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by Ultrafighter at 1:35 AM EST on January 26, 2020
Hello Bnnm, thanks for fixing those ZSND! However a few still don't play, well the one from Aggressive Inline doesn't play at all while a single *.zsd from BMX XXX has a few unplayable subsongs.
Here's a pack containing them both.

Later and thanks again for all your work!

EDIT: Now that I started actually listening to Aggressive Inline stuff I couldn't miss the fact that no track from music.zsd seems to be playing right, I only hear static & crackle in all tracks named like Can_harpoon.wav, Mus_Hallway_mix.wav, FerrisWheelAudio_1.wav, Mus_TankMix.wav, etc.

When it comes to any 0 second-long ones (for example Sellout.wma, Dontsweat.wma, Song13edit.wma and so on) everything should be exactly this way IMHO: all *.wma mentioned in music.zsd are loose files located in the same folder as music.zsd & the rest of *.zsd banks, this is the reason for classifying some subsongs in music.zsd as placeholders I presume.

EDIT #2: music.zsd from Aggressive Inline for Xbox is still available here.

edited 10:55 AM EST January 26, 2020
by ChillyBilly at 6:42 PM EST on January 26, 2020
@bnnm: Thanks for solving the Orochi issue! Now a new one has sprung up: I recently checked out void tRrLM for the Switch, but I couldn't extract anything from the archive. Curiously, I noticed this title has something in common with another NIS Switch game I ripped a while back, The Princess Guide: This game's BGM comes in AT9 files despite being on a Nintendo system (at least, that's what the hex editor is telling me). So, any chance these files can be extracted? Once again, thanks in advance for any feedback!
by Ultrafighter at 12:52 PM EST on January 27, 2020
Hello Bnnm, I'd be quite grateful if you checked this bunch of *.zsd files from BMX XXX.
All subsongs there play incorrectly: not only they're noticeably sped up they're also played back with lots of static. I can hardly hear anything behind that wall of intrusive noise but I still identified most of them as VO tracks.

So long and good luck with those pesky audio banks!

<i>EDIT: And here's music.zsd from Aggressive Inline just in case.
Best wishes!</i>

<i>EDIT #2: it seems that most *.zss from X-Men - The Official Game [Xbox] ((developed by the same studio which created Aggressive Inline and BMX XXX) also don't play fine - there's a load of static & stuff, can you please look into them too?
Cheers & thanks in advance!</i>

edited 3:37 PM EST January 27, 2020

edited 3:39 PM EST January 27, 2020
by Ultrafighter at 9:28 AM EST on January 31, 2020
Good day Bnnm, I hope it's not too much to ask you to look into this: I tried ripping Syndicate (2012) for Xbox 360 with your BMS but it didn't extract all the tracks from the *.xwc archives & stopped with an error rather fast.
Actually the procedure is this: first I had to unpack both Waves_Streamed.xwc & Waves_NonStreamed.xwc (files found on game disc) with another BMS & QuickBMS reported no errors on that stage; then I attempted using your script but it didn't succeed in extracting individual tracks out of WAVEDATA & STRINGS files... I sure hope it can be fixed at some point!

Goodbye and thanks in advance!

EDIT: And these are screenshots of errors if they help: #1, #2.

edited 9:38 AM EST January 31, 2020
Zathura sounds by Puterboy1 at 9:33 AM EST on February 1, 2020
Take a look at the examples found here and see if you can make these playable:
by Ultrafighter at 2:36 PM EST on February 2, 2020
Hi Bnnm, I'm glad to inform you that I've just achieved quite a breakthrough in regards to Syndicate (2012) audio files & maybe I've already gotten properly extracted individual tracks out of Waves_Streamed.xwc & Waves_NonStreamed.xwc archives, the only thing remaining is to add this variant of xwc format to plugin.
I remembered there's another BMS (I used it to rip PC version of Syndicate years ago) & it seems to be perfectly compatible with Xbox 360 port too, I managed to unpack both *.xwc archives with the script & there weren't any errors during the process (there's no need to use Luigi's BMS to get some intermediate files).

So here's a fresh bunch of samples, these should be audio streams, not snippets from sound bigfiles this time around. Please inspect those and tell me if VGMstream can play 'em one day.

Best wishes & thanks for everything!

edited 2:39 PM EST February 2, 2020
by bnnm at 1:25 PM EST on February 3, 2020
latest vgmstream changes (web / releases (MSVC) / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Fix looping .bgm Ogg Opus [Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth (PC)]
- Add N1 .at9 NXOpus [void tRrLM(); //Void Terrarium (Switch)]
- Fix some ZSND .zsd [X-Men: The Official Game (Xbox), BMX XXX (Xbox)]
- Clean IO streamfile code
- Fix .xwc v4 XMA2 [Syndicate (X360)]
- Add lrmh+lrmb [LocoRoco 2 (PSP), LocoRoco: Midnight Carnival (PSP)]
by bnnm at 2:08 PM EST on February 4, 2020
@ChillyBilly - for void tRrLM
Escape from Monkey Island .WVC files by Puterboy1 at 1:19 PM EST on February 5, 2020
Can you have VGMstream support these please?:
by Ultrafighter at 4:34 PM EST on February 5, 2020
Thanks a lot for yet another great update Bnnm!
I have to report that a number of Syndicate tracks still refuses to play, here's half of those.


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