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by Ultrafighter at 8:21 AM EST on January 12, 2019
Hello Bnnm, can you please look into this? There's a BMS for such files and it even outputs playable (!) XMAs but unfortunately it transmogrifies tracks to XMA1.
A new script is needed I guess (or is it possible to add these audio archives to VGMstream directly)?

There're some samples of such format @JoshW but they come from PS3 or PC: 1, 2 & 3.
Maybe this VG also used this format but streams were extracted / cut to make that set.

So long!

edited 8:22 AM EST January 12, 2019
by shockdude at 6:07 PM EST on January 13, 2019
oh yeah, vgmstream can open FSBs. And yeah the DJ Hero FSBs open and play/convert totally fine.

Thanks bnnm.
by Ultrafighter at 3:57 AM EST on January 14, 2019
Hmm I see you've already added some rerips Bnnm, I'm wondering if original BAFs can be played with the latest update or we have to use some splitter / divider BMS to extract individual tracks?
by marcusss at 5:45 AM EST on January 14, 2019
Yeah baf support was added for PG4 xbox360 and geometry wars PC so is a good start. Check tje vgmstream updates section of discord.

bnnm reripped Geometry wars so wander if more music was found and added or did he break up the .baf file but with .baf support I assume he just found more music.

edited 5:47 AM EST January 14, 2019
by Ultrafighter at 12:23 AM EST on January 15, 2019
You mean this thread's not going to be updated anymore? I didn't realize it might be more convenient to post updates @Discord... Isn't there a 200 character limit on all messages?
See you!
by marcusss at 1:36 AM EST on January 15, 2019
I still think both have their place as not all members here, even frequent ones have a discord account

edited 1:37 AM EST January 15, 2019
by bnnm at 4:32 AM EST on January 15, 2019
Bafs I don't think have anything new, just original files (they'll loop properly now though).

I'll post about updates here too, but it may take a bit more time.
by bnnm at 4:30 PM EST on January 15, 2019
latest vgmstream changes (autobuilds (MSVC) / foobar / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Add TXTH sub-extension (.sub.ext.txth) to simplify extra config
- Fix some .ads looping [Gofun-go no Sekai (PS2)]
- Fix some .bnk codec/rates [Fieldrunners (PSP), Wipeout HD (PS3)]
- Fix .fag sample rate
- Add .gin and EA-XAS v0 decoder [Need for Speed Most Wanted]
- Add .vas VAGp [Kingdom Hearts II (PS2)]
- Add OKI16 TXTH/GENH decoder [Sweet Legacy (PS2), Hooligan (PS2)]
- Add proper .baf [Project Gotham Racing 4 (X360), Geometry Wars (PC)]
- Fix some looping .sps [FIFA 18 (PC)]
- Fix broken .pk subsongs [Scott Pilgrim (PS3)]
- Prepare Ubi SB for other types and add more games
- SD9 meta cleanup and modify loop flag for newer BMIIDX games (by bxaimc)
- Added 4-bit PCM decoder (3rd and 4th gen games) TXTH (by Nicknine)
- Added SBR/SBS format from older 7th gen games (NFS: ProStreet, NFS: Undercover) (by Nicknine)
- Added SBR/SBS format from newest EA Sports games (Harmony Sample Bank) (by Nicknine)
by bnnm at 2:20 PM EST on January 21, 2019
latest vgmstream changes (releases (MSVC) / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Fix KOEI .mic loops [Dynasty Tactics 2 (PS2)]
- Add Ubi .sb/smX layers and sequences, more games
- Fix UE4 MSADPCM .adpcm [Heroes of Ark (iOS), Angels in the Sky (iOS)]
- Add TXTH/GENH interleave_last option
- Show layers/segments in description
- Fix type 04 .xnb [Scare Me (XBLIG)]
- Add .lasf (.asf) for consistency


kode54 and KDDLB set up some nice release system here:
by hcs at 12:02 AM EST on January 22, 2019
Should I link to that (losnoco/vgmstream/releases) instead of your in-tree bin/, on the vgmstream "home page"?

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