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by Nicknine at 9:12 AM EDT on July 8, 2018
@bnnm - MPF is a format usually paired up with MUS files in EA games starting from around 2003-2004. It presumably contains the layout of MUS file and other information on how music should be played. Here are some samples.


Need for Speed: Underground 2 (10 MB cut)

Need for Speed: Most Wanted (10 MB cut)
by bnnm at 10:51 AM EDT on July 8, 2018
@Nicknine - PS3 SCHl ok, game?

MPF look similar to .MAP but not so easy to figure out.

For EBX Just to make it clearer:
- I extracted NFS Rivals (PS4) music.EBX (single file) with some BMS (I know little about the .EBX format).
- Resulting files where standard .sps and some of what I called "Frostbite .sps" (so I thought extraction was correct).
- Between Frostbite .sps start (0x01100xxx) and .SPS start is what I consider "Frostbite descriptor", dunno if it's all a seek table but seems to me the actual seek part exists only when offset @0x08 is not zero.
- All my files only had one Frostbite descriptor at the beginning.
The Frostbite SPS seemed consistent enough to be worth adding (like Dead Space .SNU) but dunno if the BMS reliably extracts .EBX, so I'm not sure that you consider EBX/seek/chunk here.

@Ultrafighter - For .SPS it's either find the header (named .SPH) or I could make a (since it's very similar to SNR+SNS), can't have headerless SPS. Do note not all SPH start with 0x4800000C.
They are likely in MUSIC.BIN or SONGS.BNDL (compressed) as I've seen .BNDL with .SNR in the past, post and I'll check.
Tribes I'll take a look later.
by Nicknine at 11:58 AM EDT on July 8, 2018
@bnnm - NFS: Carbon, haven't checked NFS: ProStreet but it likely still uses SCHl format as well. Here's 20 MB cut of the music file.

edited 12:16 PM EDT July 8, 2018

Just checked NFS: ProStreet, turns out it uses the SNR/SNS just like Undercover. So that makes Carbon the only NFS game on PS3 to use SCHl format.

edited 12:22 PM EDT July 8, 2018
by Nicknine at 12:04 PM EDT on July 8, 2018
@Ultrafighter - I've noticed three of these headerless SPS that are audio tracks for attract FMV and here's an interesting part - they're missing a tiny bit of audio at the start. This makes me think that these headerless SPS are prefetched sounds with the first N bytes including the header block being somewhere else, probably inside VP6 files in case of movie audio tracks.
by Nicknine at 1:58 PM EDT on July 8, 2018
Found another oddity with SSX 3, some of the BNK files contain "dummy sounds", e.g the header says there are 5 sounds and there are 5 entries in the header offset table but offsets 2 and 3 are zeroes and there are only three actual sounds in the BNK file, not sure what's up with that.

This is encountered in other games as well, I'm seeing this in NFS2 and NFS3.

edited 2:16 PM EDT July 8, 2018
by Nicknine at 5:46 PM EDT on July 8, 2018
Could you look into this format? These are cop speech sounds from Need for Speed: Undercover. Each sound consists of 3 files: HDR - header, STH - seek table(?), DAT - audio data. I've established that the audio is EALayer3 32000 Hz mono but that header doesn't look familiar at all.

Oh, wait, it looks like STH file contains a set of SNR headers starting from 0x04. Interesting.

Oh, yes, it's a set of "offset + SNR header" entries. HDR file contains number of sounds at 0x03 and again at 0x08. Trying to understand what the rest of HDR contents are.

Doesn't look like there's anything else of use in HDR file. Here's a QuickBMS script for parsing those files.

NFS: Undercover HDR/STH/DAT parser

@bnnm - All of those sounds cut off early when played in vgmstream, this is definitely a decoder bug because this doesn't happen if I use Zenchreal's EALayer3 tool to decode.

edited 8:00 PM EDT July 8, 2018
by marcusss at 11:41 PM EDT on July 8, 2018
Can someone with a fast pc get the key for these encrypted?? fsb5 files?? From the PC games Elimninator Kaede & SkyTime. Thx as I had no luck yet



edited 11:42 PM EDT July 8, 2018
by Ultrafighter at 9:00 AM EDT on July 9, 2018
@Bnnm - Here you can find both MUSIC.BIN & SONGS.BNDL from Hot pursuit, I hope they'll finally provide a solution (or at least nudge us in the right direction)!

@Nicknine - Which exact ones are you talking about: select SPS samples from my 5-file pack made for Bnnm or others (like the ones taken from a complete ISO dump)? I'd really appreciate it if you listed the sounds you're talking about.
Anyway I'm not sure that videos have to do something with unplayable *.SPS, there're lots of VP6 & SPS files in USRDIR\UI\MOVIES\ but the former don't have any audio and the latter are all playable.

BTW maybe you'd like to check out NFS:MW '05 for PSN while you're at it? Who knows, it can be such a lazy straightforward port from last-gen platforms that SCHL streams are still used there... That's only my guess.

Best regards!

edited 9:02 AM EDT July 9, 2018
by Nicknine at 1:39 PM EDT on July 9, 2018
@Ultrafighter - I'm talking about the files I found in my installation of NFS: Hot Pursuit. There are 3 headerless SPS files in SOUND/STREAMS which are audio tracks for attract FMVs so I assumed that first N bytes for those sounds are stored inside FMV (VP6) files that use them.
by bnnm at 4:23 PM EDT on July 10, 2018
@marcusss - both contain multiple FSB5 you must extract (FSB5 size is values at @0x0c + @0x10 + @0x14 + fixed 0x3c)

@Ultrafighter - Music.bin (compressed) has the missing header+data for 3 tracks (579677~9.SPS), while songs.bndl didn't have anything useful.
Post global.bin as it may have info too, or just all bndls anyway.

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