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by Nicknine at 1:00 AM EDT on July 23, 2018
@marcusss - try Python scripts I posted a few pages back.

edited 1:01 AM EDT July 23, 2018
by -The.Stage.Maker- at 10:14 AM EDT on July 24, 2018
Hey, guys.
I'm trying to play and convert these audios to WAV, but I couldn't.
I use the plugin vgmstream for the XMPlay, Winamp and foobar2000.
It is the game of PS4, Uncharted collection.
These audios have the XVAG header, but I think it's atrac9 in 6 channels.
I'm sending the samples in zipped file.
If anyone can check, I'd be grateful.
Thank you.

PS4 audios samples
by AnonRunzes at 1:10 PM EDT on July 24, 2018
so i'll just be leaving off some samples here
this link contains a bunch of sample files that came out of both(PS1, Saturn) versions of Soviet Strike
the .xa1 files you'll find on the [sample_files]soviet_strike_saturn.7z were actually extracted from the VIDEOS.RES files using a work-in-progress .bms script
by bnnm at 1:18 PM EDT on July 24, 2018
latest vgmstream changes (autobuilds (MSVC) / foobar / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
(by bnnm)
- Add ASF decoder [Croc 2 (PC), Aladdin: Nasira's Revenge (PC)]
- Fix some EA-XMA [Need for Speed: The Run (X360)]
- Add TXTP channel mapper/swapper
- Add missing nus3 OPUS .opus extension
- Add EA SCHl ATRAC3plus [The Sims 2 Castaway (PSP), MoH Heroes 2 (PSP)]
- Fix non-stereo Audacious files
- Tweak PS-ADPCM decoding [inFamous (PS3)]
- (dev) Clean .pos code [Ys I Complete (PC)]
- (dev) Handle XA ADPCM in a more standard way
- Add AIFF with XA ADPCM [Crusader: No Remorse (SAT), Road Rash (3DO)]
- Fix XA missing num_samples at the end
- Fix EA-MT full loops not being properly reset
- Add .adp AIFF extension [Sonic Jam (SAT)]
- Fix .adp raw XA [Phantasy Star Collection (SAT)]
- Add .ai AIFF extension [Dragon Force (SAT) sfx]
(by bxaimc)
- Add Falcom NLSD Opus (Ys VIII [Switch])
- Add looping for Air (Android) Oggs and .lflac ext for kicks
(by Nicknine)
- Handle dummy streams in EA BNK files
- Added EA ABK header support
- Added EA HDR/DAT format support
- Added more missing BNK header tags [NASCAR 06 (Xbox)]
- Adjust ADPCM hist detection in BNK files
- EA SCHl: fixes for Gamecube
- Added EA IDX/BIG format support
- Added EA HDR/STH/DAT format support
- EAAC tweaks
- Added support for newer EA ABK format

TXTP now can swap channels, should allow custom channel mappings.
Note that channel masking applies after mappings. Format is:

#ch1 = first
file1.ext#m2-3 # "FL BL FR BR" to "FL FR BL BR"

#do note the order specified affects swapping
file2.ext#m2-3,4-5,4-6 # ogg "FL CN FR BL BR SB" to wav "FL FR CN SB BL BR"


@Ultrafighter - I'll redo EA-XMA later as it's kinda buggy so it'll probably fix Skate.
inFamous... how wondrous it worked in XMP/test before.

@Nicknine - About removing SPS Frostbite, well, maybe once NFS Rivals gets fixed/reripped?

@-The.Stage.Maker- - they are using a complex multistream feature, will be added later.
by Anterag at 1:37 PM EDT on July 24, 2018
Hi Bnnm, awesome update as always, thanks.

Could you please take a look at my recent thread about Zapper GC STR+STH?

It would be good if this variation could be added to vgmstream.
by Nicknine at 3:04 PM EDT on July 24, 2018
@bnnm - speaking of STR/STH, both this and this describe Blitz Games header which is used across all platforms so they should be unified.

Regarding Frostbite, well, I got both NFS: The Run and NFS: Rivals, which files are needed? Just music?

edited 3:06 PM EDT July 24, 2018
by marcusss at 7:23 PM EDT on July 24, 2018
Hi Nicknine. Using those scripts I kept.getting errors such as "bundle module not found" even though I have all the scripts installed in the same folder. I already have and use both python 3 and 2.7## installed but no luck. Every script ends up with error when run.usually bundle module not found even though I have Anyway will perservere in the meantime. I have used python scripts quite a bit as they can be very handy. Im a little under the weather at the moment so probably my brain isn't working.

In the meantime I will rip other games.

edited 7:39 PM EDT July 24, 2018

edited 7:40 PM EDT July 24, 2018
by Ultrafighter at 9:44 AM EDT on July 25, 2018
Hello Bnnm, it's always nice to see the next update especially when it fixes so many things! Funny thing is I was going to request that "interleaved AT3+ inside SCHL container" stuff in my next post with samples but you've already added it, he-he (not that it's a bad thing).
Anyway I can additionally confirm that ABKs from NASCAR 2005 (PS2) work now so thnx again (this goes to you & Nicknine obviously)
InFamous XVAGs also seem completely fixed, great work!

And the last: I'm planning to bundle quite a few EA samples soon if you don't mind, is it OK? I mean do you still prefer to have more samples less times?
by Anterag at 6:40 AM EDT on July 27, 2018
Hi! I downloaded the Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's Stone PS2 archive from and in the folder "stingers", I saw a bunch of *.bwav.comp files.

I can see the first 4 bytes are the compression size but I can't figure out the compression itself.

Any help is appreciated, thank you!


edited 6:40 AM EDT July 27, 2018

edited 6:43 AM EDT July 27, 2018
by bnnm at 11:59 AM EDT on July 27, 2018
latest vgmstream changes (autobuilds (MSVC) / foobar / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Add XMD decoder [Silent Hill 4 (Xbox), Castlevania: Curse of Darkness (Xbox)
- Add .xsew wav [Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 & 2 (PC)]
- Fix some .snwg loops [Mega Man X Legacy Collections: X1/2/3 (PC)]
- Fix XWB v1 subsongs [Silent Scope Complete (Xbox)]


@Ultrafighter - Feel free but I think Nicknine may deal with EA bugs better.

@Anterag - I'll take a look later

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