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by ChillyBilly at 5:22 AM EST on January 5, 2019
@bnnm: Okay, I inquired about Billion Road in the HCA thread. And I guess I'll have to wait a bit on those DW9 files. Anyway, while I'm here, I'd just like to bring up one more curiosity: I recently looked into the music for the game Rikki & Vikki for the PC. Now, at a glance, I'm almost entirely certain that this game uses sequenced audio. However, I'd like a second opinion from the more tech-savvy folk around these parts. As always, I'll be grateful for any info provided on the matter!
by MurraySkull at 5:59 AM EST on January 5, 2019
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories PSH needs to needs to be fixed - no longer plays.
by bnnm at 7:02 PM EST on January 7, 2019
latest vgmstream changes (autobuilds (MSVC) / foobar / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Redo Infernal Engine .smp [Ghostbusters (multi)]
- Tweak Ubi sb/xmX for clarity and add more games
- Remove sps frostbite parser, use a good extractor instead
- Fix .vsv/psh decoding and mono files [Dawn of Mana (PS2)]
- Fix many Ubi SB bugs, add looping and more games
- Remove Ubi SB hacks now that it's correctly parsed, fixes
- EA SCHl: MPF fixes (by Nicknine)


Btw, I checked the KH Re:CoM iso and filenames are ok, but the extension should be .VSV (CAPS too), so, where did .PSH come from? :S
Also heads up I re-ripped Dawn of Mana with proper filenames (Romancing SaGa didn't had tho).
by shockdude at 10:25 PM EST on January 10, 2019
I think there's a bug in ffmpeg's XMA handling, which affects vgmstream.
The attached XMA file (from DJ Hero 2) decodes correctly with towav, but with ffmpeg/vgmstream there are artifacts in the right channel (the left channel seems ok).

Should I submit a bug report to ffmpeg, or is someone else here better suited to do that?
by Nicknine at 10:36 PM EST on January 10, 2019
This could be a problem with XMA file itself. I got some weird XMAs in Splinter Cell: Double Agent which also decode fine with ToWav but vgmstream/ffmpeg decodes them with skips and the official xmaencode.exe tool flat out rejects them.
by bnnm at 11:21 AM EST on January 11, 2019
I don't see anything clearly wrong, but I think this is a transmogrified XMA1 from .fsb XMA2. Try to get a proper rip first, this could matter a lot as FFmpeg error correction would be simpler than Microsoft/towav's.

Otherwise try to ask FFmpeg, good luck though.
by Anterag at 11:33 AM EST on January 11, 2019
Hi! I wanted to ask if it's possible to help me extracting the WAV files inside the *.XBS of Family Guy (Xbox version). The format is a variant of GCS from The Conduit (Wii), and even exists a decoder (by hcs).

32_05.XBS/32_05.XBM here: Family Guy (Xbox)

Thanks in advance!
by Nicknine at 11:50 PM EST on January 11, 2019
Re-posting this here for archiving purposes. I've put up a Github repo with Python scripts for extracting assets from Frostbite Engine games. Instructions inside.

edited 11:50 PM EST January 11, 2019
by shockdude at 3:42 AM EST on January 12, 2019
bnnm right on the money lol.

The proper XMA file isn't playable out of the box, since it includes 3 stereo XMAs. To get something that could feed into towav, I followed the procedure from

Someone else uploaded some example files here:
by bnnm at 4:39 AM EST on January 12, 2019
Oh, those 6ch XMA created by fsbext won't play since the header has the wrong size at 0x10 (change to 0x34). "3 stereo XMA" is normal and simply how XMA does 6ch.

Most "extractor" programs like fsbext or .bms around aren't very good and poorly transmogrify one format to another (they aren't "extracting" anything, at best pasting a new header other the original, in this case they did it wrong).

I suggest to simply use vgmstream to play the original .fsb, you don't even need to decrypt them.

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