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by bnnm at 6:54 PM EDT on March 21, 2018
@marcusss - not that I know, but I reported to the fsb5_tool author the bug and also asked Droidsound to support subsongs, hopefully they help.
by Anterag at 8:02 AM EDT on March 22, 2018
Hi Bnnm,

Just to let you know that I actually extracted headerless XMA streams from EA XMA music archive (hog_music_stream.mus) from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on Xbox 360.

After this, I added a XMA header to the headerless audio files.

I tried playing the XMA with vgmstream but there is music for 1 second and then complete garbage. Maybe I extracted corrupted XMAs or it's a variant.

Here's one of them: Download

Could you take a look at it please?

edited 8:02 AM EDT March 22, 2018

edited 8:02 AM EDT March 22, 2018

edited 8:05 AM EDT March 22, 2018
by Ultrafighter at 2:48 AM EDT on March 23, 2018
@Anterag - maybe you should have split initial audio bank by "SCHl" stream start identifier, changed extensions of extracted tracks to *.asf/*.mus/*.sng and try playing them with VGMstream? Keep in mind that "SCHl" is the header for older EA container format so that possibly this method isn't going to work on their newer titles...

@Bnnm - I'm wondering if XWB_Split actually deserves an independent entry @Github... I mean it's a standalone tool with rather specific purpose which should have its own page/subsection IMO.
Just my 2 cents. If all future versions are gonna appear here then it's OK too.

Regards, Ultrafighter.
by Knurek at 3:28 AM EDT on March 24, 2018
@bnnm: any chance for a sxd_split? I still use XMPlay, and neither native nor winamp versions of VGMStream support subsongs there.
Vita\Super Robot Taisen OG Saga comes as one large SXD2 file, would be nice to be able to play more than the first song without having to switch players.
by ChillyBilly at 5:40 AM EDT on March 24, 2018
Yes, I'd like to second the SXD splitter proposal. That was part of the reason I was hesitant about posting that SRW rip Knurek mentioned. I may primarily use foobar, but I still like having separate files if I can help it....

Anyway, while I'm here, I thought I'd make a different inquiry, related to a few Konami-published games: I recently ripped Muscle Champion: Kinnikutou no Kessen, Contra: Evolution HD, and Remote Control Dandy SF for the Gamecube, PC, and PS2, respectively. The Contra rip comes in OGG files, but for some reason they're unplayable for me. As for the other two, I provided what I THINK are the sound archives for the Muscle Champion game (the MSM file might be for sequenced audio, but again, I'm not sure), and Dandy comes in a VAS archive much like the ones used for the Power Pro series (something I find particularly interesting since it wasn't actually Konami who developed this game). If anyone is able to look into these, I'd greatly appreciate it!
by marcusss at 5:14 AM EDT on March 25, 2018
@bnnm : Thanks for recommending those additions. Looks like they were implemented in the latest release
by bnnm at 6:49 PM EDT on March 25, 2018
latest vgmstream changes (autobuilds (MSVC) / foobar / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Fix 10ch XMA [Skylanders SuperChargers (X360)]
- Add .caf ALAC [Chrono Trigger v1 (iOS)]
- Fix .caf regression
- Fix some .wem [UFC Undisputed 2009 (PS3)]
- Fix repeated subsongs in ATSL
- Fix AKB2 subsongs [Mobius Final Fantasy (PC)]
- Fix reading .ATX filename in plugins
- Add RSD6WMA [Scarface (Xbox)]
- Add true multichannel XBOX-IMA + RSD6XADP [Scarface (Xbox)]
- Add .smv [Cho Aniki Zero (PSP)]
- Add Yamaha/NXAP ADPCM (bad decoding) [Time Crisis 4, Time Crisis Razing Storm (PS3)]
- Add .aac ADPCM [Star Ocean Ananmesis v1, Heaven x Inferno (Mobile)]
- Add .L/R extension [Crash Nitro Kart (PS2)]
- Add XWB internal name reading (rare)
- Improve Dreamcast AICA decoding (not very noticeable)
- (dev) Remove layout_ogg and cleanup
- (dev) Simplify last block interleave
- (dev) Use libvorbis over FFmpeg for AKB Ogg

Also updated xwb_split (fixed compact mode and modified to generate smaller files, if something fails use -a for the older method).


@Anterag - probably extracted wrong, I'd need to see the original files.

@Ultrafighter - I see xwb_split as 'done' (barring bugs), no much point to github it.

@Knurek - I'd rather use my limited time to make subsongs playable in XMPlay. I can't properly fix it due to XMPlay limitations but I think I could hack it to advance to the next subsong in the same playlist entry, though it's tricky to achieve.
Splitters are real hard work, and subsong formats have many unknown parts (that if removed I can't guarantee won't be needed in the future) and range from "fairly complex" to "retardedly complex". But somebody with quickbms or python knowledge would be able to make one based on vgmstream's code I think, as I leave many comments to document the formats along.

@ChillyBilly - Contra is encrypted. Muscle Champion is Hudson's format, may add later, try PDTExt meanwhile. Remote Dandy is a bunch of files together that must be splitted first.
by ChillyBilly at 9:08 PM EDT on March 25, 2018
@bnnm: Thanks for the response! Anyway, as far as Muscle Champion goes, I tried the tool you linked to and split the files. However... they only play fine for about a second or two before they start to glitch up. I even tried the tool with a couple other Hudson GC games that use the same format (Cubic Lode Runner and the Adventure Island remake), but I encountered the same issue. That being said, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could add support for these files! As far as the other two titles go, I'll see if I can try finding a solution to them on my own. Again, thanks!
by Ultrafighter at 4:49 AM EDT on March 26, 2018
@Bnnm: Huge thanks for both an update of xwb_split & that Scarface rerip! I also see that WEMs from UFC Undisputed 2009 are fixed now, nice work too!
Keep it up with VGMStream changes & additions!

Edit: May I ask you if these tracks from Medal of honor (2010) don't play because I can't set correct extension for them, find an appropriate decoder or they're actually yet another unknown/unsupported variant of EA ADPCM (XAS or "simple" 4-bit ADPCM)? It's PC. ver. of the game BTW.

VGMToolBox didn't report a single error after demuxing of VP6 vids had been finished but strangely enough I've got these (currently unplayable) SNGs (more than half of movie tracks) & weird BINs (1 per a *.vp6 video) which were totally unexpected. I'll be very grateful if someone helps me with those files.


edited 7:53 AM EDT March 26, 2018
by Anterag at 11:49 AM EDT on March 26, 2018
@bnnm : Hi, thank you for responding. Here is the original MUS archive.

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