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by Ultrafighter at 11:15 AM EDT on May 31, 2018
@Bnnm: may I ask you about 1 more thing? There's PS2 port of Spy hunter 2 and I'm reripping it ATM but for some reason all the SS2 files (demuxed from PSS vids) don't play properly. Can it be fixed? I've got a few examples here.
Regards, Ultrafighter.
by Nicknine at 2:34 PM EDT on May 31, 2018
Update on JOE format, I've looked at it closer and it looks like the size in the header includes the file all the way to the end including the padding so I guess the current method for calculating data start is safe.

I've checked all of Asobo Studio's PS2 games and this format is used in their own engine which they've been using since their very first game on PS2, Super Farm, although it's different in the oldest games. Here are the results:

Super Farm:

0x00 - sample rate
0x04 - double of data size
0x08 - 0x0045039A
0x0C - 0x00108920
(don't know what these are)
0x10 - data start
Interleave is 0x4000

Sitting Ducks:

0x00 - sample rate
0x04 - double of data size
0x08 - 0xCCCCCCCC
(looks like padding)
0x10 - data start
Interleave is 0x8000

The Mummy: The Animated Series:

0x00 - sample rate
0x04 - data size
0x08 - 0xCCCCCCCC
(looks like padding)
0x10 - data start
Interleave is 0x8000

The format became what's seen in Pixar games and currently handled by vgmstream in Counter Terrorist Special Forces: Fire for Effect and remained unchanged since then:
0x00 - sample rate
0x04 - data size
0x08 - zero
0x0C to 0x401F - padding, contains garbage
0x4020 - data start
Interleave is 0x10

edited 9:02 PM EDT May 31, 2018
The Darkness files by Alpha23 at 11:41 AM EDT on June 1, 2018
Well, The Darkness contains XMA files. I haven't looked into the structure but just for the sake of showing, here are the two parsed files from ExtraContent.xwc:!68lAUSqS!uKAzqiiBGCP4_-yX_sZDEm_hxIMq_Q-XUHC2M8qOCPc
by Ultrafighter at 4:24 AM EDT on June 2, 2018
Thanks Timo but I'll be even more thankful if you post the script (?) you used to split given XWC into 2 headerless tracks. You see the method of dividing *.xwc archives into individual streams is the main thing I'm after; as soon as I learn it I'll be able to play them with a TXTH I guess.

It's just that I want to make a rip that won't ever need any reripping (as utopian as it seems) and add it to VGM archives here, it means that I shouldn't add custom headers (be it XMA1 or XMA2) to the streams which were originally headerless. This is why I'd truly appreciate it if you shared your technique in this thread.

by Alpha23 at 5:45 AM EDT on June 2, 2018
Well... that was just a quick test with manual cropping and testing with xma_parse: Cut at the start of the XMA stream, use the -x option of xma_parse, search for the next xma start with the help of the created XMA (just search for the end bytes to know where to look) and so on. Once I had the two unparsed xma files I could easily parse them with my script (). However, if (IF) I find the time in the near future, I'll just rip the game myself if that helps. ;)
by bnnm at 5:50 PM EDT on June 3, 2018
latest vgmstream changes (autobuilds (MSVC) / foobar / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Fix some .XWC [The Darkness (X360)]
- Fix some .JOE [Super Farm (PS2), Sitting Ducks (PS2), The Mummy (PS2)]
- Fix TXTP upper ranges
- Add AIFC IMA4 [Alida (PC)]
- Add .H4M videos (wip)
- Added HCA key for Princess Connect Re:Dive (by micktu)


Remember .aif must be renamed to .aifc for foobar and co.

@Ultrafighter - EA SNR/SNS .MUS. Change first command to "endian big" for X360/PS3, happy TXTP'ing (I think the .mpf has song sequences at the end but it's quite impenetrable).
Unplayable NFS Undercover .sng, post original vids as I don't think they demuxed correctly.
For XWC use that bms to get WAVEDATA and STRINGS, then use this bms
SS2 rename to .vgsmtream + txth. Can't fix directly until I find enough real .ss2.
by Nicknine at 7:22 PM EDT on June 3, 2018
Seems like Asobo Studio's VAI header I mentioned earlier is only used in Ratatouille 'cause this is the only game they ever released for Gamecube.
by Koto at 7:28 PM EDT on June 3, 2018
@bnnm any chance to get a playable set of Scott Pilgrim?
by Ultrafighter at 10:50 AM EDT on June 4, 2018
Thanks a lot Bnnm, your TXTH for Spy hunter 2 worked perfectly & BMS for Darkness also seems to do its job just fine!

Edit: BTW what is "a real .ss2"? Is it a file with SShd header which wasn't demuxed from a PSS video? I think I encountered a few PS2 VGs which used such files, I believe some of these rips can be found @Josh.Info.
So can they have what you're looking for? I can post their names if it helps.

Edit #2: here's a DL link for a few VP6s from Need for speed: Undercover. I attempted demuxing them with VGMToolBox but only audio tracks from attract vids & "storey_46" are currently playable.

edited 8:49 AM EDT June 5, 2018
by Nicknine at 10:37 AM EDT on June 5, 2018
vgmstream fails to play some tracks from Hard Reset sample banks.


Plays every track except for the last one, menu-music-combined.

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