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by Sephirothkefka at 11:04 PM EST on December 1, 2018
The component must not have installed properly then. Uninstall and reinstall vgmstream.
by shockdude at 11:12 PM EST on December 1, 2018
i already have reinstalled vgmstream. In fact I frequently switched between ffmpeg & libopus vgmstream just to confirm that I'm using the right version.

Here's the first 10 seconds of W06 using ffmpeg vgmstream. The pop at 0:07 is much louder than with libopus vgmstream.
by marcusss at 3:25 AM EST on December 2, 2018
I can hear only music..
by bnnm at 5:00 AM EST on December 2, 2018
@shockdude - I do hear a not-too-loud "plock" at ~0:08. Here is W06 converted to .opus, try with opusdec.exe or foobar but sounds about the same to me:

Remember that Switch Opus are encoded using Nintendo's tools, which I don't think would be using the very latest libopus, so encoding oddities and bugs from older libopus could remain. (also note that Switch Opus uses --hard-cbr, not sure if quality would be affected vs opusenc's vbr 64kbps)

I assume those glitches are normal encoding artifacts that libopus handles/filters better than FFmpeg, but can't be eliminated.

edited 5:04 AM EST December 2, 2018
by Artur_Warios at 6:43 AM EST on December 2, 2018
Mr. bnnm

I downloaded the .BIO4SND files as you requested. Here is a link to several instances of these files.

My previous post text

Platform: GAMECUBE
Game: Resident evil 4
Audio file: BIO4SND

I have been busy with sound files of the .BIO4SND format for a long time.
These files were extracted with a man named "MarkGrass", I think this person is known here.

I do not know how to make these files work, because the VGMGUI program refuses to work with these files.
I couldn’t turn to Mark myself, therefore I ask for help here

by Artur_Warios at 6:53 AM EST on December 2, 2018
It is worth adding that these sound files were extracted by me with the help of the program written by MarkGrass. In the instructions for the program, he left information about these files, which may be useful.

Here is the description text:

Nintendo->SND Archive
    This option rips raw ADPCM audio samples and combines them with
    their appropriate header. Each output file is given an
    appropriate GameCube-Wii audio file extension, DSP.

    Data is ripped 'in order' from the input file like so:

        <INPUT>            <OUTPUT>
        [SAMPLE RATE]        0x00    2 Bytes
        [COEFF_DATA]        0x02    46 Bytes
        [UNKNOWN]        0x30    24 Bytes
        [PADDING]        0x48    8 Bytes
        [ADPCM]            0x50
by bnnm at 7:35 AM EST on December 2, 2018
@Artur_Warios - follow this to make them playable:
1 - rename all (file).bio4snd to (file).snd
2 - Download and extract this zip file:
3 - Copy the unzipped ".txth" file in the folder(s) with the .snd (that txth file starts with a "." dot, it's normal)
by Artur_Warios at 10:28 AM EST on December 2, 2018

Thank you bro

I have been working with these files for months now .. I extracted all the files from this game and only this last file didn’t want to give up.
by shockdude at 11:24 AM EST on December 2, 2018
@bnnm welp yeah the .opus still has that plock. Also played the .opus on an Android phone and that also has the plock.

Now I'm really interested in a direct line-out of W06, for comparison.

Curious, how did you convert the files to regular opus?
by bnnm at 2:21 PM EST on December 2, 2018
@shockdude - I did a quick, rudimentary version of vgmstream that converts/re-routes stuff to opus.

It's good to compare to the real thing (also keep in mind consoles tend to filter output) but don't expect miracles, remember this is from the makers of "32khz ADPCM is good enough" :P

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