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Star Wars Episode III sound files by Puterboy1 at 12:30 PM EST on March 8, 2019
Would it be possible for your plugin to support the .ilv files from the PS2 release of Star Wars Episode III?:
AUDICA by marcusss at 12:13 AM EDT on March 12, 2019
I have some vgm in format of .audica from the game AUDICA.

They have the magic bytes PK so are zipped but upon extracting there are .MOGGs and CUES and none play in vgmstream.. I heard of MOGG before but this one doesn't work..different obviously.

Anyway the game uses hmxaudio plugin.



edited 12:15 AM EDT March 12, 2019
by bnnm at 3:57 PM EDT on March 12, 2019
latest vgmstream changes (releases (MSVC) / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Fix some MIB+MIH missing samples [Galaxy Angel II (PS2)]
- Add ADX key [Bakumatsu Renka: Shinsengumi (PS2)]
- Add .ilv extension [Star Wars Episode III (PS2)]
- Fix some 7ch .SPS [BAttlefield 4 (X360)
- Fix newest .wem channel mask and validate wrong values
- Add AAC codec for TXTH and bytes-to-samples
- Calculate num_samples automatically for FFmpeg AAC (.aac/laac)
- Parse hex in TXTP loop install
- Add AAC .strm [Cursed Castilla (3DS)]
- Fix EA SCHl BR and handle multilang better [Battlefield: Hardline (PS3)]
- Add SFH .at3 wrapper [Devil May Cry 4 Demo (PS3), Jojo BA HD (PS3)]
- Add inline TXTH math: (key) = (number) (op) (number) ... [op: +-*/]
- Add non-demuxed EA SCHl .vp6 videos with multilang subsongs
- Add TXTH subfile_offset for wrapper files
- Add TXTH mpeg bytes-to-samples and tweaks
- Add TXTH inline coef_table = NNMM.... for DSP
- Add Konami MSF/XWMA [Metal Gear Solid 3 HD (PS3/X360)]


TXTH MATH: works like this data_size = @0x10 * 0x800 * channels

Priority is left-to-right. Do add brackets though, they are accounted for and if they are implemented in the future your .txth *will* break with impunity.
# normal priority
data_size = @0x10 * 0x800 + 0x800
# also works
data_size = (@0x10 + 1) * 0x800
# same as above but don't do this
# (may become @0x10 + (1 * 0x800) in the future
data_size = @0x10 + 1 * 0x800
# doesn't work at the moment, so reorder as (1 * 0x800) + @0x10
data_size = @0x10 + (1 * 0x800)
# fails, wrong bracket count
data_size = (@0x10 + 1 * 0x800
# fails, wrong bracket count
data_size = )@0x10 + 1 * 0x800


TXTH SUBFILES: for wrappers:

# parse ogg subfile but apply external loops
subfile_offset = 0x20
subfile_size = @0x08
subfile_extension = ogg

num_samples = @0x10
loop_start_sample = @0x14
loop_end_sample = @0x18


@Ultrafighter - Conviction was uploaded, Blacklist uses hashed filenames and a new BAO version so not likely.

@puterboy - .ivl can't play directly, must use .txth, same with The Last Express.

@marcusss - those are encrypted.
Condemned 2: Bloodshot Audio Files by -Dexter- at 10:13 PM EDT on March 12, 2019
Hi there Bnnm

I was told from Ultrafighter that you might help me with extracting the music files from the Condemned 2 global.snd file. I inspected the file as a raw file on Audacity to confirm if the music was in the file but it does seem like it does but its not properly interleaved. I don't know what program or script I can use to look deeper into the file. If its possible you or someone else could look at the file that would be great

Condemned 2: Bloodshot Audio Files by -Dexter- at 10:13 PM EDT on March 12, 2019
Deleted copy

edited 10:14 PM EDT March 12, 2019
by RetroFanatic at 6:11 AM EDT on March 13, 2019
vgmstream can't play music from, say, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3?

The download provided here just gives me a folder with files named things like "bgm_cr_012.at3.pos".

What to do with that?
by Ultrafighter at 8:14 AM EDT on March 13, 2019
Hi Bnnm, thanks for fixing both 7ch .SPS & EA SCHl BR streams!
Does the latter mean that you won't have to add each new multilang "tag" manually? It's pretty cool if I got it right. You see 1 title uses SHSP while another one uses SHES but they're really one & the same, then there're SHDE & SHGE, SHJA & SHJP, the list goes on & on; this update should save you lots of time I guess.

>Conviction was uploaded
Big thnx for this one, I'll grab it ASAP!
BTW are you also looking into Surf's up or Rainbow six 3 (both for PC)? These are games I'd like to check out but I think I can wait for your rip too. It's just that the timing seems perfect for making full proper rips of both VGs.

Best regards, Ultrafighter!

@-Dexter-: If Condemned 2 is quite similar to FEAR 2 you should have standalone SNDs for each level / map, be sure to try & find them all.
Then you shouldn't expect any descriptive track names too, it's gonna be like this: m01_sr_03a__0000.snd, dlc_03_04descent__0245.snd, etc. I believe. FEAR sequel had a few GAMEDB assets which definitely held some "true" proper titles for some BGMs but it wasn't possible to divide given SNDs into separate sounds while using names from GAMEDBs.

@RetroFanatic: *.at3.pos contain only looping info for bigger *.at3 files, only the latter contain actual audio data so you're not supposed to play *.at3.pos files.

edited 8:26 AM EDT March 13, 2019
by -Dexter- at 9:56 AM EDT on March 13, 2019
@Ultrafighter - Gotcha, I haven't been able to extract the gamedb files yet, is there a tool or script to extract them?
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone SFX by Puterboy1 at 2:24 PM EDT on March 13, 2019
Would also be possible to add support for the .bwav files of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for the PS2? You can download the samples here:
The Last Express sound files by Puterboy1 at 2:28 PM EDT on March 13, 2019
At the same time, maybe you can study these .SND from The Last Express:

For more on the .snd files, click here:

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