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by skzm at 8:21 AM EST on February 22, 2021
Oh never mind me, I was being an idiot not knowing what to do with the assets and ended up trying to extract the .ADX files from them (when I could just add the .AWB extension to them).

Many thanks for the quick update, works perfectly!
by ChillyBilly at 3:54 PM EST on February 25, 2021
Got a new request for help! Cotton Reboot for the Switch has ".bgm" files that seem to be encrypted. Can anyone check them out? I included the executable, if it helps any. Thanks in advance!
by ChillyBilly at 10:45 PM EST on February 28, 2021
Pardon the bump, but I've got another teeny request: I've got the streamed audio for the Switch Aleste Collection here, but they come in .psb containers. Now, if I'm not mistaken, they seem to be containers for either opus or .wav files? Either way, I'd very much appreciate it if these were checked out, as well. Thanks in advance, as always!
by bnnm at 4:22 PM EDT on March 14, 2021
latest vgmstream changes (builds / test+winamp+etc (GCC) / bug list)
- Add id Tech 5 (.idmsf/bsnd) [Rage (PS3), Wolfenstein TNO (PS3/X360)]
- Fix some .nub
- Fix some Ubi BAO [Assassin's Creed (X360)]
- Fix Ubi HX with MP3 [Largo Winch: Empire Under Threat (PC)]
- Add tri-Ace Codec [Star Ocean 3 (PS2), Valkyrie Profile 2 (PS2)]
- Add HCA key [Sakura Kakumei (iOS/Android)]
- Add scramble key for .awb w/ ADX [Assault Lily Last Bullet (Android)]
- Add encrypted Ogg [Adventure Field 4 (PC)]
- Add XA 8-bit mode [Micro Machines (CD-i)]
- Add .xwb with ATRAC9 variation [Owlboy (PS4)]
- Add .bgm NXOpus [Cotton Reboot (Switch)]
- Fix broken .2pfs extension
- Fix tri-Ace codec joint stereo output
- Add KTSS .kno extension [Ciel Nosurge DX (Switch)]
- Add HCA key [Uma Musume (Android)]
- Add support for HCA v3.0 [Uma Musume (Android)]
- Improve HCA joint stereo
- Add FLAC loop tags [ZDoom (PC)]
- Fix Ogg looping with wrong granules [Aristear Remain (PC)]
- Greatly improve HCA key detection
Can't update vgmstream in Fb2k by Newbie2000 at 7:34 AM EDT on March 23, 2021
Apologies if this is not the correct place to report that I am unable to update vgmstream in Foobar2000. Additionally, the vgmstream component on foobar2000 says "no download available".
Latest builds by pooruser at 2:58 PM EDT on March 23, 2021
@newbie2000 Hello, in case nobody else told you already, please look at, always latest automated builds.
A note of gratitude by SquareTex at 6:39 PM EDT on April 4, 2021
I haven't been posting very often, but...the fact that the notorious Tri-Ace codec has finally been cracked, and I now have loopable music from Star Ocean 3 and Valkyrie Profile 2 brings me GREAT JOY. :)

Thank you!!! :D

edited 6:57 PM EDT April 4, 2021
by ChillyBilly at 7:12 PM EDT on April 30, 2021
Got another set that's giving me trouble: Shadow Gangs for the Switch. It looks like the audio is encrypted, but I'm not sure. So, I went and uploaded the whole sound folder! Thanks in advance to anyone who can look into this!
by bnnm at 4:34 PM EDT on May 5, 2021
It's encrypted
by bnnm at 6:05 PM EDT on May 5, 2021
latest vgmstream changes (builds / test+winamp+etc (GCC) / bug list)
- Fix TXTH name_table wildcard bugs and add subfile auto-loop end
- Small HCA optimization
- Fix new FSB5 w/ N-ch Vorbis [Just Cause 4 (PC), Invisible Inc. (SW)]
- Fix .nus3audio with dummy entries [Gundam Extreme Vs Maxi Boost ON (PS4)]
- Fix .xsew [Mega Man X Legacy Collection (PC)]
- Improve MSADPCM performance (~50%) + doc spec diffs
- Add partial .str+wav support for Zapper Beta (PS2)
- Add .idsp variation [Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life (GC)]
- Add .kwa [Knight Wars (Wii)]
- Add HCA keys
- Fix TXTH/TXTM name table not reading filenames with spaces
- Add EXTS .sts_cp3+int_cp3 [Shadow of the Colossus (PS3)]
- Fix some .ogg looping from Astronauts games
- Add encrypted .bgm [Nanami to Konomi no Oshiete ABC (PC), Oyatsu no Jikan (PC)]
- Improve bitrate calculations for complex .txtp
- Add .ogv [Bloody Rondo (PC)]
- Add .wav/lwav extension for .gcub [Sega Soccer Slam (GC)]
- Split Winamp code
- Add ADX keys [Persona 5 Royal (PS4)]
- Add .vag variation [Gift (PS2)]
- Handle foobar2000 bug when reading paths with double slash
- Minor tweak in TXTP path handling
- Add ATRAC9 XVAG with layered subsongs [Days Gone (PS4)]
- Fix FSB key [Mortal Kombat X (PC)]
- Add NX Opus internal looping [Famicom Detective Club (Switch)]
- RIFF: Included PCM8_U and MSADPCM into cue chunk looping (by Nicknine)
- Add HCA key
- Fix Techland's .xwb [Nail'd (X360)]
- Added fake .x360audio extension (by Nicknine)
- Fix XMA sample counting in big files [Dead Island (X360)]
- Tweak .int validations

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