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by punk7890-2 at 5:29 AM EDT on October 1, 2018
@bnnm I was wondering what tool you used to extract the music from Wild Arms 5. Names and the rest of the music structure appears to be in the executable. Is there any tool out there to get the music properly? I have a version of the game with slightly different music.

Also, would anyone know how to properly extract the streams from these video files?
by bnnm at 1:15 PM EDT on October 1, 2018
I just used a hex editor (ex.):
- rename audio bigfile (.dat IIRC) to .xwb
- open the PS2 exe and find "RXWS"
- cut file, size is (value at RXWS offset+4) + 0x10
- save as filename.xwh (this file has all subsong headers and names)
- put both files together and open the .xwb with vgmstream

You can probably do that with VGMToolbox's advanced cutter too.

When I ripped it vgmstream didn't support subsongs, so I used a BMS script to split it (see zenhax), but should be directly playable now.
by Knurek at 1:44 PM EDT on October 1, 2018
Operation Abyss
Operation Babel
Both use newly added .lse, both are unplayable with the 28.09.2018 build.
by MoldyPond at 2:51 PM EDT on October 1, 2018
Apparently the Switch version of Tropical Freeze's music had support added with the latest version of vgmstream but I can't seem to get them working. Dunno if anyone else is having this issue.
by punk7890-2 at 7:53 PM EDT on October 1, 2018
@bnnm Thanks. That script worked.
by marcusss at 8:01 PM EDT on October 1, 2018
Is the music from dk tropical freeze on switch uploaded yet as I can't seem to find it. Thx
by ChillyBilly at 8:14 PM EDT on October 1, 2018
@marcusss: Check the Switch thread. I posted a Tropical Freeze rip there. ;)
by marcusss at 10:08 PM EDT on October 1, 2018
Ok thanks ChillyBilly

edited 10:08 PM EDT October 1, 2018

btw the 256 aes pw for absolver Downfall uengine4 pak chunks is c7B2DvPsRgH9Ve0BjGJKzBIeCIeoSTtX

Took a bit to find it

edited 9:59 AM EDT October 2, 2018

edited 10:00 AM EDT October 2, 2018
by Ultrafighter at 8:57 AM EDT on October 3, 2018
Hi Bnnm, can you please tell me if there's anything wrong with audio from these BIKs? Neither original videos nor demuxed audio plays right via VGMstream & binkconv.exe from RAD Game Tools or sound demuxer of VirtualDub couldn't provide good results too.
BTW I'd release my set now if it wasn't for this pair of movies. Both *.bik files might have audio tracks with only silence in them but still I'd like to check them out to be sure they're not needed for my rip.

PS2 Taiko's VAG audio files by Mekadon76 at 11:39 AM EDT on October 3, 2018
PS2 version of Taiko no Tatsujin uses VAG audio files. but they are not playable on vgmstream

Here's a sample files

edited 11:40 AM EDT October 3, 2018

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