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by bnnm at 12:59 PM EDT on August 10, 2020
PT = Platinum Games
by dkx at 1:03 PM EDT on August 10, 2020
Huge thanks for .zwv support guys, working nicely! :)
by JFD62780 at 5:03 AM EDT on August 21, 2020
Y'know what this plugin needs?

Proper support for the Nuclear Sleeper Hit, FALL GUYS! (which just happened to sneak its way here!)

As it is, the latest plugin won't even fully play the Main Menu tune (only to the intended loop point)! Unless that wasn't even a proper rip...

I mean, COME ON! This soundtrack is SO gameshow worthy! Jukio Kallio and Daniel Hagström are right GENIUSES!!!

(Also, XMPlay simply won't recognize the songs under the Winamp plugin if I leave Subsongs enabled; pity, because, apparently, the files have subsongs...)

edited 5:09 AM EDT August 21, 2020
by bnnm at 4:22 PM EDT on August 21, 2020
That set works fine, you just need a player capable of subsongs. Menu theme loop is a subsong.

If you must use XMPlay, try this: Download (needs python installed) and put it together with test.exe and its required DLLs in the same dir as the .bank files. Then drag and drop all the .bank to, that will create a bunch of .txtp files you can open to play missing subsongs.

You could ask the author of XMPlay for proper subsong support in the API too, but there doesn't seem to be much interest:
by almendaz at 1:26 AM EDT on August 22, 2020
Hello; I'm noticing that there are (increasingly more) PC games whose music is packed in a single file, for example, a *.resource file with many FSB's (no other formats of course). What would be the most efficient way to create a .m3u(8) playlist file for this single music pack? Also, how to create the proper .txth formatting parameters to be used by that playlist?
by Knurek at 2:23 AM EDT on August 22, 2020
use the python script in the post above yours and add the txtps to M3U.
by bnnm at 7:58 AM EDT on August 22, 2020
@almendaz If the pack is a generic data container (for example Unity .resource files or simple containers of sub-files) you should extract first with the appropriate tools/bms.

If the pack is a format actually made to store audio streams and there is no vgmstream support, you could create a .txth file with subsongs, see this, this and similar examples.

Then you open that directly or create .txtp per subsong with the script.
by almendaz at 10:11 PM EDT on August 22, 2020
Thanks both of you!
The .txth examples seem very useful!
My personal gripe is having to create MANY .txtp files instead of a "unified" .m3u(8)/.txth, sort of. Maybe in the future vgmstream could have the capability to direct-play raw bytes with only offsets, formats and sound data parameters as input for .txth/.txtp,. Then the user would "kickstart" the .txth/.txtp(s) with a (single) playlist.
by bnnm at 4:44 AM EDT on August 23, 2020
You can actually just write .txtp config in the m3u, in winamp/foobar:
by almendaz at 2:00 AM EDT on August 24, 2020
Thanks, I'll have that in mind, hopefully a single .txtp or config .txth will be enough.

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