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by Gedankenschild at 10:05 AM EDT on September 29, 2008
I reported a 'bug' a few months ago about the Paper Mario 2 DSPs 'clicking' when looping back to the beginning (those that weren't supposed to loop).

In the meantime I found out more:

When converting the files into waves (with looping disabled) I noticed there is actually a bit of distortion at the very end of the wave files - so it wasn't the looping at all!
Playing the same tracks with in_cube produces flawless waves (of the same size).

There are also a few tracks in Metroid Prime 2 Echoes which suffer from the same thing.

Does in_cube also smooth the end of files or could this be a vgmstream bug?

I can upload a few example files if requested.
by hcs at 11:06 AM EDT on September 29, 2008
All I can think of is that the sample count is actually a bit longer than the actual file length, but the loop end is set properly. With looping disabled vgmstream would then attempt to decode past the end of the file, whereas if you cut the (looped) in_cube output at that point it would have looped and look clean. I don't have the files to consider now, but I'll try to remember and take a look this evening.
by Gedankenschild at 12:44 PM EDT on September 29, 2008
That seems to make sense with Paper Mario 2.
In the case of Metroid Prime 2 the DSPs play correctly when it comes to looping - that is they're not supposed to and they don't. The plugin doesn't report loop points either.

All of the short 'Fanfare'-type tracks in MP2 seem affected except evt_x_event_00 & skytenkey-jin-short32.
by marcusss at 1:43 PM EDT on September 29, 2008
Hey ManakoAT. Yeah I tried and found Burnout 2 .ivs files use 48khz, 2 channel and interleave of 16.. Pretty useful program you have..

Some of the songs are using different interleave as song plays with static..but the intro and replay songs use IL 16.. but so far haven't gotten the track songs working yet. hmm

Some songs I ripped cut off a little at the end also..

test files

edited 1:44 PM EDT September 29, 2008
by manakoAT at 1:46 PM EDT on September 29, 2008
i'm not really sure if those files were multichannel or container files, try to set the channel value higher than 2 in GENH, 4 or 6 iirc, interleave is the same!
by marcusss at 2:09 PM EDT on September 29, 2008
With Dark Alliance 2, the IL is 1024 and i Believe sample rate is 22050.. Plays fine but yeah seems voice and many dif songs are put in same file.

Aah I see.. Well I will try that then.. for Burnout and see how it goes. Thanks
by marcusss at 2:36 PM EDT on September 29, 2008
4 channels worked fine for the track songs.. THanks :) So the tracks use 4 channels and the replays use 2.. wonder if they loop.. I can't remember if they did or not when playing the game..

Off to bed now :P Will try to post some later

For now a track with both songs :P

Thanks for your help :)

Lego Star Wars GCM & Force Unleashed by lordskylark at 11:18 PM EDT on October 9, 2008
Two questions.

#1 - In_cube supports WII Lego Star Wars GCM, but it only seems to support the files in the "audio/cutscene" folder. It refuses to play the GCM files that are in the "audio/music" folder. Those actually are the ones I want to listen to the most.

I also had a request for WII Star Wars Force Unleashed files. To check out the .mus format.


by hcs at 5:13 PM EDT on October 10, 2008
#1 It is my understanding that vgmstream plays all the GCMs from Lego Star Wars. Why are you using in_cube?

#N That's nice. A good way to encourage people to look at these files would be to put them somewhere online and provide a link.
Reply by lordskylark at 10:02 PM EDT on October 10, 2008
#1 - I thought this was the support forum for in_cube, but I didn't realize that it had changed to a new project. Thanks for the heads-up.
Anyhow, I tried the gcm files with vgmstream and they too did not play for Lego Star Wars WII. The gcm files for the cutscenes do play, but gcm in the music folder does not. I have uploaded a sample.

#2 - Here is a sample of the .mus file format for the Force Unleashed WII version.


edited 10:06 PM EDT October 10, 2008

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