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by ol2m at 2:08 PM EST on January 1, 2019
Hello everybody and happy new year.

I recently investigated the files of Outlast 2 on PS4 and understood the original names of the files with ID can be found inside a XML "SoundbanksInfo.xml". I'm asking here if it's possible please to make a script or something like that in order to rename all the files from the game. The SoundbanksInfo.xml can be downloaded here :


by Nicknine at 3:44 PM EST on January 1, 2019
It is certainly possible, I wrote some C# code to do just that but the program doesn't have any kind of interface so I can't release it.
I'll see if I can write a Python script to extract the files with proper names.
by ol2m at 4:28 PM EST on January 1, 2019
Wow that would be awesome. Thank you!!
by marcusss at 8:52 PM EST on January 1, 2019
There is a batch script on this website but it only works/worked on older?games as lately many games using wwise that have the xml file do not most of the time it has to be manually edited..

Would be cool for a script like what Nicknine said. Especially some games having hundred or thousands of files. Saves time

Basically reads the xml matching xxx.wem with its real name in a batch script which then can be used to rename said files.

The layout of soundbankinfo.xml has changed ?? Recently as the script rarely works.

edited 6:11 AM EST January 2, 2019
by ol2m at 5:34 AM EST on January 2, 2019
Somebody wrote a BMS script in order to do that but it didn't work for me. Maybe it only works for some games.

include ""
for i
    FindLoc SEARCH string "" 0 ""
    goto SEARCH
    getDstring DUMMY 6
    getCT FNAME string 0x3c
    string FNAME -= 4
    open FDSE DIDX 1 EXIST
    if EXIST == 1
        get SIZE asize 1
        log MEMORY_FILE 0 0
        log MEMORY_FILE 0 SIZE 1
        callfunction getTYPE 1
        string FNAME += EXT
next i
by Nicknine at 6:20 AM EST on January 2, 2019
The only soundbanksinfo.xml I've seen for myself is the one from Doom (2016). Which games does that script work on?
by ol2m at 6:21 AM EST on January 2, 2019
Sorry for the double post, but I found a script which seems to work, but not for all the files. I tested with Outlast 2 PS4.

edited 6:22 AM EST January 2, 2019
by Nicknine at 1:09 PM EST on January 2, 2019
Here we go:
Wwise Sound Extractor

This script loads soundbanksinfo.xml and uses it to extract the sound files with proper names. Tested with Doom (2016).

EDIT: Fixed some bugs in the script.

edited 3:15 PM EST January 2, 2019
by ol2m at 1:23 PM EST on January 2, 2019
How did you do this... I'm really impressed...

Thank you very much!!!
by bnnm at 8:10 PM EST on January 2, 2019
latest vgmstream changes (autobuilds (MSVC) / foobar / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Add .wd RIFF [Genma Onimusha (Xbox)]
- Fix .sdt [Baldur's Gate - Dark Alliance (GC)]
- Fix raw .xa validation [Toy Story 2 (PS1)]
- Improve Ubi BAO (.pk) parsing speed
- Improve Ubi SB/SM (.smN/sbN) parsing speed
- Add EA EACS banks [Need for Speed (PC)]
- Add SCHl .hab/gsf/abk and custom mpf+mus pairs, remove trj/trm map pair
- Add Dragalia Lost subkeys from Chapter 7, New Year's event and English voice clips (by slashiee)
- Ubi SB: More games support (by Nicknine)
- Added more EA MPF versions (by Nicknine)


@ChillyBilly - HCA keys try asking in this thread, ATSL is using an unsupported codec.

@Ultrafighter - I don't have PS3 .ZSS at hand, you know how this goes.

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