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by Nicknine at 1:23 PM EDT on July 18, 2018
Some of the files were unplayable because of unimplemented tags from BNK header, I've added them in my branch. However, I still have a problem with garbage sound, don't know what's up with that. The header looks fine. It's worth noting that I've encountered a similar problem with EA MicroTalk samples in SSX 3 where some sounds would be partially or entirely garbage.
by Nicknine at 2:47 PM EDT on July 18, 2018
Opened an issue here.
by Nicknine at 8:03 PM EDT on July 18, 2018
@Ultrafighter - these BNKs should play properly now.
by Ultrafighter at 9:35 AM EDT on July 19, 2018
@Nicknine - thanks a lot!

Good day Bnnm, remember me talking about those 6ch XMA2 tracks from Skate? I bundled a few samples along with some 5.1 streams from a JoshW set which sound bad now, please look into those whenever time allows.

Here's the trouble with Skate files: the 1st 5-10 seconds of a track play alright, then some weird glitch bursts in (if we had dealt with PS ADPCM I'd have said that interleave value is a bit off), then the rest of a stream is played back with continuous static and finally - it looks like the last 2-3 seconds are cut off. It's more noticeable in some tracks (World_Stream__025 or World_Stream__50 would be the best examples) while others sound much better (for example 2/3 of World_Stream__026 sound satisfactory)
Can this issue be some kind of a bug in FFMPEG libraries (like when we were discussing Full auto 1 multi-channel tracks which required a fix for better playback)? Anyway I hope it's not the files themselves that are wrong / incorrect & it'll be possible to improve plugin to support this sort of XMA.

Another title is InFamous, something makes all the ADPCM XVAGs with 6 channels play with static via foo_input_vgmstream.dll (r1050-1393-gbf8534ae, Jul 14 2018) but fine if I use XMPlay (r1050-1369-g869ca71, Jul 1 2018). Such surround mixes take up almost half the rip so that it'd be great if they sounded good in both versions of VGMstream.

Good luck and goodbye!
by Nicknine at 2:11 PM EDT on July 19, 2018
With Skate files it kind of sounds like interleave is screwed up which causes channels to desync more and more as the sound plays.

InFamous bug may be a regression considering you're using an older version of vgmstream for XMPlay. Try getting an older version of foobar plug-in and see if it works.

EDIT: Infamous sounds come out fine if I use test.exe. How curious.

edited 2:17 PM EDT July 19, 2018
by TheGoldenChild at 5:57 PM EDT on July 21, 2018
Man, I got wrapped up but here I am trying to get the voice files from Gotham city impostors however when using a script from it gives me named files but the Voice files are unplayable. The file I am giving is the whole sound file which is 2GB.

Sound File

Quickbms Script
by Ultrafighter at 7:43 AM EDT on July 22, 2018
Hey TheGoldenChild, are you absolutely sure it's the one & only sound file? I'd unpack all Layer*.Arch01 archives and check if they have snd folder too. I'm judging by my experience with FEAR 2 Project Origin / Reborn (PC) though.
Anyway these headerless (?) WAVs might really prove pretty difficult to figure out, I played with select files from music and menu directories a lot but couldn't make them play: I tried all possible combinations of options (like signed LE 16-bit PCM or sign-bit 8-bit PCM, even dived into 24-bit/32-bit territory) but couldn't get anything remotely musical. Then I checked a few ADPCM codecs with a TXTH... to no avail again.
Could devs use something quite exotic like MP3s without headers or rare type of ADPCM? I can't help but wonder as this is truly a hard nut to crack.

And Nicknine, are there any news about ABKs? I can provide some samples if it helps, they mostly come from old NASCAR VGs but I might also have some examples from 2012 titles soon. Or did EA completely revamp their formats in 2010s again?
Anyway I wish you the best of luck with reversing those old *.ABK files! BTW big thanks for your DAT Unpacker BMS, it works fine on numerous NASCAR installments:
1) NASCAR 2005 - Chase for the cup (PS2);
2) NASCAR (2006) (PSP);
3) NASCAR 07 (Xbox).

by TheGoldenChild at 1:38 PM EDT on July 22, 2018

Yea, I am positive and the files are all named it may actually be the BMS script giving the sound files to be headerless but I know any other method you won't get named files. It is a hard nut to crack because at one end you get all files all named and etc. On the other you get some files that are playable however you aren't able to get them named and not all of them extract. So I know that the files aren't encrypted they just aren't in a playable format that may be on the scripts end.
by Nicknine at 1:48 PM EDT on July 22, 2018
@Ultrafighter - I'm working on ABK support right now, it's mostly complete. And yes, ABK format was changed in 2007 when EA moved to the new audio system with SNR/SNS.

edited 1:49 PM EDT July 22, 2018
by marcusss at 9:56 PM EDT on July 22, 2018
@ bnnm: A quick question..I ripped frostbyte games before without probems.and now I'm trying to rip SW Battlefront 2 for the PS4 but cannot seem to rip the music even though it is using the frostbyte engine. Frostbyte bms isn't working. I'm assuming I am missing something or being PS4 the structure is different. Maybe I am just tired or having a dumb moment...

I don't want to give up ripping this since it was a hefty 44 GB .lol

I have the .toc and .sb pairs..There are those cat/cas fies as well but I'm assuming the audio is in the sb/toc fies. I noticed the game has not been ripped yet on any platform?

Here are a few examples - SWBF2 PS4

The only music ripped so far is the snd0.at9


edited 10:04 PM EDT July 22, 2018

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