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by bnnm at 7:34 PM EDT on May 5, 2018
latest vgmstream changes (autobuilds (MSVC) / foobar / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Add TXTP "mode = layers" for multilayered songs
- Add .xwb DSP hack [Stardew Valley (Switch)]
- Add .opus variation [Fast RMX (Switch)]
- Fix some EA SWVR [Freekstyle (PS2/GC)]
- Winamp: Improve channel downmixer


TXTP "layers" play songs with channels/parts divided into files as one

Nier Automata - BGM_0_012_song2.txtp
# mix dynamic sections (2ch * 2)

mode = layers

Life is Strange - BIK_E1_6A_DialEnd.txtp
# bik multichannel isn't autodetectable so mix manually (1ch * 3)

mode = layers

Note that some loop options may work erratically with this feature ATM.


@Ultrafighter - I changed it to 22khz. Which tracks are supposed to be 24khz?
by AnonRunzes at 7:39 PM EDT on May 5, 2018
have you taken a look into my VAG samples i just posted a while back?
by Knurek at 12:46 AM EDT on May 6, 2018
@bnnm: neither in_vgmstream nor foo_vgmstream want to play Fast RMX files (no matter if I rename them to lopus or not)
Does it need additional .txth definitions?
by simonmkwii at 1:34 AM EDT on May 6, 2018
Yeah, Fast RMX opuses don't play.
by marcusss at 7:52 AM EDT on May 6, 2018
Hi bnnm, I tried txtp but no luck so far..

So if..

Song001a.ogg is intro
Song002b.ogg is body with loop

Then simply create a txtp such as Song001.txtp and inside there has to be the lines

# blah blah by marcusss

# mix dynamic sections (2ch * 2)

mode = layers

So you would play the .ogg such as Song001a.ogg and it will play Song001b immediately after or the txtp file? Stupid Q but so far no luck either way while using the latest foobar release. My foobar updated today.

by simonmkwii at 8:22 AM EDT on May 6, 2018
Fast RMX still doesn't play, I tried every single version of the plugin in each different player.
by bnnm at 8:49 AM EDT on May 6, 2018
forgot .lopus, should be updated soon.

@AnonRunzes - try txth

- join "segments" (intro+body):
#files must have same number of channels
loop_start_segment = 2

- join "layers" (ex. main+vocals):
#files must have same number of samples
mode = layers

So you want the first one.

edited 8:51 AM EDT May 6, 2018
by AnonRunzes at 9:20 AM EDT on May 6, 2018
ok, i'll try that one for now. thanks.
by Ultrafighter at 1:57 PM EDT on May 6, 2018
>I changed it to 22khz. Which tracks are supposed to be 24khz?
I'm sorry for any misunderstanding, there was probably a typo in my earlier post, I only meant to say that 7 BGMs (namely, then #3597, 3598, 3599, 3600, 3601 & 3602) should definitely sound @22,050 Hz but I didn't know for sure if remaining ingame tracks must be played back @22 KHz too. It's OK in my book if they are all played @22,050 Hz now.

And on an unrelated note, do you think it's possible to play headerless interleaved XMA1 data (3 stereo layers per file) using some special TXTH or TXTP? I'm reripping a very old X360 title and obviously want to avoid any unnecessary transmogrification.
The last time this game was ripped those multi-layered tracks were rebuilt to multiple 2ch XMAs with XMA_Parse.exe and a ToWAV-compatible header was added with a respective BMS. You see this isn't the way nowadays and I'd like to make my rerip as proper & final as it can get.
So may I know if such files are potentially playable or you need samples to give answer? They should use 0x8000 blocksize (default for XMA_Parse.exe) & start offsets 0x0, 0x800 & 0x1000 for layers #1, 2 & 3. The game in question is Full auto.

Best regards!

Edit (update on Freekstyle sample rate issue): I found 2 tracks by Don Veca on YouTube and can now confirm that they ( & to be precise) should be played with 22,050 Hz.
I also checked out that single licensed song by Dry cell and am sure that 22 KHz is correct frequency value for the track.

edited 12:15 PM EDT May 7, 2018
by bnnm at 4:26 PM EDT on May 8, 2018
If it's normal XMA1 (and probably is), you can make a 6ch GENH/TXTH and should play, XMA multichannel internally uses layers.

If the layers are actually custom you could deinterleave, make 3 GENH/TXTH then another TXTP to join all 3.

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