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by marcusss at 12:40 PM EDT on July 28, 2019
Hi ChillyBilly: I just ripped Eagle Island for pc and it was XNB..and they used some weird sample rate like 33016 or something lol. Hope the switch version you are trying to rip is higher ;)

edited 12:41 PM EDT July 28, 2019

edited 12:44 PM EDT July 28, 2019
by Puterboy1 at 2:15 AM EDT on July 30, 2019
Can we add support for the .his sound files here?:
by Ultrafighter at 5:54 AM EDT on July 30, 2019
Good day Bnnm, may I ask you 1 more favor? Please look into these *.MUS files used by Vicious Cycle in PlayStation 2 port of Robotech: Invasion, I'd like to see them playable one day.
All the best!
by punk7890-2 at 7:49 AM EDT on July 30, 2019

Just use these txth settings:

by bnnm at 3:24 PM EDT on July 30, 2019
latest vgmstream changes (web / releases (MSVC) / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Fix some .his
- Add .adpcm+_NxEncoderOut_.adpcm dual stereo
- Cleanup and renames
- Add Switch .xnb [Eagle Island (Switch)]
- Fix some DSP .xwb [Skulls of the Shogun (Switch)]
- Updated EA MPF parser [Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (PS2)] (by Nicknine)
by Puterboy1 at 3:53 AM EDT on July 31, 2019
Don’t know about any of you, but I think the .sdt files from the PS2 version of Prisoner of Azkaban need to be supported, complete with a parser that gives the files proper names.
by Ultrafighter at 2:37 PM EDT on July 31, 2019
@Punk7890-2 - Thnx for that TXTH, it works fine! I was just expecting these streams to have anything like a header, similar to their Xbox counterparts I supplied earlier (available at
I also recalled Bnnm adding this or alike format some time ago, I wanted to check out if PS2 *.MUS files from another VG by Vicious Cycle studio are going to be playable too.

@Bnnm - I've just stumbled upon a bunch of unplayable SPS files in FIFA 19 Switch rip, that's why I'd like you to look into these if you don't mind. For some reason all anthem tracks don't play in that set while EAtrax & intros are perfectly playable...

Best regards!
.mca and .opus for MHGU Switch by TenGallon at 7:06 PM EDT on July 31, 2019
Hi, I'm wondering if someone could take a look at the .mca and .opus files used for Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate Switch. The game uses a mix of both for music and a mix for sfx. I'm aware that MHXX 3DS and MH4U use the .mca format and are supported by vgmstream, however the Switch version uses a slight variation on .mca and adds the .opus format, with the Switch version having a much greater bitrate & sample rate.

The .mca & .opus files. I can upload more if needed. Thanks for all your work on vgmstream!
by ChillyBilly at 12:14 AM EDT on August 3, 2019
@bmmn: Thanks for the update! Both sets work great now! That being said, I came across a couple other Switch sets that maybe you or someone else can look into:

Fushigi no Gensokyo: Lotus Labyrinth (Music + jingles comes in these big, unplayable .SND files. Checking through hex, it seems they contain opus files, but I'm not sure how to extract them.)

Onigiri (I think these ".kxr" files are OGG containers, but I can't get anything playable from these, either)

Thanks in advance for any assistance, as always!
by bnnm at 4:21 PM EDT on August 5, 2019
latest vgmstream changes (web / releases (MSVC) / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Fix companion files for extensionless formats
- Add Blitz (ext-less) [SpongeBob's Surf & Skate Roadtrip (X360)]
- Add .bgm [Fortissimo (PC)]
- Add .idwav/idmsf/idxma [Doom 3 BFG Edition (PC/PS3/X360)]
- Fix .awb subkeys with external .hcakey
- Fix some .adpcmx [Fushigi no Gensokyo: Lotus Labyrinth (Switch)]
- Redo MUSX (.sfx) stream/stream banks/sfx banks and fix various bugs
- Add Reflections .xav [Stuntman (PS2)]
- Add partial .bnm support from Tonic Trouble Special Edition (PC)


.xav demuxer:

@Ultrafighter - .mus are headerless, .sps are multichannel and will be added when the time is right.

@TenGallon - .opus must be renamed to .lopus, others are actually named .mca? I have samples but they were .adpcm, they'll work if renamed.

@ChillyBilly - Onigiri:
Lotus Labyrinth:

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