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by Nicknine at 10:00 AM EDT on July 14, 2018
It's a DSP, you activate it at DSP Manager screen in Preferences which defines which DSPs are applied to playback. After that you configure it as needed. The horizontal axis is input channels and the vertical axis is output channels. Note that channel labels don't matter if you're not dealing with surround audio.

edited 10:01 AM EDT July 14, 2018
by mariofan12ify at 10:05 AM EDT on July 14, 2018
Alright, I got that. What would you suggest would be good settings for it though?
by Nicknine at 10:08 AM EDT on July 14, 2018
There are no good settings, it depends on the particular sound you're dealing with and how the game handles it. E.g. you might have surround audio or the channels might represent a set of stereo tracks layered on top of each other in-game.

edited 10:08 AM EDT July 14, 2018
by mariofan12ify at 10:13 AM EDT on July 14, 2018
I really just want to be able to hear and convert some extra channels but I don't know what settings to put in.
by Nicknine at 10:18 AM EDT on July 14, 2018
Well, if you want to hear channels individually you can export the file "as is" in WAV format and then load it in an audio editor like Audacity. But this might not be how the channels are intended to be used. What game are you dealing with anyway? Can you post some samples as well?
by mariofan12ify at 10:45 AM EDT on July 14, 2018
For an example, I'll show a certain song I converted to .wav format from Super Mario Odyssey.

The full song is supposed to include a synth pad instrument but when I converted it, it just didn't include it.
by Nicknine at 11:04 AM EDT on July 14, 2018
Yeah, this track is split into 4 layers and stored as 8 channel audio. You can use this preset for Matrix Mixer to mix them all together.
Note that DSPs for Converter are set up separately!

edited 11:11 AM EDT July 14, 2018
by mariofan12ify at 11:22 AM EDT on July 14, 2018
That's pretty useful, thanks.
by bnnm at 3:23 PM EDT on July 14, 2018
foobar/Winamp vgmstream includes a downmixer (see config, ex 12ch > 8ch, 0 = no downmix), but it's very simple and quieter channels may be almost inaudible.
There is little I can do (downmixing is surprisingly involved), other than add some more config.

AFAIK foobar can't play/export any file over 8ch (DSP plugin or not, and IIRC devs won't fix), so I included such feature.
Use test.exe to convert any >8ch files to wav then process/split the channels properly, if you must.

@Ultrafighter - Road Rash 3D is all empty. NFS Rivals, both work fine for me, did you try foobar/winamp/etc? SVG, like other TXTH things, will be added eventually.
Didn't find the NFS Hot Pursuit .SPS headers so maybe I'll make a .bms later.

@Nicknine - EA BNK I'll fix later, dummy bank entries aren't too uncommon (ex. sqex SCD).
Btw, FIFA14 uses sbr/sbs with .sps and IIRC this tool worked.
by Nicknine at 3:39 PM EDT on July 14, 2018
@bnnm - The code of this tool is where I got my info about the format, BTW.
Do you have any samples from FIFA 14? I gotta see if there are any differences in the format.

edited 3:48 PM EDT July 14, 2018

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