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by SSGotenksUFO at 6:24 PM EDT on August 22, 2008
Give me your e-mail address and I'll give you a link.
by hcs at 6:52 PM EDT on August 22, 2008
Mine's (alternatively, I love that one :)
by bxaimc at 6:55 PM EDT on August 22, 2008
Kororinpa .BRSTM and vgmstream woes by Gnac at 9:45 PM EDT on August 22, 2008
I'm having issues with vgmstream and Kororinpa's .BRSTM files.

Using Winamp 5.531 and vgmstream-r420-test, each stream loads as though the metadata has been sucessfully read, but they all have zero track lengths and refuse to play. I checked the streams out in a hex editor, and was a little suprised to discover that they don't seem to share a common header; maybe this is a quirk of the format, I don't know.

Anyway, here's a sample .ZIP containing three streams for the purpose of testythings.
by hcs at 11:17 PM EDT on August 22, 2008
Are you sure you're using the Wii extraction tools correctly? These look like junk.
by Gnac at 11:26 PM EDT on August 22, 2008
I'm using WiiScrubber, and the only step is to right-click > save on whatever it is I want. I considered the possibility that my ISO was bad, but it matches the hashes on a few P2P programs (I ripped a retail disc using nitrotux / caitsith2's wiidumpsd 1.3), so I'm at a loss here.

edited 11:27 PM EDT August 22, 2008
by hcs at 11:46 PM EDT on August 22, 2008
Does it export anything else correctly? Try using the WiiTools (old versions but they've never steered me wrong). Note that this will be a two-step process, first you have to decrypt with wiied, then extract with wiiso (which means it's going to take up between 4 and 9 GB). If the files are still screwy after wiiso extracts them then we can start panicking.

edited 11:52 PM EDT August 22, 2008
by Gnac at 12:46 AM EDT on August 23, 2008

Well, sort of. Thanks to your recommendation to use WiiTools, the files now have headers, but vgmstream still refuses to show track lengths or play them.


in_cube 0.38 likes them, so I will be uploading the streams shortly to help rectify the /bonus/ situation.

For the sake of comparison, here are the same three streams I uploaded before, this time extracted via WiiTools.
by bxaimc at 1:01 AM EDT on August 23, 2008
Plays fine with vgmstream here
by hcs at 1:59 AM EDT on August 23, 2008
Indeed, seems to work fine here as well. brstm support hasn't changed at all in a while, so it's unlikely a problem caused by you using an old vgmstream, but you still might want to try a new version. Make sure it is actually showing up in the winamp input plugins list, if not you might have to check over the readme for some dlls.

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