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by Kirishima at 3:15 AM EDT on May 11, 2019
Thank you for the upload and that answered my question. I was right in thinking something went wrong on my end since the files didn't have any riff headers. In fact, they didn't even resemble one another. I used the bms script from aluigi xenhax, but I'm starting to thing that was meant more for the 360 version than the ps3 version, or something broke on the decryption/extraction phase when working with the pkg file.
by bnnm at 4:14 AM EDT on May 19, 2019
latest vgmstream changes (web / releases (MSVC) / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Restore TXTP loop_start_segment=1 for single files
- Add HCA keys
- Fix some .vs [Front Mission 4 (PS2)]
- Fix .at3/at9 mono files with wrong channel layout
by Kirishima at 2:30 AM EDT on May 22, 2019
I guess before I give up trying to rip it myself, may I request (or be pointed in the direction of)a bms script that should work with the ps3 version of BG&E? I can only find the one on xenhax.
by bnnm at 2:34 PM EDT on May 22, 2019
I think this one works, but I can't confirm:

Try to look for bms of the format rather than just BG&E, since other Ubisoft games used it.
by AnonRunzes at 5:35 PM EDT on May 22, 2019
and here's the "current version" of that script just in case
hca by koda2019 at 8:00 PM EDT on May 22, 2019
Can anyone help me encrypt the pes2019 Android hca, or tell me the right direction?
by Kirishima at 9:43 PM EDT on May 22, 2019
Sorry I didn't reply sooner, real life got in the way. Thank you both for sharing your bms scripts, I haven't tested them yet because events are still ongoing atm. I'll probably edit this post in the future when I get a chance to test them, replying on whether they worked or not.

UPDATE: Both bms scripts didn't work, the one linked by bnnm (not hcs because I'm an idiot who can't read anymore) extracted the files in a much tidier fashion, but the files still didn't look correct when viewed from a hex editor, and the one from the github kept spamming a message along the lines of it doesn't know what to do with this file, so it didn't bother extracting much of anything. I'm guessing the bf file got screwed up during package decryption somehow which seems odd since the other files looked okay.

edited 11:47 PM EDT May 22, 2019

edited 6:15 AM EDT May 23, 2019
by koda2019 at 11:18 PM EDT on May 23, 2019
I extracted some hca from the game, I found that their file headers are C8 C3 C1, now how do I generate such a file, the file headers I make using hcaenc are 48 43 41

Test hca download link
by hcs at 1:37 AM EDT on May 24, 2019
koda2019, you have already started a thread, don't also post in this one. And please wait at least a day before asking again.
by ChillyBilly at 12:41 AM EDT on May 25, 2019
Hi, got another little request: I posted the set for Little Saviors for the PC, but the XNB files aren't playing for me. Is it possible to look into this? Thanks in advance for any help on the matter!

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