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by AnonRunzes at 3:13 PM EDT on June 19, 2018
what do you mean by this?
by mariofan12ify at 2:30 PM EDT on June 21, 2018
Am I the only one that's having trouble with brstm looping? If not, It kinda needs fixing.
by MoldyPond at 3:47 PM EDT on June 21, 2018
I had posted about this a few months ago. Removing a few plugins helped, but they still have plaback problems 80% of the time. Either they show up in foobar with ? for the bitrate and it doesn't loop, or it just crashes foobar at some point.
by kode54 at 4:05 AM EDT on June 22, 2018
Really, remove foo_adpcm, or disable most of its inputs.
by mariofan12ify at 7:30 AM EDT on June 22, 2018
But doesn't that plugin add support for some other Wii games as well?
by bnnm at 7:17 PM EDT on June 22, 2018
@Ultrafighter - sure. I'd rather have more samples less times though, to add as I see fit.
Some things I need time to understand how to fix, or are better tackled together, or are just time consuming, etcetera. If not added I put them in the pile anyway.

@simonmkwii - never heard of those.

@mariofan12ify - brstm loops fine.
Remove the FFmpeg plugin if you have it. Other plugins can steal vgmstream's extensions at random times, find the culprit.
by Ultrafighter at 10:35 PM EDT on June 22, 2018
Hi Bnnm, can you help me with these samples from 2 different games? The 1st title can use entirely new format (or simply TXTH material) while the 2nd one might just ask for an easy quick fix of a pretty common type of an audio bank (that's my wishful thinking obviously). The VGs in question are Rock band Unplugged (PSP exclusive) & Saints row 2 (PC port).

The main problem with Rock band for PSP is ATM format (?) which can be merely a multi-layered headerless stream (AT3+ most likely because movies and preview tracks were encoded using ATRAC3+ codec) or (in the worst case scenario) some kind of proprietary archive which contains not just sound data. My guess is that each song has 4 layers (and probably 8 mono channels) but I've got no clue to the interleave value (I think we'll need it in any case: it's required to set that or make a proper 8ch TXTH, right?).
Of course I can only hope that those ATMs aren't generic archives (I.E. they're simply headerless streams) and such files can be made playable without the need to decompile an executable file or something... Oh and I almost forgot to mention where that info about amount of layers comes from: each *.atm has a companion BEATMATCH.STR and the latter file contains big chunks of plain text data; I inspected some STRs and found lists of tracks for different instruments, there're always 4 tracks (and supposedly 2*4 channels).

Saints row 2 uses XWBs mostly containing Windows Media Audio 2 + a tiny portion of Microsoft 4-bit ADPCM but the former typically doesn't play right. Strangely enough a few banks contain both playable & unplayable WMA tracks, playable ones (like SR2_CUTSCENES#1~2) have more realistic bitrates (like fixed 96 kbps) while unplayables use 32 kbps average. The latter start with noticeable glitches or my player simply skips them (some tracks can really store nothing besides silence so this has to be kept in mind too, I presume that devs put most or all voiceovers in another *.xwb bank).
My sample pack features 1 full example file along with an XSB (without names though) & cuts from 2 much bigger archives (beginning + ending as usual), feel free to request more if they're not enough. Apparently Windows version has insanely bad quality so that entire radio station (not just songs but also DJ comments & station jingles) can be 16 or 17 MB (!).

I wish you the best of luck with the samples if you decide to look into them, bye and have a good weekend!
by bnnm at 4:19 PM EDT on June 24, 2018
@Ultrafighter - Rock Band ATM are encrypted, STR are song notes/data.
Low bitrate WMA2 must be fixed in FFmpeg later.
by Nicknine at 2:08 AM EDT on June 25, 2018

Regarding the Asobo JOE header, it seems to me that 0x03 and 0x06 flags are merely used as start and end markers, not as looping points. So I think JOE files should not be always looped like they are now.
Also, could you implement VAI header (from Ratatouille [GC]) and AIF header (from late Asobo Studio games on PC). Both of them have already been studied earlier.
by AnonRunzes at 5:48 PM EDT on June 25, 2018
i'm just here to post one more sample

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