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by hcs at 12:02 AM EDT on October 11, 2008
That .gcm does indeed play with vgmstream. Did you remove in_cube before installing vgmstream? If not in_cube may still be grabbing control for all .gcm files. This should probably be in the readme.

As for the .mus, I took a crack at it, but it sounds really bad. It is supported in r450, let me know if the other tracks sound similarly lousy. I feel like I'm missing something.

edited 12:04 AM EDT October 11, 2008
by lordskylark at 5:21 AM EDT on October 11, 2008
I think it was that I had downloaded an older version of vgmstream. When I downloaded the version that you had there the gcm files worked perfectly. The mus files work with this program. They play, but the sound quality seems a little shallow -- but I do not know if that was what was intended with the files to begin with.

Thanks for your help.
by hcs at 6:05 AM EDT on October 11, 2008
Hm, you may be right. It looks like GCM support was only added in August; from the commit log it looks like I thought it had been done earlier and it appears that I still have that illusion.

There is definitely something wrong with my handling of the mus files, sorry. I don't know what it is, though. They seem to be using standard dsp but the coefficient table looks very odd, so it may be stored in some other way. Or they may have tweaked the encoding itself, though I consider this unlikely.
It's an odd problem. I'm putting it on my list of things to work on, but know that this list is over 20 formats long at the moment and I've made almost no progress on it lately.
by lordskylark at 7:04 AM EDT on October 11, 2008
I was able to play all of the gcm files but this one. I'm not sure if it's a file corruption problem or something with the plug-in. If you could let me know, that would be great.

Thanks for your time!
by hcs at 5:48 PM EDT on October 11, 2008
Ok, looks like there was a variant on the theme that I had missed. Here's r451.
By the way, did you happen to have a file called "Act_AstChase_ABC.dsp"? It's the only one with a .dsp extension in the set I have, so I had to add a check for that as well, but I wondered if someone might have renamed it.
by lordskylark at 6:17 PM EDT on October 11, 2008
The one I have from the WII version is entitled


So I assume it is a rename (someone may have been trying to retitle tracks to see if they would work with alternate extensions)

Thanks for the work with that remaining file too!
by Gedankenschild at 7:43 AM EDT on October 17, 2008
I encountered a tiny problem listening to the Unlimited SaGa SVS set:

63.SVS (the short version of "Anxiety Towards a Wonder") is reported to loop at 15s, but fades out and crashes at 14s.

By the way, did you have a chance to look into the 'distortions at the end' problem in Metroid Prime 2 (and PM2) I posted?
Or were you unsuccessful in trying to remember? :D
by hcs at 1:14 PM EDT on October 17, 2008
It reported loop start and end as the same sample, which screwed up the windmill.
Fixed in r453.
And no, I haven't looked at MP2 and PM2 yet.
by Gedankenschild at 5:43 PM EDT on October 17, 2008
Didn't mean to bug you, of course.

I'd like to make a suggestion as well:
Did you ever think about including smoothed loop points (the way in_cube handles loops) as an option?
vgmstream's more precise (perfect?) detection is of course preferable, but it might be useful here and there. There might even be files that weren't done very well by the original creators that could be improved this way...
by hcs at 6:40 PM EDT on October 17, 2008

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