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by Mygoshi at 6:22 PM EDT on July 1, 2018

edited 7:09 AM EDT July 2, 2018
by bxaimc at 8:02 PM EDT on July 1, 2018
PSFs are sequences, not streams :)
by Mygoshi at 8:15 PM EDT on July 1, 2018

edited 7:10 AM EDT July 2, 2018
by AnonRunzes at 9:26 PM EDT on July 1, 2018
anyhow, here's a .ssm pack for eventual vgmstream support
source of these files are from a game called Giftpia, released as a Gamecube exclusive only in Japan
by Nicknine at 7:00 AM EDT on July 2, 2018

I've looked inside those files and they don't have the normal SPS header but something entirely different. My guess is that they're compressed.
by Nicknine at 11:06 PM EDT on July 2, 2018
Could you update EA SCHl parser so that it cuts multi-SCHl files into subsongs? Would help MUS files from games like Need for Speed which store music in segments.
by Nicknine at 12:41 AM EDT on July 3, 2018
Looks like vgmstream doesn't have a newer version of EA MicroTalk codec implemented, probably because an old version sx.exe was used for reversing.

Here's the latest version of sx.exe that is available (dated 2004) along with some samples from Need for Speed: Most Wanted which vgmstream currently doesn't play properly.

edited 4:40 AM EDT July 3, 2018
by Ultrafighter at 6:38 AM EDT on July 3, 2018
@Nicknine - Well thanks for looking into those SPS examples from Hot pursuit (2010), I'm sure that Bnnm would never turn down any third-party help with reversing/studying game codecs/formats.

As for NFS, SSX, 007, etc. bigfiles - do you really want VGMstream to identify initial MUS whoppers as banks (like FSBs or XWBs storing multiple streams, UbiSoft SS#/SP# archives or Bink audio with split channels stored in a single file)? While there's certainly some benefit in that I'd not say it's the best solution for playback of such files.
For example I originally started listening to untouched MW_Music.mus from NFS:MW '05 and everything was fine for almost 3 hours, then I got 25+ minutes of static in the end and had to start it all over and use another method (split the bank into individual segments with SCHL headers and re-organize them: put bunches of tiny tracks into separate folders). You see there was a succession of 4ch ambiences in the end and it broke it all (each preceding segment was stereo).
Taking all this into account I'm still fine with multi-SCHl files being played as long suites because typically EA music is heavily segmented and it'd not be too convenient to have loads of 2-3 sec. pieces in a playlist instead of 1 big track. Just my thoughts.

All the best!

PS. Do you think you can help me with these samples? It's all the stuff from Medal of honor (2010) (PC) that still remains unplayable/inconvertible and I'll be truly glad if someone helps me properly process them.

edited 6:49 AM EDT July 3, 2018
by Nicknine at 7:15 AM EDT on July 3, 2018

Oh, hey, this is exactly one of those problematic audio chunks from Frostbite Engine I talked about. Like I said, there's a seek table before the header which throws vgmstream off. You can make them playable with vgmstream by cutting it out with a hex editor and changing extension to SPS. Like this:


Note while this works for music, these chunks can contain multiple sounds and I can't think of a reliable way to cut the chunks into separate audio files. EBX/DBX files contain offset and duration for each sound but not size.

edited 7:16 AM EDT July 3, 2018
by bnnm at 2:26 PM EDT on July 3, 2018
@Ultrafighter - NFS Hot Pursuit SPS are simply headerless (EALayer3 v1 6ch), will play if you make a header.
Strange as (supposedly) SPS always include headers. Any files that look like could contain them? Otherwise I could adapt snr-make.
SPS headers almost always start with 0x4800000C (for .res you could find that value and cut before that).
If you can post more MOH .dbx/res (preferably non-music) I'll give it a look again.

@Nicknine - I'll fix NFS The Run, which program did you use to extract EBX? Could help to understand the Frostbite .sps better.
MUS I think would be better to parse the original map archives (like foo_adpcm does I think) rather than making subsongs.
EA MicroTalk it's just a parser bug.

@TheGoldenChild - I couldn't recognize those wavs, maybe they aren't audio?

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