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by Ultrafighter at 7:16 AM EDT on July 14, 2018
@Mariofan12ify - I don't quite get what you mean by "the new update added support for 10 channels for most file formats" but I probably understand what concerns you. If you think that some channels are lost in a playback / downmix process then you should check specs of your audio device, try to find info about how many channels it actually supports: if max amount is 8 or even 6 and you're listening to 8+ or 6+ channel files without using VGMstream's own downmixer (for example you have "Downmix channels to stereo" enabled in "Preferences: DSP manager" menu of FB2K) then you're likely to really not hear the 9th, 10th, etc. (or 7th, 8th, etc.) channels.

It means that if you're dealing with 16ch AWCs from Red dead redemption / Grand theft auto 5 or MOGGs from Rock band / Guitar hero (PS3 / X360 versions) or ingame / UI tracks from Manhunt 2 (PC) / Manhunt 1 (any platform) or Hyrule warriors (Wii U) multi-tracks or any other VGM streams with too many channels then you'd better disable Foobar2000's built-in downmixing DSP (or maybe keep it enabled, I'm just afraid that it might conflict with its VGMstream brother) and enable VGMstream downmixer (you can simply set it to downmix everything to stereo or to the max. amount of channels your sound card / audio device supports).
BTW this easy solution won't always work flawlessly, when it comes to RDR / GTA V *.awc you'd better play with TXTP (disabling select channels) or dump BGMs to PCM, open resulting WAVs in an audio editor then play some groups of channels (like ambient ones or tension ones).
I hope this helps, bye!

@Nicknine - I never intended to rip NFS: Rivals myself; I never actually considered ripping The run too, music might be quite good there but it's still not worth the effort - working with Frostbite engine then wading through hundreds of nameless and probably multi-layered segments (the same can also be said about MOH Warfighter or Army of two 3).
I even feel like I shouldn't have dedicated any time to HP '10 because it wasn't worth it (and of course I feel sorry for both of you, you had to invest so much time into inspection of those bothersome SPSs and they're most likely as boring & tasteless as all the tracks in the game).

Anyway if you're willing to redo Rivals (for PS4 or any other platform) or even make a set for The run (any version in existence, just not portables) then you're welcome, the more sets we have here the merrier (and obviously ripping / organizing manner or each set-maker has its own advantages, the more folks do it the better!).
BTW I'd truly appreciate it if Rivals set was a bit more organized from the beginning. For example I was wondering why there're so many 2-3 MB streams which only last for 2 seconds, I've just re-checked them and they seem to contain 15 small ambiences, each is 2 sec. long (why couldn't they use 1 long stream instead?!). It's all described in detail in "! Notes.txt" here, in my old edited version of Bnnm's (?) PS4 gamerip.

edited 7:24 AM EDT July 14, 2018
by Franpa at 7:39 AM EDT on July 14, 2018
There's no Downmixer in the Winamp version of this product?
by Nicknine at 8:54 AM EDT on July 14, 2018
@Ultrafighter - That'll only happen if you decide to sort through audio chunks manually, the scripts I use make everything pretty neat, organized and easy.
The only remaining problem is downmixing the audio, EA uses non-standard channel layout for 5.1 surround audio and instrumental music in The Run is split into 4 channels representing two stereo tracks with one containing the drums and the other containing the rest of the instruments. I have to use foobar DSP presets to mix the channels properly.
by mariofan12ify at 9:00 AM EDT on July 14, 2018
@Ultrafighter - Well I tried all those things but I guess my audio driver can only handle 8 channels but I have a program that splits all the channels in an individual wav file.
by Nicknine at 9:14 AM EDT on July 14, 2018
@mariofan12ify - vgmstream merely provides channels, how they are mixed depends on your audio player. You can use DSPs like Matrix Mixer to downmix/remix channels as required.

edited 9:14 AM EDT July 14, 2018
by mariofan12ify at 9:21 AM EDT on July 14, 2018
Ok, not sure what Matrix Mixer is or how to get it but I don't think I really need it anyway.
by Nicknine at 9:30 AM EDT on July 14, 2018
Channel mixer component for foobar2000 which allows you to mix channels in whatever way you want. Comes in handy when ripping multi-channel audio from games.
by mariofan12ify at 9:36 AM EDT on July 14, 2018
How do I install .dll plugins?
by Nicknine at 9:38 AM EDT on July 14, 2018
Eh, it's apparently an old way of distributing the components. You can install it by packing DLL into a ZIP archive and then installing ZIP from foobar.
by mariofan12ify at 9:50 AM EDT on July 14, 2018
Ok, I managed to install it but now I have no clue how to use it.

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