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by AnonRunzes at 11:38 PM EDT on June 5, 2018
in case you're still around checking through this thread by now, i want you to take a look at this


these files came from the Xbox version of a game called Peter Jackson's King Gong
said files were stored on an splitted archive file which i extracted using my very own .bms script that is still in its early stages
should you want to see the script, let me know

anyway, these .waa/.wac(only one .wac file at that!)/.wad/.wam files can't be played on even the most recent version of vgmstream despite said files using some Xbox ADPCM codec data

i just hope you're able to address this
by punk7890-2 at 2:18 AM EDT on June 10, 2018
I have a couple of questions.

1. Is there any way to play these .hca files inside this awb archive properly as 4 channels? The music in there all appear to be four channels, but they all get extracted as individual songs.
2. Is there a way to properly play these MPS files? They are little endian 16-bit PCM but appear to always have static in them, no matter the interleave.
by bnnm at 6:36 PM EDT on June 10, 2018
latest vgmstream changes (autobuilds (MSVC) / foobar / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Fix some Ubi Jade [Peter Jackson's King Kong (Xbox)]
- Fix some FSB [Hard Reset (PC)]
- Fix JOE num_samples
- Add MPS extension
- Add FSB key [Monster Jam (PS2)]
- Add subsongs for FFmpeg formats
- (dev) Add VRTS counts
- (dev) Clean ADS code


@Ultrafighter - "real .ss2" AKA .ads = properly extracted, not transmogrified, not from .pss (not useful).
I don't even know if ".ss2" is ever used, actual files I've seen are .ads

@Koto - sooner or later, probably.

@punk7890-2 - AWC try HCA + create a .txtp file: TXTP layers info
MPC use TXTH. What game uses this?
by punk7890-2 at 7:03 PM EDT on June 10, 2018
Thanks for the info. The txtp works for the files, but always plays them on the left channel only.

The MPS.txth doesn't seem to work for me.

The MPS files come from a game called Scandal for the PS2.
by Ultrafighter at 1:49 PM EDT on June 11, 2018
@Bnnm - alright then, I guess I meant ADS then and I've never met a stream with "SShd" header plus *.SS2 extension myself.
I'd like to point out this set: I ripped it myself and can assure you that's the way the tracks originally were. Those *.ADS files didn't require any extraction for they were located in BGM1, BGM2, etc. folders on game disc, I merely copied them all to HDD then RAR'ed 'em up.

And may I ask if there're any news in regards to Need for speed - Undercover (PC) VP6 videos?

So long!
by Ultrafighter at 2:58 PM EDT on June 15, 2018
Hi Bnnm, I've just reripped a PS2 VG and can now provide a bunch of true SS2 (or ADS) samples (they're cheering SFX though), they're right here. If you need any BGM example files from that game just tell me and I'll provide them pronto!

BTW I also included a few WWise XMA2 (probably) samples and it'll be awesome if they become playable at some point. They come from Guitar hero: Live (X360).
Best regards!

PS. I'd also like to repost a pack of those bothersome vids from NFS:UC so here they're, I hope we'll be able to properly demux them one day and I can post a complete rip of Need for speed - Undercover!

edited 3:03 PM EDT June 15, 2018
by ChillyBilly at 12:02 AM EDT on June 17, 2018
Got another little request: So, I posted Redux: Dark Matters over at the joshw thread, but as I said there, this game's .mus files are unplayable, unfortunately. Is there anyway to change that? Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!
by bnnm at 5:42 AM EDT on June 17, 2018
latest vgmstream changes (autobuilds (MSVC) / foobar / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Add .fsb basic headers mode [Biker Mice from Mars (PS2)]
- Fix some Ubi Lyn [Michael Jackson The Experience (Wii)]
- Fix some .wem [Guitar Hero Live (X360)]
- Fix some vid EA SCHl and simplify EA block parsing
- Redo ADS to fix various issues
-- Fix minor samples bugs
-- Fix ADSC variation [Kenka Bancho 2, Shunjuku no Okami]
-- Fix misc loops [Culdcept, Katakamuna, Super Galdelic Hour]
-- Fix Capcom loops [MM X7, BOF5, Clock Tower 3]
-- Fix cavia loops [Drakengard 1/2, GITS: Stand Alone Complex]
-- Fix Angel Studios videos [Red Read Revolver, Spy Hunter 2]
-- Fix misdetected files [Gran Turismo 2000 videos]
- (dev) Remove ps2_adsc as it's handled in ps2_ads now


@Ultrafighter - EA vids should work now, but language demuxing isn't perfect and there may be garbage/glitches in some files.
I think Alpha23 did another .bms demuxer you could try.
by Ultrafighter at 9:31 AM EDT on June 18, 2018
Hi Bnnm, I can't thank you enough for fixing those GHL WEMs & adding NFS:UC vids (I mean audio from movies)! All the SNGs demuxed from VP6s are playable now and *.unknown.bin files aren't so important anyway (I highly doubt there's any unique BGM in videos, it's mostly snippets from licensed songs or original score).
BTW I'm almost sure that unknown BINs store 5 more variations of the same track, each with VO in a different language and probably they can be demultiplexed too. It should be quite a bother... I guess? As I said *.unknown.bin files are actually unimportant because having vids with just English voiceovers should be enough.

"I think Alpha23 did another .bms demuxer you could try"
He only has demultiplexer for TGQ (that old video format from early 2000s or late 1990s) in his BMS thread and presumably he's never posted about VP6 files or MVhd headers anywhere at XeNTaX forum.

Regards, Ultrafighter.

PS. Is it OK if I post 2 different samples a week? It's obvious that I don't want to be overly haunting or obtrusive but I figured out it shouldn't be too much to ask...
So am I allowed to ask for help with 2 (max) new formats per week? I mean a pair of completely different audio files when I've got no clue to the way to make them playable / convertible. I hope you won't prohibit it but it's up to you to decide after all.

Best wishes and bye again!

edited 9:37 AM EDT June 18, 2018
by simonmkwii at 6:58 AM EDT on June 19, 2018
Little request:

Prefetches, .BFSTP

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