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by Brandondorf9999 at 12:22 AM EST on February 9, 2018
After I ripped every music except for Atomsmasher, I was trying to rip atomsmasher from the GameCube port of TimeSplitters 2 using VGMStream, but the tool refused to read the samples and convert the .mss to .wav

Here's the sample I'm trying to convert it to wav.

edited 11:13 AM EST February 9, 2018

edited 11:13 AM EST February 9, 2018
by Ultrafighter at 4:32 PM EST on February 9, 2018
Hello Bnnm, I'm reripping Rogue trooper for PS2 ATM & wondering if you can add its Sony 4-bit ADPCM variant to VGMStream in the next update. Here are some samples & a bit of essential info on the format: frequency value is at 0xd & 0xc while interleave is at 0x11 & 0x10.
It seems to be rather easy format & simple header so that it'd be great to have it supported by plugin and playable without any conversion (right now one has to dump those BGMs to PCM using ToWAV). Also I can't really TXTH this set because that interleave value tends to change from file to file.
by marcusss at 4:01 AM EST on February 11, 2018
Hi bnnm. Can you add support for this file? Or advise an alternate way to split the wma files?

It is in wma v2 audio format from what i can see and plays with vlc (around 3hrs of vgm all lumped together). I tried splitting it like with vgmtb advanced cutter but had no luck. I think it might be like a playlist so hopefully all the track numbers show in vgmstream when loaded?

Juiced PC streamed music file

Also the game Lineage II C4 contains vorbis which I was unable to extract properly. The header says L2SD but vorbis is briefly mentioned in the files although not like the usual vorbis files.

e.g. L2SD..........e=......˜šVõ...vorbis.....D¬..ÿÿÿÿ.ô..ÿÿÿÿ¸.OggS..........e=......b¶r..Sÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ

Anyway here are some samples.

OGG Samples

edited 7:12 AM EST February 11, 2018
by bxaimc at 11:36 AM EST on February 11, 2018
@Ultrafighter, change the file extension to .MIHB and try again.
by bnnm at 11:46 AM EST on February 11, 2018
latest vgmstream changes (autobuilds (MSVC) / foobar / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Fix some SCHl EALayer3 [GoldenEye: Rogue Agent (Xbox)]
- Fix some MSS DSP [TimeSplitters 2 (GC)]
- Add XNB XMA (uncompressed) [Terraria (X360)]
- Fix SXD with internal+external data [The Last Guardian (PS4)]
- Winamp: add downmix option for debugging
- (dev) Winamp unicode tweaks, test.c renamed
- (dev) disabled MAIATRAC3 MS builds

I added debug downmixing for Winamp since it tends to whine about >2ch files.
May add to foobar later since I think would help with >8ch files that seem unsupported.


@Ultrafighter - Goldeneye still glitches in certain files (less common), bug in the mpeg DLL I think, will notify the author.
F1 2011 3DS needs to be reripped (cut tracks), try this txth or get F1 Vita instead.
Rogue Agent txth if renaming didn't work.

@marcusss - It's literally a single 3h WMA so it's not easy to divide manually, subsong positions would be in another file/exe I guess. Ogg will add.

edited 11:46 AM EST February 11, 2018

edited 11:47 AM EST February 11, 2018
by marcusss at 4:39 PM EST on February 11, 2018
Thanks bnnm for taking a look. I don't mind manually timing or splitting mp3 as games like implosion i did that but didn't have wma this way before. I will try to find that file you said might be present in the install or might have to try the manual way once I figure out the split points.

BTW Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell : Double Agent (PC) has a 1gb .ss0 music stream similar to other Tom Clancy games. Is it best to cut it to 10mb for you to take look at the structure ?

I will upload the sample later tonight when i get a chance but figured I might as well ask.

Cheers !

edited 4:50 PM EST February 11, 2018

edited 4:52 PM EST February 11, 2018
by bnnm at 5:18 PM EST on February 11, 2018
Splinter Cell games use the .sm0+.ss0 (.sm0=header, .ss0=data) format which is the cousin of .sb0+ss0. You may remember .sb0 as that crappy layered format in Prince of Persia, this one also includes every single sound/sfx in the same file (as subsongs). It's similar enough I could add but I'm not sure if it's worth.

Btw, later Ubi games use the bao/spk format which is a lot saner and doesn't layer (as much?) but on the other hand is much harder to figure out.
About the BOTW bfstms having multiple regions by rebooter23 at 5:38 PM EST on February 11, 2018
Thanks for your reply. Any idea what I would have to change in the source in order to compile a test.exe that would use the -s interface in bfstms?

I'm not sure but does line 43 in vgmstream/meta/bfstm.c assess the amount of regions?

edited 5:54 PM EST February 11, 2018
by Brandondorf9999 at 3:36 AM EST on February 12, 2018
For Spyro: A Hero's Tail sound effects, I ripped the soundbanks from the .sfx files (in the GameCube port of the game) using the updated musx quickbms script that aLuigi provided in Zenhax, but the last step I need to get past is the decompression/conversion of .dat files to .wav so they can be played on any media player. Here's the samples of the files that are Spyro's voice effects:

edited 3:39 AM EST February 12, 2018
by marcusss at 7:47 AM EST on February 12, 2018
Hi bnnm! Thanks for the reply.

I will leave it for now as it is 1gb in size so it can wait. I have some music supposedly? from Novastorm, an old PC game. The music I have been told is good but uses a strange compression or something from what people say.

I took a look at the disc and noticed a few filetypes .fa .fza and .mza (meaningless I know) but they are large in size and in each level folder on the disc so migt contain the music. So I have uploaded a small sample for you to check if you don't mind...whenever you are free. no rush.

Novastorm Examples



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