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by bnnm at 5:20 PM EST on February 23, 2020
@marcusss - XNB soon-ish I think.

@Anterag - you need to find the header file, that should be in a .abk, sometimes inside other files. Nicknine probably knows better though.
by marcusss at 7:31 PM EST on February 23, 2020
Thanks for the update bnnm
by bnnm at 5:31 PM EST on February 27, 2020
latest vgmstream changes (web / releases (MSVC) / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Add BNSF decryption [The Idolmaster 2 (X360/PS3)]
- Fix different dual stereo files with same extension
- Fix some layered/segmented metas showing wrong codec
- Add SGDX PCM [LocoRoco Cocoreccho! (PS3)]
- Fix some LRMD [LocoRoco 2 (PSP)]
- Fix .bms CWAV [Kirby's Adventure (3DS)]
- Add .al [Dominions 3: The Awakening (PC)]
- Add ADX/HCA key [Detective Conan Runner (Android)]
- Add BNSF key [Tales of Zestiria (PS3), Tales of Berseria (PS3)]
- EA fixes (by Nicknine)
- HWX and XB exts (by bxaimc)
by almendaz at 2:45 AM EST on March 7, 2020
OK, here's a petition.
Could you make vgmstream plugin include ".M4A" as a "known" extension?
The "enable unknown exts" works great if I make .TXTH for ANY extension instead of just renaming the extracts to .pcm or .adpcm (for instance, .ams does not read, i.e. .ams.txth is not used by plugin); problem is that ".m4a" extension, which is MP4-contained, also gets treated as unknown extension, so winamp's own mp4 decoder does not get used.
So, pretty much I'm asking for M4A extension to be included in vgmstream as a "known" extension, like MP3, WMA and such. After all, I would prefer vgms to be a VGM plugin instead of common formats decoder.
Or better yet, let vgmstream treat as "unknown" extension any from winamp's UNCKECKED/unasociated extensions.

edited 2:46 AM EST March 7, 2020

edited 2:48 AM EST March 7, 2020
by bnnm at 1:16 PM EDT on March 11, 2020
latest vgmstream changes (web / releases (MSVC) / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Add .nub DSP [Taiko no Tatsujin Wii Chou Goukanban (Wii)]
- Fix some Ubi SB [Cranium Kabookii (Wii), My Word Coach (Wii)]
- Fix Ubi HX PCM16BE [Taxi 3 (GC), City Racer (GC)]
- Fix some tri-Ace .aac
- Fix truncated PCM .wem
- Add .wav NXBF [R-Racing Evolution (Xbox)]
- Fix some .awc [Max Payne 3 (PC)]
- Fix extended PS-ADPCM in SGDX/XVAG [LocoRoco Cocoreccho! (PS3), inFamous (PS3)]
- Fix .awc with codec 0 [Max Payne 3 (PC)]
- Fix some XMA Ubi Lyn [Just Dance 4 (X360)]
- Add .M4A/M4V to 'known extensions' list
- Add LZ4-compressed .xnb [Square Heroes (PS4), Little Savior (PC)]
- Add Wwise .bnk for internal streams
- Add .xpcm VQ + LZ/deflate codec [Eternal Fantasy (PC)]
- Fix some Ubi SB [Open Season (Wii), Surf's Up (Wii), SC:DA (Wii)]
- Fix some Cstr .dsp samples/looping issues and cleanup
- Add .vid VID1 and XBOX-IMA/DSP/PCM [Enter the Matrix (GC/Xbox)]
- Disable FDK-AAC/QAAC default compile flag
- Clean streamfile code


@almendaz - In theory winamp would use its M4A plugin before vgmstream, but I guess priorities are off. vgmstream can't check winamp's extensions (guess nobody thought a plugin could support +500 exts so it's pretty limited).

You can report unknown extensions *and* the game that needs it and I'll add them too (as long as the extension is real and not made up by uninformed .bms).
by almendaz at 8:13 PM EDT on March 11, 2020
Thanks for the update. However I found that enabling unknown extensions makes PSFs & tracker formats (MOD XM etc) stop playing when "enabled unknown extension" enabled. Regression maybe because that was not the case in last revision.
If it's a winamp thing, its inability to set priorities, then it can't be helped. So for me I'll live with those checkboxes disabled.
Taking your suggestion, I think it's best to simply submit unknown extension to be added to vgms. In some recent rip/extract for the PS2 game "Super Dragon Ball Z" and it's JP counterpart "Chou ...", the files have .ams extension. Could you add this extension to the supported list? I try to do extracts based on VFS if possible; for other cases extract won't have extension, thus to make them playable I simply append .adpcm or .pcm to their filenames. Could you suggest a more "generic" extension than those two, for "truly made-up" extensions, ofr future use?
Thanks again.
by bnnm at 8:19 PM EDT on March 20, 2020
@almendaz - I suspect (strange as it sounds) Winamp plugin priority is random depending on the DLL loading order, like in older foobar versions, so the checkbox may work/not work after restarting and isn't related to any regression.

As for generic extensions some use .vgmstream, though I think it's kind of goofy and people keep renaming normal extensions to that, so I tend not to trust those rips. .adpcm could work, or maybe the bigfile's extension if possible, or you can actually go extensionless too. Best to me would be adding a comment inside a txt file (or TXTH if you use it) explaining if it comes from some bigfile or you gave it a generic extension, that way one can decide to rename later.
by DrO at 8:58 PM EDT on March 20, 2020
re: Winamp plug-in load order - the 'native' plug-ins are typically loaded before any 3rd party ones (unless using an ancient winamp release). the 3rd party plug-ins are entirely subject to how the OS provides the results of a in_*.dll match.

so as in_mp4 usually deals with M4A (unless it's been changed to another plug-in) & as that's a native plug-in then it should be seeing the files before vgmstream.

by almendaz at 11:44 PM EDT on March 20, 2020
Hello, thank you both for your answers.

Winamp version is 5.666. Very ancient, by now. And their last too. My guess is as Dr.O (are you THE Dr.O from winamp???) hinted, there is some O.S. interference. M4A is exclusive for this only in_mp4 plugin, I tend to not change default for "common" formats (only exception I replaced in_mod with in_openmpt, which sounds better & is more configurable).

@bnnm I have been taking a look at [/src/formats.c]. Thank you for adding/reserving ams as requested. And from now on I will look upon this list as a reference for any future rips so I can choose the extension best fit for the codec used.
by DrO at 4:27 PM EDT on March 22, 2020
almendaz: yes that's me & swapping in_mod for in_openmpt was a good thing to do :)

I know fb2k (which itself is ancient in the grand scheme of software perception irrespective of having recent releases) has a means to change priorities on duplicate extension handling & it's something I need to sort out for WACUP as the vgm formats tend to trip up some of the expected norms.

Winamp is highly unlikely to ever see such support added & trying to hack around it from the plug-in side is limited since you can't control when you're loaded & in-turn how the core works through the internal plug-in list.


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