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by Ultrafighter at 3:17 AM EST on November 12, 2018
@Bnnm - Thanks for fixing Bureau WEMs man, much appreciated!

"Play as stereo MP3 Surround .xvag [Twisted Metal (PS3)]"
I'm wondering if it means that you disabled some channel(s) which prevented the files from playing properly (IIRC you did something like that to GH2 PS2 VGS streams - a few of them played with static and you got rid of it "nullifying" 1 faulty channel, the 5th one to be exact) or those fake 6ch XVAGs (that's how I called them) were actually 2ch MP3s (despite those "quad" suffixes they had) inside XVAG containers?
Just curious because the latter theory makes some sense too: whenever real 4ch tracks are needed by the game its audio system automatically mixes 2 stereo files on fly (for example amb_theater_quad_01.xvag + amb_theater_01_st.xvag), puts result in RAM and voila! Am I making sense or wild guesses once again?
Anyway even if playback of such *.xvag tracks is going to be improved/tweaked in the future I'll have untouched streams in my set ready to be fiddled with at any moment. I mean I'm ready to upload my complete rip to JoshW to back it up.


Edit: I've just realized something I didn't get many days ago - those unplayable files from XCOM Declassified are indeed optional preloading versions of some complete streams because they have the same names (the same can be said about those modern WWE VGs).
I also grasped why I didn't find it out much earlier - there're 2 PCKs and lots of BNKs within both PCKs, I put WEMs found in the 1st PCK in the 1st folder, all the *.wem tracks from the 2nd PCK in the 2nd directory and everything found in BNKs in the 3rd folder. Those prefetch streams I'm talking about were obviously contained in *.bnk bigfiles.
I believe this concludes it and proves that my rerip is a proper one and it's pretty safe to replace older Timo's ver. with mine I guess.

edited 4:45 AM EST November 12, 2018
by marcusss at 10:21 AM EST on November 13, 2018
Whoever uploaded Wipeout, there is some junk at the beginning of Cairodrome.raw resulting in a click before the song starts.. Just a heads up.not that it really matters

edited 10:26 AM EST November 13, 2018
by bnnm at 3:34 PM EST on November 13, 2018
@marcusss - other .XPCM tracks are much harder to add (zip compression + complex algorithm), dunno when/if

@Ultrafighter - *_st.xvag are simply 2ch, probably would play if your audio setup selects stereo

Other .xvag used "MP3 Surround". It's a 2ch MP3 that sounds perfectly as stereo, but can be re-routed to 6ch somehow (notice it sounds a bit 'wider'). No public decoders know how "MP3 Surround" does 2ch > 6ch, so stereo it is for now, not too important.

None were 4ch/quad though, no idea why they were named as such.
by marcusss at 11:27 AM EST on November 14, 2018
@bnnm : Thanks for the help. You can only do what is possible so if you never get around to figuring out the rest of those XPCM songs then it's not the end of the world. Cheers! (Sounds like they really put some voodoo over those unplayable songs hey. They sure went to a lot of trouble protecting the music.

edited 11:29 AM EST November 14, 2018
by Sir-Sabin at 4:05 PM EST on November 14, 2018
@bnnm: GTA V for PC doesn't work, just want to put that out

by Ultrafighter at 6:37 AM EST on November 15, 2018
"GTA V for PC doesn't work"
Well to tell the truth a few hundreds of AWCs work, it's just that they're not the most important stuff (mostly DJ speech or radio shows).
All in all I doubt that Rockstar containers on PC or X360 are gonna be implemented and fully supported anytime soon, I remember Bnnm saying something like this: <<it's definitely the owner of "the worst header of the year" award>> and so on.

Is there even a good reason to have GTA V for PC playable in VGMstream when we already have PS3 rip which is more complete (PC ver. obviously misses all the cutscenes as well as audio from prerendered movies) + 100% playable (via VGMstream to be precise)? If memory serves there should be a new radio station or two in Windows port but that's about it...

edited 6:39 AM EST November 15, 2018
by nothingtosay at 9:10 PM EST on November 18, 2018
So PlayStation 3 SCD files are just looping MP3s, right? That means they should actually be 32-bit floating point, but vgmstream decodes to 16 bits fixed point, causing clipping when the waveform exceeds 100% volume. Is that something someone can fix?
by bnnm at 2:36 PM EST on November 19, 2018
latest vgmstream changes (autobuilds (MSVC) / foobar / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Fix bad loops in pce2p_bgm_ajurika_*.fsb [Pac-Man CE2 Plus (Switch)]
- Add HCA/ADX keys
- Fix some AKB AAC issues, add doc (from lib)
- Add TamaSoft .msf [Abandoner: The Severed Dreams (PC)]
- Add !tags.m3u $AUTOTRACK command for auto %TRACK% tag
- Fix XMA gapless/looping/samples
fixes: standard, wem, xwc, xwb, xnb, xwx, rak, pk, txth, genh, seg, rsd, past, p3d, nub-xma, gtd, gsp, fsb, eaac, cxs, awc, aac
- Add PONA .sxd extension [Policenauts Pilot Disc (3DO)]
- Add RIFF duck3/4 via FFmpeg [Saturn videos]


@Sir-Sabin - GTA V PC is encrypted, use the PS3 (or X360, if somebody rips it) version instead

@nothingtosay - that would be fairly time consuming to fix. What games would benefit? Also keep in mind most console encoders take 16b wavs to begin with.
by Knurek at 5:38 PM EST on November 19, 2018
@bnnm: Could you maybe take a look at Vicarious Visions .ZSS format (ZSNDPS2 at 0x00) used in PSP games?
I managed to GENH one of the sets using it
X-Men Legends II - Rise of Apocalypse (2005-10-18)(Raven)(Vicarious Visions)(Activision), but Marvel - Ultimate Alliance (2006-10-24)(Vicarious Visions)(Activision)_unplayable seems to treat each file as a subsong bank - with some speech samples at beginning/end. Music is in the middle of each file. Not something easily doable in GENH/.txth, I think.
Both rips should be up on server, if you need source files to look through - I'll clean the X-Men rip if you manage to have the format supported in VGMStream.
by marcusss at 9:08 AM EST on November 20, 2018
Thx for the update

edited 9:10 AM EST November 20, 2018

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