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by AnonRunzes at 10:06 AM EDT on April 10, 2019
is anyone here willing to give this Puterboy1 kid what he needs to hear before he throws up a tantrum over "muh samples"

edited 10:07 AM EDT April 10, 2019
by MoldyPond at 12:58 PM EDT on April 10, 2019
Wouldn't it more sense to teach him that these things take time sometimes?
by Puterboy1 at 1:20 PM EDT on April 10, 2019
I have been patient.
by AnonRunzes at 5:24 PM EDT on April 10, 2019

first you post a link containing the sample you want someone to program over at vgmstream. which wouldn't be so bad if you didn't immediately proceed to make TWO "check muh samples" posts in a row (and they were a couple of days apart).

sure you were waiting for that one file(yeah, it's two pairs of files, whatever) to get supported to vgmstream but just because nothing has been done regarding your sample yet doesn't mean you have to make every single post that contains you saying something along the lines of "what about my samples?" every week or so, that makes you look completely entitled, as if you want to play that one fine on vgmstream right now.

edited 5:53 PM EDT April 10, 2019
by bnnm at 2:48 PM EDT on April 11, 2019
@Koto - If you mean you want to play once, then fade normally after 10 seconds into the second time, try:

0A056401.xa #I11390407 #l1 #d10.0
You need to set l1 to play once, if that fails also try to add #f10.0

If you use foobar you need to refresh tags too (shift + right click > Tagging > Reload info from files), or rename the .txtp
by ChillyBilly at 5:18 PM EDT on April 12, 2019
Welp, I've hit a new roadblock on my ripping journey. I was looking into Tap Sonic for the PC, and discovered the majority of the music comes in these .fpk files. I'm pretty sure they're encrypted, as the data appears as a garbled mess in hex and I can't get anything out of them through other tools like Ravioli. So.... someone here can lend a hand? Here's the goods:

Okami HD PC by ponaromixxx at 5:47 AM EDT on April 17, 2019
Help please search key for .adx and for .usm



edited 5:51 AM EDT April 17, 2019
by bnnm at 5:18 AM EDT on April 21, 2019
latest vgmstream changes (releases (MSVC) / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Add txtp_segmenter companion CLI tool
- Add .sxd3 [Fate/Estella (PS4), Gran Turismo Sport (PS4)]
- Fix some .sm2/ss2 [Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu (Xbox)]
- Fix some .spw [Final Fantasy XI (PC)]
- Fix TXTP fade time in CLI
- Fix segmented .wave kbps
- Fix .hca key detection for newer Tales of the Rays files
- Fix some .msf/mp3 looping
by Nisto at 8:50 AM EDT on April 21, 2019
Question about TXTH: is there a minimum limit or something when specifying data_size for num_samples? I tried it with some raw PSX ADPCM data and it wouldn't play unless I explicitly specified the sample count (9688).
by bnnm at 10:05 AM EDT on April 21, 2019
You may need to set channels/interleave and codec first. What is yout .txth?

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