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by hcs at 4:59 PM EDT on August 3, 2008
Um, don't confuse multi-track with AIX. AIX is a system that interleaves ADX files. vgmstream sees the whole AIX file as a single track with many channels; though it can be used for alternate tracks it was implemented so that 5.1 surround files can be supported.

Mario Galaxy is a different format altogether. I simply don't have support for > 2 channel AST.

Mario Kart Wii is yet a different format. It should work, though, however your output plugin probably doesn't support playing that many audio channels at once.

I provide no support for picking individual channels to play; though potentially this could be added to the plugin it is not a feature of the central decoding library, and I have no intention of bothering with it now.
by Elven Spellmaker at 7:50 PM EDT on August 3, 2008
@hcs: So in order to hear the multi tracks properly (with and without the extras) I would have to use test.exe to export the multi_0 and the multi_1 and line the two different samples up?
Also with Mario Kart Wii my ouput plugin does support multi channel. If I use test.exe it does export the multichannel BRSTM files properly because an editor like Audacity allows manipulation of the multiple channels, but it only plays the first two channels (stereo) in Winamp. Does VGMStream have multichannel BRSTM support then? If so is my codec set-up wrongly?

"I provide no support for picking individual channels to play; though potentially this could be added to the plugin it is not a feature of the central decoding library, and I have no intention of bothering with it now."

If that ever got put in that would be good =D

Many Thanks for explaining,

Elven Spellmaker
by hcs at 9:18 AM EDT on August 4, 2008
Yes, if you want those, which are now split into two files, mixed you will have to mix them yourself.

test.exe is just vgmstream with a command line interface and wav writer slapped on the front.
in_vgmstream is just vgmstream with a winamp plugin slapped on the front.

If only the first two channels play it is your output plugin's problem. While it may support multichannel up to 6 channels (for 5.1), it may not support the 8 channels in some Mario Kart Wii tracks.
Another Q... by Elven Spellmaker at 2:23 PM EDT on August 4, 2008
@hcs: Sorry... I have another question:

Does this mean that when the ST was ripped for Mario Galaxy, that the tracks were one, but someone manually split them, or are they seperate tracks in their own right? I'm assuming the second one, but if its the first, do you know if anyone has the unsplit multi_ files?

Many Thanks
by hcs at 9:23 PM EDT on August 4, 2008
They were single tracks, I split them. The tool that does this is ast_multi. I don't think I have the originals anymore. They don't play in in_cube (and probably vgmstream) anyway.

A few corrections: I found them, and they work in vgmstream.

edited 9:36 PM EDT August 4, 2008


edited 10:18 PM EDT August 4, 2008
by Elven Spellmaker at 6:12 AM EDT on August 5, 2008
Hi, thanks for these tracks, I am assuming that they won't play in the Winamp version of vgmstream - as they didn't work for me. I'm guessing then that text.exe needs to be used to extract these files, as the vgmstream only deals in stereo, correct?
by hcs at 8:46 AM EDT on August 5, 2008
See my previous comments regarding Winamp output plugins. It ought to work fine in in_vgmstream.

edited 8:54 AM EDT August 5, 2008
by Elven Spellmaker at 9:21 AM EDT on August 7, 2008
@hcs: Yeah, I downloaded the three files that vgmstream needed and they all play in winamp now. (I had them all but in the plugins folder, they are now in both the main Winamp directory and the plugins folder.)

Still the problem remains with the surround sound though. For the Mario Kart ones its understandable, they are 8 channels each. But for Mario Galaxy they are only 4 and still my Winamp insists on playing them stereo and chopping the other two channels off...
Is this a problem with my Winamp then in that case?

Or is it something to do with when I export them as *.wav, the first two channels are set to "left" and "right" but the other 2 are just "mono" and "mono..?
by hcs at 9:24 AM EDT on August 7, 2008
Audacity just doesn't know what to do with the extra channels so it just treats each as mono. Winamp doesn't know what to do with the extra channels so it just ignored them. Simple as that.
by Elven Spellmaker at 10:02 AM EDT on August 7, 2008
O.K., so Winamp is being silly then, as it should know what to do with them, being "able" to play surround sound... It says on Winamp ((Surround)), but its just ignoring them. I though it was simple but just wondering.

Even if I force mono and set my speaker setings to mono, it still ontly plays in stereo... It must be my drivers then, I seemed to remember having trouble installing them...

edited 10:11 AM EDT August 7, 2008

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