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unplayable XMA2 in wem by Alpha23 at 3:38 AM EST on January 29, 2022
Alright, thanks, I'll just keep the files. :)

Here are two unplayable wem files containing XMA2 audio:

Maybe a little adjustment can be made in case others of these pop up. Source: Guardians of Middle Earth XBLA
by Alpha23 at 4:18 AM EST on January 29, 2022
and some more I found:
binka works fine with ffmpeg by durandal at 11:44 AM EST on January 29, 2022
Please ignore FUD spreaded here.
by bnnm at 7:48 AM EST on January 30, 2022
@Alpha23: fixed, see:

@durandal - this is what some user reported about .binka when I directed them to check ffmpeg:

Why on earth would I bother to "spread FUD" about ffmpeg for some random, obscure format?

Even after I told Alpha23 to try it! (simply warning their files may not work)
by MusicMantis at 8:26 AM EST on February 4, 2022
It appears that the .AWC files present in GTAV (both personally extracted from the latest version and acquired from JoshW) no longer play with VGMStream.
by bnnm at 2:38 PM EST on February 4, 2022
Music .awc from the PC version of GTAV never played before (data is encrypted), so you may be thinking of the console versions that do work. PC voice/SFX .awc should work though.
by MusicMantis at 5:23 AM EST on February 5, 2022
Ah, that's my mistake then. Thank you for clearing that up!
by bnnm at 7:32 AM EST on February 5, 2022
Incidentally, if you (or anybody with PC GTAV) want to lend a hand to decrypt those files:
- run GTAV exe until some BGM plays
- make a memdump (on Windows open task manager, right click on GTAV process, select "create a dump file")
- get this tool:
- use it on the generated .DMP file:
aes-finder -f (name).DMP > aes.txt
- send me those keys somehow (maybe pastebin with a short expiration or discord DM just in case)

If have OpenIV ( I think it also works if you make a memdump of that tool while playing some .awc (probably better than using a whole PC exe DMP).
by Tanookirby at 9:54 PM EST on February 5, 2022
I've been messing around with txtp files, and apparently one of the trimming functions (#R) does not work correctly on files with the .lopus extension.
by bnnm at 7:32 AM EST on February 6, 2022
Not seeing anything off with #R. Make sure you understand what it really does and that you don't actually want #t

There is a long explanation in the TXTP doc, but the short version is, #R works after all loops, #t works before looping.

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