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by marcusss at 8:54 PM EDT on October 15, 2018
Thanks kode54. I didn't expect that would work. Cheers!
by AceK at 8:29 PM EDT on October 18, 2018
The PS2 set (files containing SS2 header [ADS]) "Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex (2004-11-08)(cavia)(Bandai)" does not seem to loop correctly for some files (or all) when playing it through vgmstream. It seems that the typical loop start upon playback is 1792 samples, but most of these should be 0 (or near 0).

edited 11:03 PM EDT October 18, 2018
by kode54 at 6:54 PM EDT on October 19, 2018
Tracks from Super Lucky's Tale don't loop properly. They're all .WEM files, Custom Vorbis, and no loop points are detected for any of them. I'll upload one.

There also appear to be two sizable music related .BNK files, both with .TXT files describing project output that produced the .WEM files.

edited 6:59 PM EDT October 19, 2018
by ChillyBilly at 11:06 PM EDT on October 20, 2018
So, I looked into the game The Unlikely Legend of Rusty Pup... and while the data comes in a bunch of extensionless files, I discovered through hex that there were some files that contained RIFF headers, which I assume may be the tunes. However, I'm unable to get anything playable out of them, which makes me wonder if they're perhaps encrypted or something? Uploaded a few samples right here for perusal...
by bnnm at 5:15 PM EDT on October 22, 2018
latest vgmstream changes (autobuilds (MSVC) / foobar / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Adjust cavia ADS loops
- Adjust XOPUS encoder delay
- Add .lwma/lmpc/lmp3 as a way to force files into vgmstream
- Add RIFF .adw extension [Dead Rising 2 (PC)]
- Add blocked VS [Final Fantasy X (PS2)]

NOTE: only use .lwma if foobar/your player doesn't like some .wma, as FFmpeg's wma is worse and I don't know if they'll apply my fix.


@Anterag - they play ok for me? silence in what sense?

@kode54 - I don't see loop points so they are probably using some custom looping, like Platinum Games' .wem

@Nisto - .vs now work, note that files seem subdivided after N blocks (value at 0x0c)

@ChillyBilly - I don't recognize the codec. Post the exe, maybe it helps.

For anybody posting about sets not working ok, please post the name of files you tried (or even better, upload samples). Bonus points if you say which player you use.
It saves me more time than you might imagine.
by Nisto at 7:41 PM EDT on October 22, 2018
@bnnm: Thanks! Just one small thing: I found a VS file that has a different sample rate than normal. I think the value at 0x10 specifies the pitch (pt). For most files, it's 0x1000 (4096), which represents 44100 Hz at least on PS1. But maybe the formula is slightly different for PS2? I haven't been able to find anything on pitch -> frequency calculation in the PS2 docs, but I'm pretty sure this should do it:

frequency = (pitch * 48000) / 4096

EDIT: Forgot to upload a demo file.

edited 7:46 PM EDT October 22, 2018
by Anterag at 5:15 AM EDT on October 23, 2018
@bnnm - Hi! I tried to play the segments continously and I hear silences between them. Normally, I can't notice them (I did it with towav before).
by Ultrafighter at 4:00 AM EDT on October 24, 2018
Well Anterag, I'm not so sure now if you're talking about a rerip of The Simpsons Game for Xbox 360 or Alpha's variant with mostly *.xma tracks. Can you really convert files from a redone ver. with towav.exe?
Also do you hear silences between segments when you play them in FB2K or Winamp (or maybe XMPlay)?

by Anterag at 5:08 AM EDT on October 24, 2018
@Ultrafighter - Sorry I wasn't clear. When I convert the XMAs from Alpha's rip, there are no silences between the files. If I use your re-rip, and that I drag and drop the playlist.m3u, there are silences between the files. Is that normal? Maybe Alpha23 did something to remove them.
Thank you.
by Ultrafighter at 6:46 AM EDT on October 25, 2018
"Maybe Alpha23 did something to remove them"
There's actually such a possibility but I'm not too sure he did that. It (absence or presence of those silences) probably has something to do with tools / scripts we used: I'm almost sure he divided given MUS banks into hundreds of segments with ea_multi_xma.exe by HCS (founder of this forum) while I used by Bnnm.
Or it's somehow related to usage of xma_parse.exe by HCS - XMA2-encoded streams usually become significantly smaller after transformation to XMA1 (only stereo/mono XMA v.1 can be converted to PCM by ToWAV.exe and it was the only way many years ago). It's possible that XMA Parse deleted those silences (or better say sequences of zero bytes) in the process of rebuilding XMA2 to XMA1.

Anyway I don't think I can help you get rid of those bugs in segments or invent some alternative method of dealing with either initial *.mus files or resulting *.sns/*.snr tracks. All I can say is this: you can experiment with different players and try converting sequences of segments to single WAV files.

BTW M3Us are entirely optional, I only made them because I thought it wasn't clear for a listener whether he should add SNS or SNR files to playlist: while the former are bigger and represent actual streamed audio the latter must be used to actually play SNS streams.


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