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by bnnm at 10:44 AM EDT on September 10, 2018
@punk7890-2 - for Negima try this TXTH.

@Ultrafighter - for Riddick use Aluigi's bms, then this bms on the WAVEDATA. Pay attention that it doesn't exit with an "incorrect size" error.

@Nicknine - You may have noticed I tend to overcomment (even fields I don't use, and edge cases) and use a plain code style. That's b/c I hope that code + comments provide a decent understanding of a format, rather than me having to reference external docs when fixing things.
I've even been tempted to make a generic struct header so that I can read fields in linear order for extra clarity (since vgmstream wants me to put channels+loop first).

So I think, rather than making docs (=having extra things to mantain) I'd improve code clarity. Formats and code are in flux anyway (see latest EA fixes) so source will have the latest info, and if you have the skills to do complex mods I'd think you can read vgmstream's source too.
by punk7890-2 at 11:19 PM EDT on September 10, 2018
Thank you. Much appreciated.
by Ultrafighter at 3:37 AM EDT on September 11, 2018
Hi Bnnm, I've just found 2 partially unplayable XMA rips @JoshW and I guess you'd like to look into them so that they become compatible with VGMstream at some point. The titles I'm talking about are Fable 3 (only 55/126 *.xma files are playable ATM) & Fable - Heroes (precisely 1/3 of a set isn't supported right now).
Some examples can be found here (original extension was XMA in both sets, I only changed them to see if they become playable in VGMstream).

Also there's a track from Resident evil - Revelations (3DS), I've got to idea if it's headerless or playable with another extension but I hope we can play it somehow (maybe a TXTH is due?).


PS. Thanks for this Riddick BMS man, I'll test it right away!

edited 3:43 AM EDT September 11, 2018
by punk7890-2 at 1:41 AM EDT on September 12, 2018
Found another ADX key.

Game: Bakumatsu Renka - Karyuu Kenshiden (PS2)
Key: "RENRENKA22" (without quotes)

Test ADXs.
by MurraySkull at 7:35 AM EDT on September 13, 2018
@mariofan12ify - I believe that there is a fix for Mario Golf in the queue. Seems to be some other interesting stuff in there as well, such as a kiosk demo of Mario Kart 8 DX and the DLC for Mario x Rabbids.
by mariofan12ify at 9:36 AM EDT on September 13, 2018
Yeah I uploaded the Mario Rabbids DLC though it was bxaimc who gave it to me.
by marcusss at 3:06 AM EDT on September 14, 2018
Hi all. Trying to rip Knack 2 on PS4 and came across.apak files with CPAK headers.

The larger files have sxd or rather bsxd files as music but need help unpacking these files.

I can sde music in some apak files such as st23a_music.bsxd, data/st23a_music.bsxd etc.(2303.0.apak has these which i uploaded below)

Can someone lend a hand and write a script??

Knack 2 PS4 examples

1 of the larger files with possible music inside


edited 3:57 AM EDT September 14, 2018

edited 9:08 PM EDT September 14, 2018
by bnnm at 4:46 AM EDT on September 15, 2018
latest vgmstream changes (autobuilds (MSVC) / foobar / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Add ADX key [Kashimashi! Girl Meets Girl (PS2)]
- Fix some BNSF [Taiko No Tatsujin: Drum Session! (PS4)]
- Fix interleaved 2ch XBOX-IMA [Fairly OddParents: Breakin' da Rules (Xbox), ShellShock Nam '67 (Xbox)]
- Add interleaved 2ch XBOX-IMA to TXTH/GENH
- Derive ADX keys automatically if only keystring/keycode is provided
- Update libacm to 1.2 and add .WAVC sfx
- Add DERF DPCM decoder [Stupid Invaders (PC)]
- Add ALP IMA decoder [Lego Racers (PC)]
- Fix some .MSA [Konohana Pack: 3tsu no Jikenbo (PS2)]
- Add TXTP command #sN for subsong N (#N still works)
- Add TXTP commands for looping/time (#i #E #lN #fN #dN #F)
- #i (ignore loop)
- #E (force end-to-end loop)
- #lN (force N loops)
- #fN (fade time)
- #dN (fade delay)
- #F (don't fade after N loops and play song end)
- Apply TXTP looping/time config in foobar/winamp/test.exe
- Fix EA-MT looping [SSX3 (PS2)]
- Add .sod Ogg extension [Zone 4 (PC)]
- Fix some EA SCHl .bnk
- Add .utk [The Sims Online (PC), SimCity 4 (PC)]
- Fix bitrate for layered/segemented layouts
- (dev) Swap custom FFmpeg OPUS for custom streamfile IO
- (dev) Remove custom FFmpeg, as custom IO streamfile can be used instead
- Add ADX key [Bakumatsu Renka - Karyuu Kenshiden (PS2)]


TXTH NOTE: for interleaved XBOX-IMA in GENH/TXTH:
- for normal 1ch or 2ch, no need to set interleave
- for 2ch+2ch+2ch..., set interleave = N (where N*channels = full block size, _not_ N*(channels/2) = full block size)
- for 1ch+1ch+1ch..., set interleave = N and codec_mode = 1
- others like 1ch+2ch+1ch... won't work (shouldn't exist)

TXTP NOTE: new features (test/winamp/foobar only):
### Custom play settings
Those setting should override player's defaults (not "loop forever/ignore loop"). They are equivalent to some test.exe options.

- God Hand (PS2): boss2_3ningumi_ver6.txtp (each line is a separate TXTP)

# set number of loops

# set fade time (in seconds)

# set fade delay (in seconds)

# ignore and disable loops

# don't fade out and instead play the song ending after
boss2_3ningumi_ver6.adx#F # this song has a nice stop

# force full loops from end-to-end

# settings can be combined
boss2_3ningumi_ver6.adx#l2#F # 2 loops + ending

# settings can be combined

# boss2_3ningumi_ver6.adx#l1.0#F # this is equivalent to #i

btw, remember empty .txtp + filename w/ commands works too:


@Ultrafighter - those XMA look incorrectly ripped. RE I'll check later.
by punk7890-2 at 7:20 AM EDT on September 15, 2018
Thank you for the update!

Another ADX key:

Game: Tensei Hakkenshi - Fuumaroku (PS2)
Key: "HAKKEN" (without quotes)

Test ADXs.

@bnnm I tried the .adxkey method of playing these files but it mostly just plays static.

edited 1:35 AM EDT September 16, 2018

edited 1:35 AM EDT September 16, 2018
by marcusss at 8:48 AM EDT on September 16, 2018
@bnnm : I have an issue with some FSBs (FSB5) that have weird or wrong info. The game Unravel 2 has 2gb of FSB5 music and ost play fine as 16 bit PCM audio...but around 1/4 of them are silent or show weird stuff like 143534343 kbps for example...

Here are some examples


I got the game from 2 diferent sources with diferent installers so I am assuming the files are ok (....unless fsb5_split messed up which I doubt) They both have the exact FSB files inside the giant 2gb FSB single file.

Can you take a look. Hopefully just some wonky FSB type that can be supported.



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