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by kode54 at 4:33 AM EDT on August 24, 2020
With the virtual txtp method, you won't even need any real .txtp files. Just playlist entries in the .m3u which get loaded when you add it to the player.

Of course, you can't use the virtual method when you're constructing multiple files together into a single .txtp. Which is what you'll be doing here when you assemble the intro segments together with their loops.

For a bonus, you can construct a !tags.m3u that contains the tag definitions for each track. Best done with the paired intro/loop sets. There are only a few of those, though. Most of the tracks just have a full loop of playing versus spectating.
by marcoxD95 at 7:23 AM EDT on August 25, 2020
Why cant I play bin files in Foobar2000 with the VGMStream plugin installed? I extracted music from a games files and end up with bin files but they cant play.

EDIT: Game is Matrix Path of Neo btw.

edited 1:57 PM EDT August 25, 2020
by bnnm at 3:58 PM EDT on August 25, 2020
If your files don't open that means your game isn't supported by vgmstream.
by almendaz at 10:17 PM EDT on August 25, 2020
Thanks kode54, I'll look more into combining .txtp with playlists in the future, I'll have the time to test/experiment to get a better hang on txtp commands.
by marcoxD95 at 5:18 AM EDT on August 26, 2020
Well guess bin files or the extracted files from Matrix Path of Neo arent supported then. Weirdly enough according to another post here it should work fine with XMPlay? So I guess this function just wasn't ported to Foobars VGMStream?
by kode54 at 8:24 PM EDT on August 26, 2020
If you don't rename the extensions, you have to enable support for "common" extensions, with the problems that come with doing that, such as taking over arbitrary files that other inputs with tagging support should be loading.
by bnnm at 5:03 PM EDT on September 5, 2020
latest vgmstream changes (web / releases (MSVC) / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Fix .AT9 with wrong padding [F1 2011 (Vita)]
- Fix seeking issues in winamp
- Fix memory leak with dual file stereo
- txtp: Allow single groups and loop_mode auto for layers
- Fix some .bank [Fall Guys (PC)]
- Fix some decoding edge cases
- Add TXTP silence entry
- Fix truncated .wem with PTADPCM
- Highly improved ADPCM decoding algorithm (by SimonTime)
- EA MPF: Fixed empty tracks (by Nicknine)
- Fix some .ivaud sounds [GTA4 (X360/PS3)]
- Fix foobar convert to file
- Allow .txtp matching base files in !tags.m3u
- Fix seeking with "ignore fade" set
- Fix infinite loop with bad data in Wwise Vorbis
- Fix some .joe [Counter Terrorism Special Forces (PS2)]
- Add HCA keys
- Fix some .sab [Men of Valor (PC), Just Cause (PS2)]
- Fix some Ubi SB [Petz Sports (Wii), NCIS (Wii)]
- Fix some Ubi BAO [Avatar (Wii), Drawsome (Wii)]
- Fix some loop install issues with layers
- Fix some .mul [Tomb Raider 8 (PS3), Avengers (PC)]

There isn't an official release ATM so get it from the latest compilations here

edited 1:58 PM EDT September 6, 2020
by abuse of circ at 4:24 PM EDT on September 9, 2020
has vgmstream been used in any games/projects besides those Final Fantasy VII ports?
by bnnm at 4:19 PM EDT on September 27, 2020
latest vgmstream changes (web / releases (MSVC) / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Fix some .ktsl2asbin [Atelier Ryza (PC)]
- Add subsongs and !tags.m3u support for Audacious
- Tweak .mul check
- Add fsbkey [SCP: Unity (PC), GH Metallica (X360)]
- Fix .bank with encrypted FSB5
- Add HCA keys [Kandagawa Jet Girls (PC), Re:Zero (Mobile)]
- Add ADX key [Mirai Nikki (PSP)]
- Fix some .awb/acb names
- Fix .txth subfiles with subsongs
- Fix some .xwb and cleanup [Crackdown (X360)]
- Fix subsongs in Winamp with some modern skins
- Fix FFmpeg subsongs always playing first
- Add old .xwv [Lost Odyssey (X360), Bullet Witch (X360)]
- Add old/new .xse [Lost Odyssey (X360), Mindjack (X360/PS3)]
- Fix some .xwb with DSP [Blossom Tales (Switch)]
by bnnm at 4:12 PM EST on November 6, 2020
latest vgmstream changes (web / builds / releases (MSVC) / test+winamp+etc (GCC) / bug list)
- Fix some encrypted .ogg [Tobi Tsukihime (PC)]
- Added JSON dumping capabilities to the CLI on Linux (by kode54/kddlb)
- Ubi DAT: Fixed random resource type (by Nicknine)
- Fix some .bnk [Warhammer 40000 (PC)]
- Fix .bank with multiple FSB5 [Hades (Switch)]
- Fix some .nlsd [Disgaea 4 (PC)]
- Add .way bgm decoder/meta [Eien no Owari ni (PC)]
- Add .wav DSP/OPUS [Dragon Quest (Switch)]
- Fix some iMuse .wav [Grim Fandango (Vita)]
- Add CLI "-k -2" for loop testing
- Fix Enthusia PCM files and add .lp/ap/lep
- Fix multichannel/variable frame ASKA ADPCM [Resonance of Fate (PC)]
- Redo tri-Ace .aac w/ MSADPCM + subsongs [Star Ocean 4 (PC)]
- Remove Enthusia .enth fake extension (use .lbin/ap/lep/lp)
- Remove tri-Ace .ace fake extension (use .aac/laac)
- Fix .wem OPUSNX with original rate [MK Home Circuit (Switch) voices]
- Fix .rsd XMA cutting early [Crash of the Titans (X360)]
- Ubi DAT: Play silence if external file is not found (by Nicknine)
- EA SCHl: fixes (by Nicknine)
- Fix Wwise old IMA/PCM and new LE XMA [Shadowrun (PC)]
- Fix FSB5 .bank segfault when failing to open encrypted files
- Fix stereo VADPCM
- Add TXTP support for volume macro in decibels
- Add TXTP special value "all" in random groups
- Add TXTP loop anchors to simplify segment loops and multi-loop groups
- Unify plugin titles and improve TXTP handling
- Fix encrypted FSB5 .bank
- Fix .MSF sample counts with VBR MP3 [Asura's Wrath (PS3)]
- Add #v alias and fix dB decimals
- Add FSB key

(when no release is available see "builds" link)


Reminder, there is a tool now to handle Wwise rips, see:

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