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by bnnm at 12:55 PM EDT on August 5, 2018
@Anterag - yeah, fixing those is very, very hard. Maybe in the future.

@Sir-Sabin - The X360 version never worked to begin with, it's encrypted. The PC version works except a few broken files I'll fix.
(if somebody happens to have the X360 version of FF11 post some .scd and the .xex/exe)
by Sir-Sabin at 1:13 PM EDT on August 5, 2018
It's on the vgm site, i forgot it never worked

by Nicknine at 9:13 AM EDT on August 8, 2018
@bnnm - would you happen to have any BNKs from EA games on 3DS (assuming they exist)?

edited 9:17 AM EDT August 8, 2018
by AnonRunzes at 11:05 AM EDT on August 8, 2018
can i just chime in instead?
by Nicknine at 11:37 AM EDT on August 8, 2018
Perfect, just what I needed.
by Nicknine at 11:48 AM EDT on August 8, 2018
Ok, these play fine after adding ABK version stamp but some of them reference streamed sounds in AST files. Can you also post Indoor_SFX.ast. AST files are likely in the folder/archive named "aemsstrm".

edited 11:51 AM EDT August 8, 2018
by AnonRunzes at 11:58 AM EDT on August 8, 2018
coming right away


in case you need any more .ast files, i'm already uploading an entire .ast pack


here it is

edited 12:26 PM EDT August 8, 2018
by AnonRunzes at 8:24 AM EDT on August 11, 2018
by the way, can anyone explain to me how the ss2 extension came to be?

edited 8:24 AM EDT August 11, 2018
by Ultrafighter at 2:05 PM EDT on August 11, 2018
Hi Bnnm, may I ask for help once again? There aren't many EA samples this time but some titles might still prove difficult to deal with.
Anyway here are details regarding the pack:
a) Project Gotham racing 3 (X360) - I found this unplayable XWB bank in JoshW set, I tried splitting it with XWBSplit (had to use -I key for the 1st time!) or converting with ToWAV but no playable results so far;

b) Saints row the 3rd: The full package (PC) - only this pair of WEMs is unplayable (convertible with WW2OGG though) but maybe these small streams are simply prefetch / truncated versions of other tracks? Their names may suggest precisely that;

c) Skate 2 (PS3) - strangely enough 2 BGM segments (out of a few thousand more) sound weird as if interleave value is wrong but as you can see both preceding & following segments are played back fine. Can it be the problem with some MPEG DLL instead of VGMstream or splitting procedure? You told me that was the case with some SCHL segments from Goldeneye: Rogue agent MUS files;

d) Stuntman Ignition (X360) - now this one might the hardest nut to crack, ALuigi couldn't fully understand this type of an archive & write a BMS to unpack all its contents (those were PS2 samples and I'm still hoping I'll get some reply in regards to X360 example files) but I hope that you'll be able to divide those MBK banks into tracks somehow. I mean it should be uncompressed audio and well-known codec on both platforms so maybe you manage to figure out some way of splitting MBKs (taking into account your knowledge about structure & attributes of XMA / Sony ADPCM encoded streams)...
There're loads of examples because those *.mbk are probably used to contain every single piece of audio from the game. If more samples are needed just tell me;

e) UFC Sudden impact (PS2) - I mentioned it earlier and I've just tried that new bigfile-dividing method I came up with (splitting the bank not by any kind of specific search string but by that stop marker, the one that looks exactly like its counterpart in The matrix - Path of Neo for PS2) but it still doesn't work too well (most likely lots of zeroes in start of each stream prevent it from playing correctly). I'd truly appreciate it if you devised something more sophisticated which should do the job better!
Now that I think of it these 2 cuts might be too tiny so feel free to request bigger ones if they're needed. Oh and I almost forgot to mention that I suppose interleave has to be 0x2000 for most or all tracks.

All the best!
by AnonRunzes at 1:24 PM EDT on August 12, 2018
oh yeah, here are the .ahv files from the Headhunter PS2 game

i'm also posting .xwb/.xsb files from the Xbox version of Headhunter Redemption right here if needed

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