearts 2.8 (PS4)]
- Add MAB encrypted HCA [Final Fantasy XII TZA (PS4/PC)]
- Add SAB OGG Vorbis [Final Fantasy XV Benchmark sfx (PC)]
- Add EA SNS/SPS DSP [Need for Speed Nitro sfx (Wii)]
- Fix SABs with long descriptors [Final Fantasy XV Benchmark sfx (PC)]


@Ultrafighter - I think it's fixable, will see layer.
by Ultrafighter at 12:16 PM EST on February 6, 2018
It's nice but can this be said about both EAMs / MUS bigfiles with glitches in the middle & that currently unplayable movie track? I hope so because it'd be very good to have that credits song readily playable as well as those playback bugs removed and BGM archives playing smoothly & flawlessly.
See you!
by bxaimc at 12:22 PM EST on February 6, 2018
Sometimes encoding glitches happen during mastering.
by bnnm at 1:48 PM EST on February 6, 2018
All those are fixable I think. Due to how EA's blocks work there is a chance a few fail to decode while the rest don't, causing those glitches.

But for example, EALayer3 "2P" in .SNS/SPS blocks has a bug where the first ~1000 samples decode wrong, and fixing it would require a complete restructure of the decoder, so it depends. But it's probably a minor offset bug in this case.

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