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by marcusss at 9:37 AM EDT on April 8, 2018
@ bnnm. Just pointing out the first few or so small mcadpcm files for [Switch] Skyrim don't work.
They start with 01 whereas the others that use 02 as identifier? work with the latest vgmstream


edited 9:52 AM EDT April 8, 2018
by Anterag at 11:54 AM EDT on April 8, 2018
Hi. Just want to inform that the OPUS files for Lego Marvel 2 Switch rip are unplayable.
by bnnm at 6:39 PM EDT on April 8, 2018
@Anterag - must rename to .lopus due to reasons. Tintin will fix.

@marcusss - Will fix, too.

@Ultrafighter - FEAR 2 bms + txth (global.snd has garbage at the end, it's normal the last file doesn't extract ok)

edited 6:46 PM EDT April 8, 2018
by marcusss at 1:51 AM EDT on April 9, 2018
@ bnnm : Thanks. Btw can you add the lineage 2 .ogg support to vgmstream from a long time ago as I tried to play but still not working though thought it was already added? The one with l2sd header..Somehow they still don't play..



edited 1:55 AM EDT April 9, 2018
by bxaimc at 8:13 AM EDT on April 9, 2018
You’ll need to rename them to .logg
by marcusss at 8:18 AM EDT on April 9, 2018
@ bx Ahh thanks. So forcing it to use vgmstream instead of the regular ogg library helps it work hey.

You must be busy with everyone's updates so sorry we all gave you a lot to do. Lol
by Ultrafighter at 2:08 PM EDT on April 9, 2018
@Bnnm - Your BMS for F.E.A.R. 2 is truly good but there's always room for improvement, am I right? I believe this will help you make the script even better by adding a "extraction with initial filenames" feature. My archive contains 2 SNDs from FEAR 2: Reborn & SoundDB.gamedb from both main game & that DLC. Good luck with adding more functionality to your BMS, I hope you'll be more successful than author of SNDExtractor.exe!

About Kakuto chojin: I extracted all those unplayables with EkszBox-ABX v2.0 today & have just finished listening to WAVs created by that program. There's not a single silent track among them but a few StageStream# files have 2 stereo tracks within. All these StageStream*.stx aren't so important though, they're all ambiences as I presumed earlier.
Crusher, JD, Selector, Theme_Intro & Vittoria are BGMs so that having them (preferably all) playable would be very nice. Would you like me to upload aforementioned XBOX ADPCM streams for reference?
Oh and I almost forgot to comment on that "maybe (those unplayable STXs) should be re-ripped": actually most ambient streams sound kind of weird, it's like all the audio is in the left channel while the right one is mostly unused, almost silent. Possibly ambiences I'm talking about were originally mastered this way but still...

Returning to Medal of honor RES: Yep their structure is a mystery to me and I've got no clue to how such headers should look like, I simply found your older post in this thread related to converting / playing Battlefield: Bad company 2 PS3 set (3rd post there) and tried to take steps similar to the ones you suggested.
BTW all 9 remaining EALayer3 tracks from movies are playable now, thanks for this!

"MGAV I'm having trouble to demux them."
Do you mean it's hard to unpack / split / figure out that giant S.AV archive from Freekstyle or implement those smaller S.AV from Supercross (the ones that probably have a single song inside each file)? Well it's a major bummer if Freekstyle soundtrack is still inaccessible but Supercross tracks aren't such a big deal after all.

In regard to State of emergency 2: do you mean that MIBs which have some accompanying MIHs are already playable or can be demuxed & played back fine after that? This is how I understood this part of your reply: "many files don't have the .MIH (header), so I'm not sure what could be done (to them but not to the ones that have *.MIH companions?)".
As for other *.mib, the ones that don't have corresponding *.mih, well it's some worrying news to hear. I simply hope I won't have to UL entire ISO dump (except for vids or Music folder) for you to wade through its contents... If it's really so complicated then I guess we can deem this VG unrippable & just move on.

Till next time!

PS. Unfortunately the latest update for both players seems to break support for this rip and possibly some other plain AT9 tracks, can it be fixed?

edited 2:11 PM EDT April 9, 2018
by ChillyBilly at 10:17 PM EDT on April 9, 2018
@Infernus: Wow, thanks again! I've got the music now, all right! All that's left is for me to demux the movies and I'll have that sucker uploaded soon enough. Just wanna express my gratitude again! :D
by bxaimc at 12:42 AM EDT on April 11, 2018
@Ultrafighter: furrybob and bnnm made some fixes so AT9 should work correctly again in the next release.
by marcusss at 2:30 AM EDT on April 11, 2018
Thx. Bx

I have 1 more to upload later on. Strange. Game has movies with usm extension inside .pac files that are actually and game uses both xwb and hca for its bgm. I thought maybe 1 is used for med or high settings but the music seems different in both types of files.

Anyway will upload it later when I get home

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