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by Nicknine at 5:52 PM EDT on July 10, 2018
@bnnm - Oh, there they are, it's just like I said, the files inside MUSIC.BIN are the first N bytes of the three files from SOUNDS/STREAMS. If you stitch them together, you'll get full files.

0x00 - sound offset
0x08 - filename offset
0x18 - sound size

edited 6:06 PM EDT July 10, 2018
by ChillyBilly at 6:46 PM EDT on July 10, 2018
So... I was wondering again if it's possible to make the .vas archives used in various Konami titles (particularly the GC/Wii Power Pro games) playable? I posted a few such archives here for reference...
by Nicknine at 7:21 PM EDT on July 10, 2018
@ChillyBilly - Audio header looks similar to the Konami DSP header described here. However, the archive itself is headerless so I'm not sure if it's possible to separate it into individual audio files.

edited 7:22 PM EDT July 10, 2018
by Ultrafighter at 5:12 AM EDT on July 11, 2018
@Bnnm - "Post global.bin as it may have info too, or just all bndls anyway."
Here they are.
by Nicknine at 5:24 PM EDT on July 12, 2018
Wrote up a QuickBMS script for extracting SNR/SNS files from SBR/SBS (seen in 7th-gen Electronic Arts games):

EA SBR/SBS Extractor

AFAIK newer games store SPS inside those, if anyone owns any new (post 2009) games with this format, post them here, please.

edited 5:41 PM EDT July 12, 2018
by Nicknine at 6:04 PM EDT on July 12, 2018
Update on HDR format, turns out it's used in older games that still use SCHl audio header as well and it has a different format there. There's no STH file with SNR headers and HDR file contains offsets of sounds from DAT files instead.

EA HDR/DAT Extractor

Seen in FIFA 07 and likely some other games as well.

edited 6:35 PM EDT July 12, 2018
by Ultrafighter at 9:48 AM EDT on July 13, 2018
Hello Bnnm, can you please look into this pack of samples? They all have different levels of difficulty I guess so that I'll try to list them from the easiest to the hardest:

1) Road Rash 3D (PS1 exclusive title) - I'm almost sure that your demuxer BMS works correctly and these WVE vids simply don't have any audio but I'd still really appreciate it if you double-check this theory;

2) Need for speed - Rivals (PS4 rip, not mine - I think you did it?) - I found 2 unplayable *.sps files months ago but devised some way of playing one of them just yesterday. I cut out (or simply removed) a bit of data from the very start so that the stream started with typical SPS header bytes and it apparently worked, VGMstream was able to play it. Maybe it's possible to make it (162796545852b343a3b74ac971d7dbf8.sps) playable directly, without the need to manually trim it? I hope it's a relatively easy fix.
Oh and another troublemaker, 12142b70cec4314056fe118189a1b734.sps, has 0x4800000C @0x0 but still doesn't want to be played back, is the root of the problem hidden in file itself or can it be a bad rip (it wasn't unpacked correctly or something)?

3) Hunter - The reckoning - Wayward (available only for PS2) - first of all I'd like to apologize for confusion, the samples I upped a year or two ago weren't actually untouched streams copied from disc but with different extension; I thought that I merely renamed *.SVG to *.MIB and did nothing else, I was utterly wrong - supposedly I scanned given files with ADPCM Player or even CubeMediaPlayer, extracted whatever they found inside and saved it as MIBs I uploaded ITT (quite some time ago I have to add). Sorry for that.
Anyway this time I can provide real example tracks along with a qik 'n' dirty TXTH I made, it sort of works but would it be possible to implement this format in plugin? Technically speaking each BGM or ambience track seems to be stored in an archive with its own header, 2 VAG headers in a row then headerless data. I suppose that playing such pseudo-archives as 2ch Sony ADPCM streams should be the most convenient & preferable method, we only need those "VAGp" standalone headers to read frequency value from them but that's just my opinion, it's up to you to decide how these SVGs should be implemented.
BTW they might be 1-of-a-kind thing, both previous installments in the series weren't released on PS2 (but of course Wayward devs could utilize the same sound format in other VGs they made).

Have a nice day!

edited 9:51 AM EDT July 13, 2018
by Nicknine at 10:10 AM EDT on July 13, 2018
@Ultrafighter - For NFS: Rivals, you can use Frankelstner's Frostbite 3 dumper script to extract all the contents of sb/toc and then use my sound parser to get proper SPS files for each individual sound. Although my script is based on Frostbite 2 version and NFS: Rivals runs on Frostbite 3 so it might not work. Please let me know if it does work or not.

edited 12:14 PM EDT July 13, 2018
by Nicknine at 1:03 PM EDT on July 13, 2018
Definitely need proper parsing for those "dummy" sounds with zero offsets from EA BNK files since BNK file won't be played at all if the first sound is a "dummy".

edited 1:03 PM EDT July 13, 2018
by mariofan12ify at 2:50 AM EDT on July 14, 2018
With one of the new updates, how it added support for 10 channels for most file formats, it seems that foobar2000 mutes/disables one of the channels? Don't know if it's just me, but it might need to be fixed.

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