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by Nisto at 11:40 AM EDT on April 21, 2019

codec = PSX
sample_rate = 10000
num_samples = data_size
start_offset = 0
channels = 1
loop_flag = 0

Audio file ->

edited 11:43 AM EDT April 21, 2019
by bnnm at 1:35 PM EDT on April 21, 2019
try putting chanels before, it's a quirk needed for data_size:
codec = PSX
channels = 1
sample_rate = 10000
num_samples = data_size
start_offset = 0
loop_flag = 0

Last two are optional btw, and loop flag may be "auto" to use PS-ADPCM flags.
by Nisto at 3:00 PM EDT on April 21, 2019
Oh, I see. I had no idea the order mattered. But wouldn't it be better to read in all the commands before actually referencing any of the values?

I intentionally used loop_flag to disable loops, and start_offset was just to see if it helped.
by bnnm at 5:26 PM EDT on April 21, 2019
Certainly it would be better, but I'd have to redo a bunch of things, and I'm unsure about the meaning of some cases/order since TXTH supports quite a few complex features (like simple math or setting header/body files).

Order mattering was mainly to handle sensitive (but not improbable) cases like this:
codec = PSX
sample_rate = 48000
interleave = 0x1000
start_offset = 0x20

# will make next reads convert "bytes-to-samples"
sample_type = bytes

channels = 1 # temp for next value
num_samples = @0x10 #size for 1ch!

channels = @0x0c # correct value
loop_start_sample = @0x14 #size for 2ch!

You can now rewrite some things with math but without order mattering I'm not sure how to handle stuff like that.
by Ruxnor at 4:55 PM EDT on April 22, 2019
I made a nice website for vgmstream:

Changes can be suggested here.
Dust .snd files by Puterboy1 at 4:00 AM EDT on April 23, 2019
Care to see if vgmstream can support these?:
by Kirishima at 11:51 PM EDT on May 8, 2019
Was there ever any progress on getting the ps3 version of Beyond Good & Evil's music playable?

I just ripped the thing to see if the audio was currently playable, but apparently it isn't.
by bnnm at 4:31 PM EDT on May 9, 2019
I have a bunch of Beyond Good and Evil PS3 samples and all work fine for me. Try renaming to .lwav, ripping with different .bms, or post your samples.
by Kirishima at 7:35 PM EDT on May 9, 2019
Could you post one of your samples? I have a feeling that either the bms script didn't work correctly or something else went wrong along the way.
by bnnm at 8:10 PM EDT on May 10, 2019

The engine files extracted as-is contain padding and would have size prepended before "RIFF". If your .bms tries to extract the "RIFF" inside, its size must be correct and padding removed.

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