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by marcusss at 9:06 AM EDT on November 1, 2018
Also 1 game I ripped has xpcm in the header and I couldn't get it working in vgmstream no matter what so maybe needs some txth loving or something..

Some samples XPCM samples

Thanks bnnm
by bnnm at 12:17 PM EDT on November 1, 2018
@Nisto - Thanks, I misunderstood when you mentioned PS1. Looks like Unlimited SaGa uses VS too, it's "VagStream" from debug strings.
Good to know about pitch, that would explain other games. Worth noting that you can't get 44100 with PS2 pitch values (0xEb2 > 44085, 0xEB3 > 44097, 0xEB4 > 44109). I compared various .svs from Unlimited SaGa (that also uses pitch, 0xEB3 and 0x1000) with the OST but seems ~44103 would be better? Perhaps 0xEB3 is rounded or there are extra adjustments?

@Ultrafighter - there is no way to tell "truncated" wems apart (they are clones of existing files but truncated, for pre-loading purposes).
Sum extracted wem sizes and compare to .bnk, if it's close enough it probably extracted ok, I'll tweak so they play.
Monster 4x4 not sure, I'd need to test, perhaps it's more complex that I thought.
Far Cry extensionless files were .sbao, not sure were you'd find .bao (that may not even have that extension), maybe post all files.

@punk7890-2 - try TXTH 2

@marcusss - SEG play ok for me. What game uses XPCM?
by Nisto at 3:11 PM EDT on November 1, 2018
@bnnm: Glad the information is useful. And yeah, I noticed that too about PS2 sample rates. Seems odd if they're really meant to be played at 44103 or 44097 Hz. Maybe rounding to nearest 10 would suffice? The latest sample I uploaded from FFX has a sample rate of 34992 which is also a bit strange. 35000 seems more likely (but also uncommon..)
by LTR at 7:04 PM EDT on November 1, 2018

hi could you please take a look at this audio file, its from Last Rites (1997 game).


thanks ))
by punk7890-2 at 7:52 PM EDT on November 1, 2018
@bnnm Thank you. Everything seems to work now.

Got another ADX key:

Game: Lucky Star - Ryouou Gakuen Outousai (PS2)
Key: "48 1D 44 F9 4E 35" / "LSTARPS2" (without quotes)

Here's a couple to test.

edited 9:26 PM EDT November 1, 2018
by marcusss at 9:49 PM EDT on November 1, 2018
@ bnnm

Ah sorry I think my foobar was acting strange as seg do play now.. Thxx

the XPCM come from Eternal Fantasy from Developer
Circus. released 19th October.


edited 4:34 AM EDT November 2, 2018
by Ultrafighter at 4:12 AM EDT on November 2, 2018
"Sum extracted wem sizes and compare to .bnk, if it's close enough it probably extracted ok"
Yep I normally do that, not only when dealing with PCKs or BNKs but whenever extracting something with known/common headers from any custom bigfiles.
"I'll tweak so they play"
I'm not so sure it's really needed, I encountered lots of such pre-loading/cache wems before (WWE 2K17, WWE 2K16 & Remember me had thousands of such files and they usually played - not that they're important anyway). Hundreds of unplayables from XCOM Declassified should be just like them - a split second of some audio or merely silence, no big deal after all.

About FC3 & FC3:BD - I unpacked all the archives except some localized ones (with additional languages) and there's a single BAO in main game & just 1 *.bao in addon.
"maybe post all files"
Do you mean all extensionless files? There're almost 800 MBs worth & more than 63,500 such files in FC3, a bit less in Dragon.
Not to mention there're also many SPKs (more than 990 MB & 32K+ files!) and I heard from Alpha23 they're something sound-specific too, if memory serves he even tried to make some BMS extractors for their contents...

by bnnm at 1:03 PM EDT on November 2, 2018
latest vgmstream changes (autobuilds (MSVC) / foobar / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Fix short .mds coefs [T3: The Redemption (GC), MI: Operation Surma (GC)]
- Fix some FFX .vs
- Fix some truncated .wem
- Add .str SPSD extension [Shenmue (DC)]
- Add 2MSF and clean WMSF [Super Robot Taisen OG: The Moon Dwellers (PS4)]
- (dev) Subfile streamfile cleanup
- Add PC/X360/Wii .seg and fixes [The Spiderwick Chronicles (multi)]
- Tweak .svs sample rate


@Nisto - rounding is probably safest, though it all feels a bit strange, real PS2 HW would handle pitch in a simpler way... I think? Oh well.

@Ultrafighter - .bao could be anywhere, like in other bigfile, or compressed, not correctly extracted, etcetera. That single .bao it's probably the "project" BAO and won't have headers.
I can only suggest to open all small-ish files with a hex editor and check that value at 0x00 is 0x01280305, and at 0x20 probably 0x00000020 or 30. Then you need to find its matching(s) .sbao which could be any of them, it's all very complex.

@LTR - see here

@marcusss - XPCM codec must be added later but meanwhile they may work with foo_adpcm installed
by LTR at 1:44 PM EDT on November 2, 2018

wow it seems to require a lot of work...

thank you anyway.
by Nisto at 3:52 PM EDT on November 2, 2018
@bnnm: I agree, probably not the proper solution to the problem. Also, I found official SPU2 docs on my hard drive, that I think might give you some more insight, if you are interested? (Can I contact you directly somewhere?)

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