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by marcusss at 7:12 PM EDT on November 2, 2018
@bnnm. Thanks for the reply. It just sounds all noisy as hell at the moment and I already have foo_adpcm an tried it also but no dice.. It is fine as it can wait in the meantime. I will just upload it or now. Cheers!

edited 8:57 PM EDT November 2, 2018
by marcusss at 1:22 AM EDT on November 3, 2018
sorry double post.

edited 1:33 AM EDT November 3, 2018
by bnnm at 7:35 PM EDT on November 3, 2018
@Nisto - don't worry, I have quite a bunch of console SDKs lying around.

I checked some random sound docs but didn't find anything particularly revelatory. Also checked PCSX2 and seems to use pitch*srate/4096 formula, but I doubt the emu is hw-accurate. Well, not super important, I'll make a note in the bug list.

For direct contact, check my commits via git for my email :3
by bnnm at 4:34 PM EST on November 5, 2018
latest vgmstream changes (autobuilds (MSVC) / foobar / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Add ADX key [Lucky Star - Ryouou Gakuen Outousai (PS2)]
- Round .vs/svs pitch values
- Add option to disable default TITLE in foobar to allow custom formatting
* Exports STREAM_NUMBER/STREAM_COUNT/STREAM_NAME as tags for that config
- Add text/playlist tags in foobar/winamp/test
- (dev) update plugin stuff
(my builds are now compiled with GCC8)


Tags are loaded from a text/M3U-like file named "!tags.m3u" in the song folder. You don't have to load your songs with that M3U though (but you can, for pre-made ordering), the file itself just 'looks' like an M3U.

Format is:
# @GLOBAL_TAG value (applies to all following tracks)
# comment

# %LOCAL_TAG value (applies to next track only)
# %LOCAL_TAG value (applies to next track only)

Accepted tags depend on the player (foobar: any; winamp: see ATF config), typically ALBUM/ARTIST/TITLE/DISC/TRACK/COMPOSER/etc, lower or uppercase, separated by one or multiple spaces. Repeated tags overwrite previous (ex.- may define @COMPOSER for multiple tracks). It only reads up to current 'filename' though, so any @TAG below would be ignored.

Playlist formatting should follow player's config. ASCII or UTF-8 tags work.

For foobar remember you may need to force refresh tags: shift+right click > tagging > reload info

- Let It Die (PC)
- GrimGrimoire (PS2)

Bugs/config/features/performance/weirdness may be improved later.

edited 4:37 PM EST November 5, 2018
by Knurek at 5:30 PM EST on November 5, 2018
@bnnm: Good idea with the tags system, just letting you know the tags don't work at all with the native XMPlay plugin.
(Winamp plugin works though)
by Ultrafighter at 7:39 AM EST on November 7, 2018
Hi Bnnm, I'd like to think you don't mind looking into yet another bunch of samples... they're from 2 VGs this time.
The 1st one is The Bureau - XCOM Declassified (X360): I installed the latest update for FB2K but those unplayables still don't work with neither *.WAV nor *.WEM extension, that's why you can find numerous examples of such (cached) streams in my pack.

Title #2 is Twisted Metal (2012) for PS3: I encountered lots of fake (?) 6ch XVAGs there, they sound way too fast + filenames suggest they should be 4ch streams. I upped both faulty 6ch files & 2ch variants of the same tracks for reference.
To remain on the safe side I even included a few true (I suppose) 5.1 *.xvag plus a pair of quad BGMs, I presume you'd like to have them at hand so that any fixes in plugin won't affect playback of files from the 2nd group (the ones that are played back find ATM).

by Anterag at 2:10 PM EST on November 7, 2018
Hi Bnnm! Could the SXD2 format found in Gran Turismo Sport be supported by vgmstream? It's AT9 data but with SXD2 header. It seems the frequency is 48000Hz while the bitrate may be 192.

Samples (by MiToGen)

by VaanRatsbane at 8:08 PM EST on November 10, 2018
Been looking at the code for a modding project of mine, and noticed this line where the sp_r array is being set to the left array upon being modified by the left ratio. Is this an intentional asymmetry? Just thought to mention it
by bnnm at 6:37 PM EST on November 11, 2018
latest vgmstream changes (autobuilds (MSVC) / foobar / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Fix truncated XMA .wem [The Bureau - XCOM Declassified (X360)]
- Play as stereo MP3 Surround .xvag [Twisted Metal (PS3)]
- Add NWAV [Fuurai no Shiren Gaiden: Onnakenshi Asuka Kenzan! (PC)]
- Add PCM16LE/ADPCM .xpcm [Eternal Fantasy (PC)]
- Fix HEVAG Sony .bnk [Yuusha Shisu (Vita)]
- Improve external .sxd handling
- Fix SGXD loop end being off by 1 sample
- Fix subsong tags in winamp
- Relax HCA validation for rare bad frames

(.xpcm is missing 2 more codecs, many files won't work)


@Knurek - Notice I carefully avoided to mention XMPlay :) I suggest in_vgmstream for the time being.

@Anterag - see other thread.

@VaanRatsbane - Should be correct, but I don't know exactly how it works (I assume R's quantized values in sp_r are coded with less resolution than sp_l, then adjusted with L's and intensity ratios).

You can cross reference with another decoder (independently researched) here: VGAudio
by marcusss at 1:09 AM EST on November 12, 2018
@ bnnm: Thanks for the update on XPCM.

All songs work that use Raw-pcm and AD-XPCM but the rest that use vc-xpcm don't.. Good progress though so can't thank you enough.

Do you need any more samples btw??


edited 1:10 AM EST November 12, 2018

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