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by marcusss at 5:32 AM EST on January 22, 2019
@ bnnm

Thanks for adding msadpcm support for those two ios ue4 games I gave you ages ago. Well done on the success. Good to have them playable. Thanks very much. Maybe there are more rips i had like them. Will check

Cheers !

edited 5:34 AM EST January 22, 2019

edited 6:30 PM EST January 22, 2019
by bnnm at 6:19 PM EST on January 22, 2019
@hcs - I think that's a good idea, it looks all pro now.

However my bin/tree/etc is built with GCC, and I think it's good to have an alt around (read this clusterfuck and marvel). So maybe you could leave the link as "alt GCC builds in case there is a problem with github releases" or something.

@marcusss - it took a while to figure out, remember the extension must be ".adpcm"


Subsongs and TXTPs are sweet (if I do say so myself) but sometimes making them is a pain. If you:
a) have gigantic sound banks and only want music and not sfx
b) want a bunch of separate files so rip's song quantity is easier to see
c) need .txtp for your gimped player without subsong support
then you can use this thing: (v2)

Works like a command line app, you can filter subsongs and stuff (barely tested and code is meh though). Example: amb_fx.sb1 -c c:\test\test.exe -fd -fcm 2 -fsm 60.0 -l 2

This will create .txtp for subsongs with more +2 channels and +60 secs, while ignoring dupes, and if a >2ch song is found it'll create a .txtp per 2ch 'layer'.

edited 2:41 PM EST January 23, 2019
by hcs at 9:57 PM EST on January 22, 2019
Updated vgmstream.html, lemme know if there's anything needs fixing.

As always, thanks for all your work on this!
by Anterag at 5:19 PM EST on January 23, 2019
Hi! Amazing that the SM3 format is finally supported! Thanks Bnnm and Nicknine. It seems vgmstream reads Ubisoft IMA stereo sounds from SM3 starting directly from the data offset (instead of taking initial header values for each channel). This causes volume irregularities. Also, I noticed there were clicks on the "intro-loop" tracks since it joins all the segments. Any way to fix that please? Thanks in advance.
by Nicknine at 7:41 PM EST on January 23, 2019
@Anterag - I assume you're working with a really old game like Tarzan Untamed, in which case that's not the issue, it's the codec itself which appears to be slightly different from newer Ubi IMA introduced in 2003.
by Ultrafighter at 8:42 AM EST on January 24, 2019
".SB4 files from Rainbow Six Vegas 1 & 2"
What platform are they from - X360, PS3, anything else? There was a theory that number in this kind of extensions - *.SB#, *.SM#, *.SP# - might mean platform (0 for PC, 4 for Xbox 360 and so on). It might explain this:
"the files names don't match with the ones I found".

And what did you mean when you said "to sort everything out"? Are you going to make a playlist when you finished checking thousands of tracks or you're intending to re-encode all found music to more common formats (MP3, OGG, whatever)?
You see there's no way to split given audio archives from Ubi games if one doesn't want to use DecUbiSnd (supposedly this tool doesn't even find every single track contained in those *.SM#/*.SS# archives) and transcoding them is the only option. Of course it's possible to keep entire sound bank along with a playlist but it's still not very convenient.

I think you should thank Nicknine for adding more & more UbiSoft format variants, it was Bnnm who started it all but it's Nicknine who continued it.

So long!
by Nicknine at 12:12 PM EST on January 24, 2019
The number is indeed the platform index, 4 means either X360 or PSP (early PSP games hijack X360 index).

0 - PC
1 - PS2
2 - Xbox
3 - GC
4 - X360 (also early PSP)
5 - PSP (also 3DS)
6 - PS3
7 - Wii

edited 12:16 PM EST January 24, 2019
by Ultrafighter at 9:06 AM EST on January 25, 2019
Damn, that was supposed to go there! Could someone move the post in its appropriate topic or I may simply post a replica in that thread?
by Broula at 11:41 AM EST on January 27, 2019
I think you should thank Nicknine for adding more & more UbiSoft format variants, it was Bnnm who started it all but it's Nicknine who continued it.
>Thanks Nicknine and Bnnm then ;)
by bnnm at 7:26 PM EST on January 27, 2019
latest vgmstream changes (releases (MSVC) / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Add extensionless RIFF [Myst III (Xbox)]
- Fix Ubi IMA v2 [Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers (GC)]
- Fix most Ubi SB stuff and yet more games
- Add .sbv RIFF [Spongebob Squarepants - The Movie (PC)]
- Fix some SDF [Mr. Bean's Wacky World (Wii)]
- Add .wxv RIFF [Godzilla - Destroy All Monsters Melee (Xbox)]


There has been a lot of improvements recently in the Ubi SB (.sb0-7, .sm0-7) format. Nicknine added the "map" variation and I fixed layers and sequences (full songs for Prince of Persia and similar games with segmented audio). Since sbX/smX typically mix sfx and music you can use my TXTP maker I linked a few posts back to get music more easily.

The format is still retarded in that support needs to be added per game+platform, but we got most of them covered now.

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