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USM from CRI by spupok100 at 10:55 AM EDT on May 25, 2019
Can anybody help with extract video and audio streams from this usm file?!j3QRSCqZ!_ADbB-ACQdCHGy6EYtyCqZF2LpWPwulG8624VPUYEqA

Vgmtoolbox can't correct extract.
by bnnm at 4:20 PM EDT on May 29, 2019
latest vgmstream changes (web / releases (MSVC) / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Fix some .ads loops [Kono Aozora ni Yakusoku o (PS2), Chanter (PS2)]
- Add FSB5 .bank [Shantae: Half-Genie Hero (Switch)]
- Added subkeys from Fire Emblem collab and Resplendent Refrain Nightmare raid (by Rohul1997)
- Fix installed TXTP loops in HCA files
by RetroFanatic at 4:36 PM EDT on June 2, 2019
Could vgmstream be set to output gamecube music at 44.1kHz sample rate to make the audio clearer?

I'm asking because the soundtrack for Baten Kaitos Origins sounds better than the audio files played through vgmstream.
by hcs at 1:35 AM EDT on June 3, 2019
Not really, the soundtrack was mastered from the original, uncompressed recordings. Not much you can do to recreate lost information.
by Knurek at 11:13 AM EDT on June 3, 2019
@hcs: surely someone made some neural network-based resampler that will work like wonder on low frequency sources. I mean, ESRGAN works great for images...
by hcs at 3:49 PM EDT on June 3, 2019
Yeah, I guess it's possible to do some fancy perceptual resampling, but I don't think I'm out of line suggesting that it's out of scope for vgmstream.
by MoldyPond at 7:27 PM EDT on June 3, 2019

I asked a question similar to this awhile back and was told about the plugin "MultiResampler". If the music files ingame are 22050kHz then this will work wonders for it either with cubic or linear resampling. It can be applied during playback and/or converting. It's not perfect but it makes the 3DS Mario Golf and Trauma Center 2 sound leagues better than without it ;)
by RetroFanatic at 2:48 AM EDT on June 4, 2019
Okay, thanks for clarifying. Got one more problem, though.

vgmstream still won't play AT3 files?

I downloaded Trails of Cold Steel II from here in hopes of ripping some songs but nope.

And whatever program I use to convert at3 to wav or whatever won't loop them. I know that much.

Edit: Yep, just installed the new version of vgmstream. at3 files won't play.
by bnnm at 5:29 PM EDT on June 6, 2019
vgmstream plays AT3 fine, you may have conflicts in your player or system.

Also make sure it's correctly installed, see here:
by Ultrafighter at 5:48 PM EDT on June 11, 2019
Hi Bnnm, may I ask for help with ripping audio from these files? There're 2 VGs in a pack, Run Like Hell [Xbox] & The House Of The Dead: Overkill [PS3]; the former title also has PS2 ver. so maybe it's easier to deal with as it uses Sony ADPCM?

I have to mention that Aluigi looked into RLH samples long ago but couldn't provide a script which would work on most files without errors, probably it's the problem with that damn archive format itself...
As for HOTD example files I don't think anyone has ever posted them. It might look like there're lots of tiny dummies or outright placeholders in my selection but I simply tried to include anything that might be useful in reversing structure of that type of archive.

Anyway if you need more samples or bigger cuts or anything else just ask for 'em.
Thanks in advance and goodbye!

edited 5:50 PM EDT June 11, 2019

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