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by ChillyBilly at 12:40 AM EDT on September 22, 2019
So.... the .opus files for the Switch version of Astebreed don't play for me, even after changing the extension to .lopus. If anyone could look into this, I'd be mighty grateful!
Disney's Villains Revenge .SOUN files by Puterboy1 at 10:09 PM EDT on October 1, 2019
Can anyone make these playable in VGMstream please?

I know that if you play them in Audacity, (raw audio, VOX ADPCM settings), you can hear the audio very well, except it's a little crackly. If you downloaded these samples and experimented yourself you can understand why. Maybe with a little work, you could perfect the audio once you find a way in making VGMstream support them that is.
by marcusss at 9:51 AM EDT on October 2, 2019
header has nuos , (soun backwards so audio is BE not LE

22050 Hz VOX ADPCM BIG ENDIAN?? Although it is a little scratchy.. Old game so perhaps thats how it was

I don't think txth supports VOX if it is that codec

edited 10:15 AM EDT October 2, 2019

edited 10:18 AM EDT October 2, 2019
by hcs at 12:30 PM EDT on October 2, 2019
Vox is Oki (aka Dialogic) ADPCM, which is (roughly) supported as OKI16. Though I expect another ADPCM is probably a better fit.

edited 12:35 PM EDT October 2, 2019
by Puterboy1 at 3:08 PM EDT on October 2, 2019
Is it possible to make a txtp file for it once you have figured it out?
by ChillyBilly at 6:04 AM EDT on October 6, 2019
I have yet another request for help... I ripped the Switch versions of the
first, second, and third Dragon Quest games, but the files aren't playable. They're .wav files, but I think they might be encrypted? Thanks in advance for any assistance on the matter!
by bxaimc at 8:44 AM EDT on October 6, 2019
Not encrypted, rename to .lopus, already added support for them recently if you build vgmstream manually. Need to add the dsp variant though.
by bnnm at 1:54 PM EDT on October 7, 2019
latest vgmstream changes (web / releases (MSVC) / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Fix companion files in relative folders for foobar [Rayman M (PS2)]
- Add .vam extension [Rocket Power: Beach Bandits (PS2)]
- Fix FSB4 loop end +1 samples and tweak loop detection [Hard Reset (PC)]
- Fix FSB5 loop end +1 samples and tweaks
- Add Edelweiss OPUSNX .opus/lopus [Astebreed (Switch)]
- Fix TXTP 'ignore fade' not working properly in winamp/foobar
- Fix various leaks and issues found with drmemory
- Add options in foobar/winamp to allow any extension
- Add Square Enix Opus for Dragon Quest I-III (Switch) (by bxaimc)
- Add mp+ extension [Moonshine Runners (PC)]
- Read .bnh names in Ubi HX if no internal name is found
- Add CLI -O flag for performance testing
- Improve performance of ADX/XA/PSX/HEVAG/DSP decoders
- Improve EA-XAS decoding/performance
- Improve .acb performance for bigger files
- Add mixing/priority/fixes to Audacious
- Add HCA keys
- Fix TXTH default subfile size
- Add TXTH logical AND (&) operator for bitmasks
by Puterboy1 at 4:46 PM EDT on October 7, 2019
What about the sound files of Villains' Revenge? Have you looked further into those? Into making them playable in VGMstream, I mean?

edited 4:47 PM EDT October 7, 2019
by AnonRunzes at 5:02 PM EDT on October 7, 2019
there is always time for that.

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