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by bnnm at 11:03 AM EDT on August 20, 2018
latest vgmstream changes (autobuilds (MSVC) / foobar / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Improved EA ABK/BNK/3DS support and other EA fixes (by Nicknine)
- Fix EA SCHl ATRAC3 skip samples and remove .AST (now playable with .ABK+AST)
- Add Firebrand Games .wavebatch [NFS: The Run (3DS), F&F: Showdown (3DS)]
- Add TXTH sample_mode "blocks" (where bytes = blocks * interleave * channels)
- Add .hd3+bd3 [Elevator Action Deluxe (PS3), R-Type Dimensions (PS3)]
- Add Sony .bnk [Puyo Puyo Tetris (PS4), NekoBuro: Cats Block (Vita)]
- Add HCA key
- Fix EA EAAC looping for RAM assets
- (dev) Clean .bfstm and add region debug code
- (dev) Clean FFmpeg skip samples parsing
- (dev) Clean G719/G7221 a bit and remove unnecessary use of stack_alloc
- Redo .nus3bank to parse as a bank with subsongs
- Improve read/seek performance for blocked layouts
- Improve .sts+int/.x [Shadow of the Colossus (PS2), Ape Escape 3 (PS2)]
- Add proper H4M decoding [Resident Evil 0 (GC), Tales of Symphonia (GC)]
- Fix .rws subsong segments [Madagascar (PS2)]
- Fix disabling looping with layered layouts
- Fix plugins sometimes not showing proper time with looping disabled
- Add old .scd SSCF [Crisis Core FFVII (PSP), Dissidia 012 (PSP)]
- Fix blocks hanging with broken files/incorrect offsets


@Ultrafighter - Nothing yet.

@marcusss - I'll fix it later. They aren't be playable even if you remove the XVAG part.
by Anterag at 11:45 AM EDT on August 20, 2018
@bnnm - AMAZING update with the subsong segments fix with ORIGINAL FILENAMES! (for Madagascar).
Do you think it's possible to do it for PC, Xbox and Gamecube also?
GC uses Nintendo DSP, XBOX= Little Endian PCM, PC= IMA.

EDIT: It works for PC, Xbox and PS2. Didn't test the GC version but I guess it's also supported.

I must ask though: on Foobar2000, when you drag and drop the RWS bigfiles, vgmstream split them into several music, with filenames like this "music#1 (original_filename)", but when I convert them, only "music#1" stays, while the original filename is removed in the name. It's a problem because you can't recognize them easily as it is possible when you have them on Foobar2000.
Could you please tell me how can I change this setting in order to convert and leave the filename?

Thank you in advance.

edited 11:49 AM EDT August 20, 2018
by marcusss at 7:57 PM EDT on August 20, 2018
@bnnm :: Yes thanks for taking a look at the Farpoint Music... I look forward to seeing support for them, whenever you are free as I am sure you always busy. Cheers!
by Ultrafighter at 4:09 AM EDT on August 21, 2018
@Anterag - It has nothing to do with VGMstream, you simply have to change converter settings in FB2K itself.

Here's an example: right-click that "music#1 (original_filename)" subsong in your playlist and go to Convert -> ... -> Destination -> Name format then change whatever is written there (like %filename% or "%tracknumber%. [%artist% - ]%title%") to %title% & finally click "back" button.
Once you're back in Converter Setup window you can either convert that subsong immediately or save this newly created preset first (just click "Save <<" button and invent some descriptive name for it, like "WAV bank" or "streamed subsong").

I hope this was helpful, see you in a bit! Best regards!
by Anterag at 6:06 AM EDT on August 21, 2018
@Ultrafighter - Thank you!!
by Knurek at 11:41 AM EDT on August 21, 2018
@bnnm: Thant's for the .wavebatch support, I've uploaded all(?) four sets using this format.
Unfortunately, Cars 2 doesn't seem to work with current VGMStream build - I put it on the server, in the zzz_unplayable folder (10 MB total, so didn't seem worthy uploading some samples for you).
by AnonRunzes at 4:15 PM EDT on August 21, 2018
does anyone here have something that can demux .smv files as seen in that one 7(Seven) game made by Namco?
by bnnm at 6:29 PM EDT on August 21, 2018
@AnonRunzes - I put a demuxer bms in the joshw set.

@Knurek - .wavebatch was also used in some Firebrand mobile game, so I think it could exist elsewhere.
by AnonRunzes at 8:44 PM EDT on August 21, 2018
unfortunately joshw has not been kind with my download speed yet, must be my internet provider or something

besides i've already wrote a smv demuxer myself, this time it extracts not only the PCM audio part but the MPEG-2 video part as well - shame i won't post it now thanks to some rather complicated matters i've been heading with myself right now

edited 9:11 PM EDT August 21, 2018
by Nicknine at 9:14 PM EDT on August 23, 2018
Has anyone examined Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time files? I've looked through all soundbanks and I can't fight the two boss fight tracks anywhere (from Sand King fight and Vizier fight).

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