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by Elven Spellmaker at 6:06 PM EDT on August 7, 2008
See previous post, then this one...

@myself: Try downgrading soundcard to the one that worked better. Install it and hope it works, and if it does (it does) then try playing out of Winamp. Lo and behold the channels now play, obviously not in Mario Kart however some more do play! =)

It was the fact my better soundcard was for some reason not working properly in this machine...

The soundcards are the Creative Live! 5.1 Digital and the worse one is the one with the chip with the X on the end. Both are called SB-200 but only the first supports full EAX. I never used it so a downgrade only made it better. =)

Another question though, is DSP supported by vgmstream or in_cube?
Because (Mario Kart again) the DSP files in that game do not work in test.exe or winamp.

edited 6:59 PM EDT August 7, 2008
by hcs at 8:18 PM EDT on August 7, 2008
Those "DSP" files are actually the sound portion ripped from THP video. They are a somewhat different format and are not yet supported.
by Elven Spellmaker at 8:35 PM EDT on August 7, 2008
O.K. Thanks, and thanks for answering my questions and giving me the multi files! =)
by SSGotenksUFO at 4:18 PM EDT on August 17, 2008
Sorry to bring this up again, but vgmstream in its current state still cannot play these DDR SuperNOVA .vig files. It also cannot play them when I convert the files to .vag or .vig.

The reason they were working before is because I had in_cube installed. When I deleted in_cube, the files wouldn't play at all. I removed in_vgmstream and tried it with just in_cube and they seem to work perfectly.

I can upload an original .vig file if you want to have a look. Where would be the best place to upload it?
by Elven Spellmaker at 5:31 PM EDT on August 17, 2008
Just one thing, if they work in in_cube, then that is ok for now isnt it? Just rename in_cube.dll to in_zube.dll, so that in_vgastream will take priority over it for other audio files. Also make sure you have the 3 things that are in the readme.txt, they help certain formats in VGAstream. For example I have multi files, and these didn't play until I had those files.

Try downloading them, if you already havn't and see if they work. If not then they are not supported yet...
by hcs at 6:12 PM EDT on August 17, 2008
Please do upload a sample. Preferably upload all of them :)
in_cube's extension recognition wasn't very precise, so a number of other PS ADPCM formats might have actually played it, besides the actual VAG parser.
When you play them with in_cube, what does Winamp the winamp info box ("View file info...") say under "type"?
by SSGotenksUFO at 9:19 AM EDT on August 19, 2008

Sample file here.

edited 9:19 AM EDT August 19, 2008
by hcs at 8:52 PM EDT on August 19, 2008
latest build, should work for ya.
by SSGotenksUFO at 9:51 PM EDT on August 19, 2008
It does. Thanks so much. *hi5*
by bxaimc at 12:03 AM EDT on August 21, 2008
hey SSGotenksUFO, would you mind uploading the DDR SuperNOVA .vig set? I would really appreciate it if you did :)

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