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by bnnm at 12:22 PM EDT on July 8, 2019
latest vgmstream changes (web / releases (MSVC) / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Update txtp_segmenter with --include filter
- Add HCA keys
- Improve HCA key detection in rare cases [Ryu ga Gotoku Online (Mobile)]
- Fix dual TXTH/GENH Yamaha ADPCM + add .P04 extension
- Add TXTH name_table wildcards + fix doc
- Add .awb/afs2 for convenience
- Add support for HCA with subkey from .awb [Dragalia Lost (Mobile)]
- Add opus support for Prototype games [Clannad (Switch)] (by bxaimc)


@ChillyBilly - PDT work for me, ex. from Lode Runner #1:
Maybe you have a plugin conflict, does it show "VGMSTREAM_VERSION" in the file properties like this?
If not move vgmstream priority up in foobar, or remove all other plugins, or try test.exe. If it does maybe upload a converted .wav to see how it sounds.

@Ultrafighter - Demuxer I'll try later, HOTD:O .lwav.txth (rename to .lwav)
codec = PSX
sample_rate = @0x20:BE
interleave = @0x24:BE
channels = @0x28$1
start_offset = 0x40
data_size = @0x34:BE
num_samples = data_size

@Nisto - -L works fine for me, but your file isn't detected as looping. That's b/c headerless PS ADPCM support is just a lame quick hack, use this .vb.txth instead:
codec = PSX
sample_rate = 22050
channels = 1
num_samples = data_size
loop_flag = auto

(.vb doesn't have a fixed sample rate btw, hence headerless .vb support is pointless)

@AnonRunzes - I appreciate that and for the record I check your github issues, but I don't have anything worth commenting.

@-Dexter- - sorry, I don't know anything about those games.
by Nisto at 12:49 PM EDT on July 8, 2019
@bnnm: I had that suspicion. Kept telling myself it worked with VB back when you implemented the "-L" option, but probably not.
by Puterboy1 at 3:22 PM EDT on July 8, 2019
What about the AFC files I tried to show you? Aren't you going to look into those?
by AnonRunzes at 5:26 PM EDT on July 8, 2019
i think i owe you an apology by this point. yeah, i'm serious.
by marcusss at 5:48 PM EDT on July 8, 2019
Chill Puterboy1. Even my requests take time to implement. He is a busy man with lots on his plate.

edited 5:49 PM EDT July 8, 2019

edited 7:45 PM EDT July 8, 2019
by Puterboy1 at 8:23 PM EDT on July 8, 2019
Marcusss, I apologize. I just think they may have the information inside.
by Ultrafighter at 2:49 PM EDT on July 9, 2019
@Bnnm - thanks for .lwav.txth!
by bnnm at 5:38 PM EDT on July 9, 2019
@Puterboy1 - I'll explain what is happening, so you have a chance you improve: everybody sees and reads your posts, but choses to ignore them. There are many reasons for that, but here are some tips:

- put effort when asking. Your posts are basically "add this file" and a link. That sounds unfriendly and demanding. Take a look how other people ask: they explain what they tried, what they expect, why they want it to play, etc. They make it easier to help them by giving more details.

- be friendly. You sound ungrateful. You wrote: "Aren't you going to look into those?". Why? I don't know you nor you are my friend and I owe you nothing. I like to help people that are friendly and polite, so if you want me to help you, be friendly and polite. Instead you could have asked like: "please, I hope you could take a look at those AFC files if you have some time. I would love to hear those Anakin sounds again. Thanks.", that would probably get me to answer you.

- don't continuously ask about your files. If people don't want or can't help you, accept and move on. Maybe ask again in 6 months. Those formats are hard to figure out and asking again and again and again will annoy people and they'll ignore you and any future questions.

- be grateful when people try to help you, even if they aren't successful. Looking at your files is a favor to you. It takes time and effort to figure out some formats (sometimes days or weeks or more), but you don't seem to appreciate any of that.

- don't ask the same thing on multiple forums without making it clear. By doing this you are trying to get multiple people working on your files at the same time just to get music faster, without caring about the time they waste. This gets you in my "ignore list" the fastest.

See this example:
You asked me about some game, and I wasted +30 minutes to look at those files. THEN you tell me you already asked elsewhere, with lots of info. I could have saved those 30 minutes and instead read that thread, but you didn't care to tell me.

- don't be a jerk. I saw you on discord calling people trying to help you "liars" and that you "expect it to be completed faster." and other ridiculous stuff. Nobody wants to help people behaving like that. If you aren't a jerk you must convince people otherwise, by not behaving like a jerk.

I hope you understand those tips. Before you post again, think twice about all this and try to change how you behave (or not, your choice). Nobody "has" to help you. I'm not trying to be mean, but help you interact with other people here.


Just this once, even though I think you don't deserve my time or help, I'll answer you: your AFC files use a LucasArts codec that vgmstream can't play. I may add it when I find more games that use this codec, as I won't add it for a few sfx.
by Puterboy1 at 6:18 PM EDT on July 9, 2019
I understand.
by Ultrafighter at 5:44 PM EDT on July 12, 2019
Hi Bnnm, could you please look into these samples from Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam for Wii? There're examples of both BGMs & vids since they seem to use the same format although at first glance the former contain only audio track.

Could it be some custom Vorbis form which might be added to plugin? I just hope it's not encrypted or something.

All the best and good luck!

edited 5:45 PM EDT July 12, 2019

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