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by Broula at 9:36 AM EST on January 30, 2019

Hello, I uploaded the "Sounds" directory of Rainbow Six Vegas 2 on Xbox 360 Here

Thanks for the work, it's really appreciated.
by Ultrafighter at 4:49 AM EST on February 3, 2019
Hi Bnnm, I've just encountered some unplayable *.sps and would like to see them implemented. They all come from Army of two - The Devil's cartel for PS3.
They were extracted with Python3 scripts by Nicknine & are even convertible with ealayer3 but it'd be way more convenient if they're playable right away: in that case TXTPs can be made + it's tidier to have a single 11-channel file instead of 6 MP3s.

Best wishes!
by shockdude at 12:07 AM EST on February 6, 2019
I have some sfl and ogg files from Touhou 15.5, but when I open the sfl the music doesn't get looped. Am I doing something wrong?
I've uploaded a sample here:
by marcusss at 12:23 AM EST on February 6, 2019
I guess the sfl are the loop points. Bnnm maybe can add them or you can get the info from the sfl and make looping oggs .logg in vgmstream
by Ultrafighter at 12:36 PM EST on February 7, 2019
@Bnnm: hello, is it possible to improve playback of these tracks? It's expected that some hissing / static will always be present because it's XBOX 4-bit IMA ADPCM but the MULs I posted sound even worse than usual...
Can it be that these files aren't simple audio streams but some proprietary movies & require demuxing to make them sound better?

Best wishes!
by bnnm at 1:17 PM EST on February 11, 2019
latest vgmstream changes (releases (MSVC) / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Fix some Ubi SB [Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (X360)]
- Add atomic BAO [Assassin's Creed (PS3/PC)]
- Fix EALayer3 11ch, V1b PCM, V2S loops [Army of Two 3 (PS3), NFS:W (PS3)]
- Fix .sfl loops in some cases
- Fix BAO layer/sequences and add .cpk and more games
- Add Ocean .DSF, .208 and DSA decoder [Last Rites (PC)]
- Add .vgm TXTH extension [Maximo (PS2)]
- Adjust Yamaha ADPCM description
- Adjust subsong title description and show for TXTP subsongs
- Fix Winamp slow seeking after max length with infinite loop on
- Fix foobar infinite loop when seeking after max length in some cases
- Add TXTP global "commands = #(...)" and allow per-segment masking/mixing
- Add Dragalia subkeys up to Skyborne Spectacle raid event (by Slashiee)


@Ultrafighter - demuxing won't help as the data looks correct, not sure why it glitches.
Maybe it's a custom XBOX IMA variation, post .exe from PC games using MUL and I'll try to figure out later.
by Ultrafighter at 2:02 AM EST on February 12, 2019
Here's Tomb Raider - Anniversary exe if it helps. If anything turns up & you need an executable file from TR Legend tell me and I'll get it too.

Edit: These banks from 007 Blood Stone X360 don't play, can they be added/fixed?
Later & thanks in advance!

edited 3:22 AM EST February 12, 2019
by shockdude at 10:39 PM EST on February 13, 2019
Thanks for the vgmstream update. The Touhou 15.5 sfls are looping now.

However, in foobar2000, the song's length is still reported as the length of the original ogg, rather than the length of two loops. The loops play, but the current time goes past the reported length, e.g. 2:03 / 1:33.

edited 10:39 PM EST February 13, 2019
by Broula at 6:46 PM EST on February 17, 2019
Thanks for the update bnnm !
by bnnm at 1:29 PM EST on February 18, 2019
latest vgmstream changes (releases (MSVC) / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Fix some .baf [James Bond 007: Blood Stone (X360)]
- Add TXTP "loop_mode=keep" for intro+main songs that also loop normally
- Fix some more BAOs
- Fix memory corruption when forcing loops and clean internals
- Show loop info even when disabling loops in plugin's config
- Fix mpeg state not properly resetting in some cases
- Add TXTP "#h(rate)" to force sample rate
- Fix some .bnk [Manhunt 2 (PSP)]
- Add companion CLI tool
- Add .ds2 [Star Wars Bounty Hunter (GC)]


Note that stuff like Scott Pilgrim vs the World should now play all songs.

@shockdude - That's a foobar2000 quirk, you must manually refresh tags when length changes: shift + right click > tagging > reload info from files

@Ultrafighter - I think it's an IMA variation but it's hard to understand what is doing, will try again later.

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