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FB2K Bug? Or What is it? by DarkEssid at 7:47 AM EDT on April 14, 2018
Hello, everyone.
I found something strange while using foobar2000. [+ vgmstream Component]
When playing back the 'Nintendo DSP 4-bit ADPCM' file that was previously in the playlist, Codec: Lossless is displayed in the Properties window.

However, in the newly added file, Codec: Lossy appears in the Properties window. Is it a bug?

edited 7:48 AM EDT April 14, 2018

edited 7:49 AM EDT April 14, 2018

edited 8:03 AM EDT April 14, 2018
by bnnm at 8:53 AM EDT on April 14, 2018
It said "lossless" before but I changed it to "lossy" since some people were confused by the wording.

I think foobar caches info properties, so old files may retain "lossless" for a while, don't worry.

(food for thought: wav/PCM16/flac files can be "lossy").
by DarkEssid at 9:34 AM EDT on April 14, 2018
@bnnm I was embarrassed by these changes,
Now I do not have to worry! Thank you! [TRANSLATE INTENSIFIES]
by bnnm at 4:07 AM EDT on April 15, 2018
latest vgmstream changes (autobuilds (MSVC) / foobar / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Fix ATRAC9 regression
- Fix wve/adm missing samples in last block
- Fix missing .rpgmvo/ovb extension
- Fix some .stx
- Fix some Ubi LyN
- Fix mono .mcadpcm
- Fix EA SWVR .stream (MGAV) [Freekstyle (PS2/GC), NASCAR Rumble (PS)]
- Add .eno Ogg [Metronomicon (PC)]
- Add .smc+smh [Wangan Midnight (System 246)]
- Add artificial format TXTP (.txtp)


TXTP is the latest gimmick I just made up. It's mini-playlist file for various purposes:

- Play separate intro + loop together as a single track
#Ratchet & Clank (PS2)

# multi-files must define loops
loop_start_segment = 2 # 2nd file start
loop_end_segment = 2 # optional, default is last

#channel number must be equal, mixing sample rates is ok (uses first)

- Minifiles for formats without splitters (like good ol' .minipsf)
#Super Robot Taisen OG Saga - Masou Kishin III - Pride of Justice (Vita)
bigfiles/bgm.sxd2#12 #relative paths are ok too

# single files loop normally by default
# if defined it forces a full loop (0..num_samples)
#loop_start_segment = 1

- Play segmented subsongs as one
#Prince of Persia Sands of Time
# ranges with ~ to avoid so much C&P
amb_fx.sb0#121 #notice "#" works as config or comment

loop_start_segment = 3 #3rd segment = subsong 123, not 3rd subsong

- Channel mask for channel subsongs/layers
#Final Fantasy XIII-2
#plays channels 1 and 2 = 1st subsong

#plays channels 3 and 4 = 2nd subsong

# still 4 channels, just mutes some

- To simplify, if the .txtp is empty (0 bytes) its filename is used directly:
"Okami - Ryoshima Coast 1 & 2.aix#c1,2.txtp"

by marcusss at 4:37 AM EDT on April 15, 2018
@ bnnm : Awesome update. Great to know this fixes all those annoying songs that also have 1 sec or so of an intro. I lost track of how many did this.

by Knurek at 4:38 AM EDT on April 15, 2018
@bnnm: Amazing work, I wish we had something like this back when we were ripping all the stuff...
by Ultrafighter at 4:49 AM EDT on April 15, 2018
Hi guys, I'm wondering if I'm the only one who can't even install the latest ver. of plugin for FB... This player doesn't even start up after my normal installation procedure, it reports "internal error - one or more of the installed components has been damaged" and closes afterwards.
I found out there was an update a few days ago and that's when I started getting trouble. I think the root of the problem lies within foo_input_vgmstream.dll itself.
Can you please check if there's really an issue here or it is something on my end? Oh and I've just tried out even newer version, today's release, and the bug (?) persists.

@Bnnm - yesterday I've finally unpacked all the SNDs with your BMS and surely there's quite an abundance of super-small streams (?!) which don't even add to playlist (typically 208 Bytes or less). They're not what I'm actually worried about, I can believe that devs might use thousands of placeholders & such but there's also a dozen or two of bigger files which might be SFX & even short BGM pieces (from 64 KB to 2 MB) and they seemingly can't be processed using .snd.txth too. Can it be that's acting up, TXTH that can't be used with select split SNDs or another source of troubles entirely?
Well if your is complete & final (plus there's currently no way to implement filenames from any SoundDB.gamedb file) then I guess I can always try asking @XeNTaX, I can wait a bit for any better solution to use for initial extraction.

by AnonRunzes at 10:59 AM EDT on April 15, 2018
that is exactly what i wanted. thank you bnnm for this amazing update, and i mean it.


in any case, i have some samples to post here.

that's right, PS2 sound banks. hopefully they get to be supported on vgmstream someday...

edited 12:51 PM EDT April 15, 2018
by kode54 at 7:13 PM EDT on April 15, 2018
Okami - Ryoshima Coast 1 & 2.aix#c1,2.txtp

^ Is technically impossible in Windows, due to the comma in the filename.
by Knurek at 12:36 AM EDT on April 16, 2018
@kode54: Comma is allowed, colon isn't.

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