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by AnonRunzes at 12:36 PM EDT on September 3, 2018
i think i'll just go ahead with the wiki docs if nobody's really willing to do it anyway

i wish there was a good starting point i could pick upon when it comes to these docs though
by Nisto at 1:20 PM EDT on September 3, 2018
@AnonRunzes: It's probably not common (if at all present) in vgmstream's source code, but if you find structs somewhere, then 010 Editor might help a lot in getting a visual ("human readable") overview of a format.
by Anterag at 1:21 PM EDT on September 3, 2018
@bnnm - Thank you for the TXTH file.
by punk7890-2 at 12:05 AM EDT on September 4, 2018
@bnnm Thanks for the update. I got another ADX key to add:

Game: Kashimashi! Girl Meets Girl - Hajimete no Natsu Monogatari (PS2)
Key: "KASHIM" (without quotes)

Test ADXs.

Also, I found this unplayable RWS file that doesn't seem to play when all others from this game do.

edited 1:58 AM EDT September 4, 2018
by marcusss at 12:09 AM EDT on September 4, 2018
Hi bnnm. There is a game I ripped from PS4 called The Last Guardian. The BGM is files with header cdat. It The fies are sound buffers

In each of the files it mentions TONE, WAVEH, REQDx, and a whole bunch of BAR files.

e.g. M_bar01�M_bar02�M_bar03�M_bar04�M_bar05�M_bar06�M_bar07�M_bar08�M_bar09�M_bar10�M_bar11�M_bar12�M_bar13�M_bar14�M_bar15�M_bar16�M_bar17�M_bar18�M_bar19�M_bar20�M_bar21�M_bar22�M_bar23�M_bar24�M_bar25�M_bar26�

I wanted to know if you can take a look at a couple samples. I thought sequenced or something but each main file is like 30 MB each.

The Last Guardian [PS4]


edited 12:10 AM EDT September 4, 2018
by Ultrafighter at 9:44 AM EDT on September 4, 2018
@Bnnm - In regards to Chronicles of Riddick: BMS is here while page with details is there (1st post). I also upped the samples here so that you won't have to re-download entire original pack.
All the best!

edited 9:46 AM EDT September 4, 2018
by bnnm at 5:22 PM EDT on September 4, 2018
@punk7890-2 - That's a sfx bank-RWS, that is unsupported ATM and different from music-RWS.

@marcusss - Its a wrapper for sxd1 (_sbuf, must remove first 0x10) + sxd2 (_stream, plain).
Final filenames are (ex.) bgm_st02_tc.sxd1/2 without _sbuf and _stream. For files without companion _stream, name .sxd instead.
.bod only contain the base name (wihout _sbuf/_stream).

@Ultrafighter - Ok, I'll check later.
by punk7890-2 at 9:17 PM EDT on September 5, 2018
Ah, alright. If it's not music, not much bother then.

I have some not exactly playable songs that end in .MSA from Konohana Pack - 3tsu no Jikenbo MSAs. Not sure what offsets 0xC and 0x4 are. 0x10 is sample rate, and the interleave for the songs seem to be somewhere around 0x6000 but always have some pops in them. Any chance at support for these?

edited 9:18 PM EDT September 5, 2018
by punk7890-2 at 2:43 AM EDT on September 8, 2018
Found theses AD files in Negima! Dream Tactic - Yume Miru Otome wa Princess. The problem I'm having is looping these properly. Here's some info I got on them:

0x0 # of channels (01, 02)
0x4 loop end?
0x9 Interleave (1 byte?)
0xC Header skip (1 byte?)
0x10 loop start?

Frequency 48Khz

edited 2:44 AM EDT September 8, 2018

edited 2:44 AM EDT September 8, 2018
by Nicknine at 10:10 AM EDT on September 10, 2018
@bnnm - regarding documentation, I was talking about documenting the actual headers and structures that vgmstream parsers for other coders to use, not the format list. For example, EA audio formats have not been explored anywhere as well as in vgmstream yet the only documentation there is for that research is vgmstream source code.
Such documenation would certainly prove useful for video game modders and such.

edited 10:13 AM EDT September 10, 2018

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